After the three of Hao'er approached, they did not show up directly, but half-covered through the trees, looking at the scene ahead.The big tree is very lush, the branches and leaves are in full bloom to form a big umbrella, and there are more vines growing and tangling on the tree body. Some monkeys are holding the vine and leaping between the trees, squeaking. the sound of.

"It should be less than seventy." Mu Chen roughly counted the monkeys. They were indeed a group, but not too many.

"Huh? The larger monkey sitting on it actually has a monkey to smooth its hair." Yue'er curiously looked at the one sitting on the top of the tree with two thinner monkeys squatting next to it. A big monkey.

Hao'er looked at it and said with a low voice: "That one should be the Monkey King. In a group like this, there will usually be a leader."


Yue'er blinked and looked at the monkey king holding the fruit and wiping it on his body, then put it in his mouth to eat, looked left and right, suddenly stared at them, and then quickly jumped. He got up, his mouth grinned and his teeth screamed, and the fruit that was half bitten in his hand also hit them.

"Yeah, I was found." Yue'er shouted and jumped out at the same time.

Hao'er and Mu Chen also jumped out and stood beside Yue'er. When they caught a glimpse of the two elite guards behind them who wanted to follow him, Hao'er said: "You two don't come out, here is the three of us. ."

"The monkey's reaction is extremely fast. The three of you are afraid that they are not opponents." A Jingwei said, looking at them with some worry.Although their skills are indeed very good, the three of them dealt with the group of monkeys with six hands, fearing that they could not handle it.

"It's okay, you can come out and help us again when we can't beat it." Yue'er said with a smile, already holding a dagger in his hand, staring at the monkey that is pulling the vines and leaping towards them, the small figure Jump forward, and instead rush forward instead of avoiding it.

When the two Jingwei saw this scene, they only felt pinched in their throats, and a heart was lifted.

In the next moment, I saw the other two people also rushing forward, their agile postures were no less than those of the golden monkeys, watching their fierce attacking moves with the sword in their hands, the two took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

It seems that they are worried, and the three of them should be able to deal with this group of monkeys.

So they stepped back and looked behind a tree, thinking that if they really needed to make a move, it would not be too late for them to make another move.

The three of them rushed forward and also used the vines to avoid the monkey's attack or jumped up to the tree.Choosing to confront this group of golden monkeys is also because they want to improve their reaction in the melee, with fewer enemies and more enemies, and the opponent is still agile monkeys, which should best stimulate their reaction.

Hao'er stepped on the branch to lift up his breath, and the dagger in his hand attacked the monkey king. The monkey king originally only watched and screamed on the tree. At this time, he saw the claws on his hands and feet when the dagger hit it At once, Chao Hao'er rushed over with a scream, as fast as the wind, but with fierce momentum.


The clothes were torn by the monkey's paw, and the skin was not injured, because Hao'er quickly counterattacked the monkey king and retreated. If he missed a hit, he didn't want to fight. He turned and jumped to the other end. Seeing this, Hao'er quickly Keep up.

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