Listening to his semi-threatening words, Feng Jiu laughed. She glanced at Cheng Wanli, who was pale, and asked, "Who is that woman in the house?"

"She is my husband..." He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"You'd better be honest, fool me, you know the consequences." She said casually, playing with the dagger in her hand.

Looking at the dagger, his face tightened, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly. Finally, he said: "It was the woman I had taken abducted and planned to take home as a concubine."

Feng Jiu, who had long been guessing, was not surprised to hear him say this. She stared at Cheng Wanli on the ground and sneered with her lips curled: "Kill you and fear that the yard will be dirty, so you will abolish your cultivation! Let the Cheng family come to the door to apologize with a heavy gift, otherwise, I will let your Cheng family fall from the top aristocratic family to a third-rate small family!"

As soon as the voice fell, she stretched out her hand to abolish all of his cultivation. While only listening to the screams, his face quickly became old, and the whole person also became thin and thin, until, dying, fell to the ground. The upper twitched slightly.

With a flick of his sleeves, Feng Jiu withdrew the soundproof barrier in this room, and said to Mrs. Song on the side: "Call some people! Throw them out."

"Okay." Mrs. Song responded with a slight daz, and she just did what she said.She looked down at the clothes on her body and then walked to the door of the room. As soon as the door opened, she saw the people lying down in the courtyard.

Her gaze moved slightly, her lips pressed slightly, and when she was about to call someone after taking a deep breath, she seemed to remember something, so she looked back at Feng Jiu and said hesitantly: "Mrs. Xuanyuan, if this is the caller, then Cheng I’m afraid the people at home will also come by the wind, we..."

"It's okay, you can let people come over, those in the Cheng family won't be able to achieve any climate." Feng Jiu said with a light smile.

Seeing her confident and confident, Mrs. Song called out: "Where is the secret guard in the mansion!" Her voice spread at this moment, clearly reaching half of the mansion.

Almost at that moment, when the secret guard in the mansion heard her voice, his heart sank, his face changed slightly, and he hurried to the main courtyard. When they came to the main courtyard, they happened to see the lady Xuanyuan dressed in blue clothes. When the cultivation level of a comatose old man from the Cheng family in the courtyard was abolished, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Suppressing the shock and fear in their hearts, several secret guards quickly stepped forward and bowed their fists: "Subordinates wait to see Madam!"

As soon as the voice fell, and after a salute, the head of the dark guard glanced at the courtyard, smelling blood spreading, and asked, "Madam, what's the matter?"

"Go and drag the people out of the room first, and then see if our people are faint or what's going on." Mrs. Song said, motioning them to the room and drag the people out first.


When they heard the lady entering the room, their hearts were tense. They immediately came to the room, but were surprised by the scene in the room.Cheng Wanli and the others only saw him be invited into the hospital today as a distinguished guest, but now, he was wounded in a pool of blood, and his cultivation was completely useless, and the whole person looked old and thin.

Thinking of the scene where Madam Xuanyuan abolished the old man's cultivation base when she entered the hospital, and then saw the scene before her, it was not difficult to guess that Cheng Wanli's appearance was caused by her.

He quickly gathered his mind, dragged the person out of the courtyard, and heard an angry shout.

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