Feng Jiu smiled and walked to the table to sit down, and said, "Since they want to stay, let them stay, just to see what they want to do?"

Madam Song was startled slightly, looking at her calm expression and the calm smile on her lips, she felt a little calm in her heart.

She adjusted her mind and said apologetically: "I made you laugh, and there is no one at home who can talk. I can talk to you again, so I will talk about it in front of you."

"It's okay." Feng Jiu said with a smile, and said: "I'm happy to listen, and I don't think the Song family can compare to the Cheng family."

A gentle smile spread across Mrs. Song's face and said: "My husband's reputation as a God of Cooking is indeed spread far and wide, and his strength cultivation is indeed not weak. In this area, the power of various families also gives him more face. No one ever embarrassed our Song family." Speaking of her husband, her face showed pride.

The voice stopped, and the expression on his face disappeared, saying, "However, compared with the Cheng family, the Song family is really incomparable, and I now look forward to them leaving early after a day or two of rest, so as not to give birth to anything. It's coming."

The two chatted in the courtyard for a while. Not long after, Mrs. Song got up and left. After she left, Feng Jiu went back to the room and prepared to sleep.

At night, Feng Jiu quietly left the yard and came to the guest house where the Cheng family lived. In the dark, she noticed that the yard was kept dripping and there were guards guarding it inside and out, and during the day today, she I also noticed that behind Cheng Wanli there were four good old men following.

Therefore, when approaching this yard, she took extra care.Avoiding those eyes and ears, sneaking into the courtyard quietly, the figure leaped up and fell on the roof, the figure hidden in the night, but no one noticed it.

She lay down and listened to the movement below, faintly hearing the voice of Cheng Wanli coming from the room below.

"Give her medicine! Take care of the injuries as soon as possible! It looks really an eye!" Cheng Wanli flung his sleeves out of the room and went to another room. Not long after, the two maidservants also took the medicine. Go to the door to guard the room.

She lifted a corner of the roof and looked down. On the bed, the comatose woman was awake during the day, but lying motionless on the bed, covered with a quilt, and there seemed to be no clothes under the quilt.

After a glance, she covered the opened corner back and leaped gently to the other roof.

In the room, one of the elders was saying to Cheng Wanli: "It’s too late at night. If you want to go to work, just go! If you can’t find out where the Song family’s baby is, remember to take medicine afterwards. Let her forget about tonight's affairs, lest she be surprised."

"I know, don't worry! I know how to do it." Cheng Wanli said with a smile, stood up and adjusted his robe, and said with a spring breeze: "Then I will go now, Fu Lao, let's go! Then I will go in. Just fine, you help me watch it outside."

"Okay." An old man responded, walked to his side, and walked out with him.

After seeing the two of them out of the room, Feng Jiu gathered his breath and headed into the night, and the direction he went was the direction of the main courtyard.

She raised her brows slightly, and she didn't expect this person to be so impatient. She just arrived today and wanted to touch it to the main courtyard tonight. It was really daring!

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