The old man who was guarding in the dark squinted his eyes and waited in the darkness. The exuded divine sense made him clearly feel that no one was approaching even if he didn't open his eyes.

However, it was Feng Jiu that he happily encountered.A person whose strength is far above him, and who can very well conquer his own breath without being noticed.

Because he was worried about Mrs. Song in the room, Feng Jiu didn't drag him, but passed in the night, came behind the old man, and choked his throat before he even noticed it.

Originally intended to break his neck directly, but at that moment her heart moved, and the other hand of the silver needle instantly pierced his acupuncture point.

The old man's eyes opened sharply with his throat pinched, and his eyes were full of horror. He shouted, but he couldn't make a sound. He didn't even see who was behind him, and he felt acupuncture points on his body. A numb, the next moment, the whole person fainted.

In the room, Mrs. Song, who had previously fainted, was tied up with a celestial rope, which tied her tightly and strangled her graceful plump figure. It seemed that Cheng Wanli was dry and excited. .

He took out a small bottle and opened it and swiped it between Mrs. Song's breath. Not long after, he saw Mrs. Song who was asleep slowly waking up. When he saw Cheng Wanli in front of the bed and he was tied up, his face instantly changed. So pale, she opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but found that she couldn't make a sound.

"Madam, are you awake?"

Cheng Wanli looked at her and laughed: "I didn't expect Brother Song to have such a beautiful blessing, and there is such a lovely wife in the family that he would be willing to go away for ten and a half months. This is really big!"

Seeing her struggling on the bed, trying to yell, he laughed: "Don't be afraid, don't panic, tonight we have time to play slowly, I have countless beautiful people in this world. Now, it's really in a variety of poses, each with its own differences, especially for the wife like his wife, who is the best."

While talking, he took another step closer, sat down by the bed, and reached out to touch Madam Song's thigh.

Mrs. Song was shocked and shrank to the corner of the bed to avoid his hand.

Seeing her like this, he became more and more proud and excited, and said: "Hehe, don't panic, after tonight, you won't remember anything when you get up tomorrow. Even if you are in ecstasy with me, I can make you forget what happened tonight. Even if Song Lingbo came back, I wouldn’t know that his woman was sleeping by me."

"Oh? What's the method? It's so powerful?"

A soft voice came with a little carelessness, but there was a trace of coldness in that voice, but no one noticed it.


When Cheng Wanli snorted and wanted to turn around, he felt that something had pierced into his body, and his whole body instantly froze in place, his body's aura of spiritual power was sealed, unable to move.

Madam Song, who was shrinking on the corner of the bed, was surprised and shocked and worried when she saw the cyan figure that appeared, but she didn't expect that she would stop the Cheng Wanli once she shot.

"Sorry, I'm late and startled you."

Feng Jiu looked at Mrs. Song with a pale face in the corner of the bed apologetically, flicked her fingers, and while unlocking the acupuncture points on her body, her hand flicked again, and the spiritual energy on the bundle of immortal ropes on her body disappeared. It became a discarded ordinary rope scattered down.

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