"Miss Hui, Miss Ke is in the room, do you need a servant to invite her out?" the servant girl asked.

"No, I'll go by myself." Song Mi'er shook her head and said. She was about to step inside, but stopped and asked: "I ask you, is Miss Ke really beautiful? "

Hearing this, the two maidservants didn't know what she meant. They looked at her and hesitated for a while.Will she be angry when she says other girls are beautiful in front of her?

"Say? Why look at me?" Song Mi'er said.

"Miss Ke is very beautiful, everyone in the house said so." The two maidservants said, lowering their heads quickly, for fear that her lady would be angry.

"Oh?" She was somewhat disapproving.Since seeing her master's face, other women say they are beautiful, and she also feels that she is not as beautiful as her master.

Walking inside, after taking a look, he came to the door in the middle and knocked on the door: "Miss Ke, this is Song Mi'er. My mother asked me to invite you to the front yard for a meal."

She shouted, and stood in front of the door waiting, planning to wait for her to open the door and come out to see how beautiful she looks?

When Ke Meng in the room heard the sound, she was stunned for a moment. She took out a scarf and tied it on her face, but found that the scarf was very thin. Through the scarf, she could still see the bloody wound on her face. So she tore another piece of the lining of the dress and tied it to the outside of the scarf.

"Miss Ke?" Song Mi'er called again when there was movement in the room, but there was no sound.


When Ke Meng’s voice came from the room, the door opened. Ke Meng, dressed in a plain white dress, stood by the door with a white scarf on his face. No face was visible, only the pair exposed outside the white scarf. s eyes.

"Miss Song."

She gave a slight blessing, and her voice was a little dumb, because the wound on her face was inflamed and swollen without medicine. At this time, she opened her mouth, but the wound on her face made her face paler under the white scarf.

"Miss Ke, why are you wearing this?" Song Mi'er pointed to the white scarf on her face and asked in surprise.

She bent her knees slightly and bowed again, saying: "Miss Song, I am a little uncomfortable, I am afraid I can't go there. Please thank Mrs. Ke Meng for her kindness. When Ke Meng is better, I will go and thank him in person."

Song Mi'er saw that although she was covering her white scarf, her expression was indeed weak, and her voice was slightly hoarse, so she said: "Okay, then! If Miss Ke is uncomfortable, take a good rest, and I will let the house go back. The doctor here will come over to help you look."

"Don't bother, I just take a rest, thank you Miss Song." She said.

Seeing this, Song Mi'er didn't say much, let her rest, and left first.

After watching her leave, Ke Meng closed the door and returned to the bed to lie down.The wound on her face was aching fiercely, and it was still so painful that she convulsed and convulsed. She closed her eyes and thought: It will be better after these two days.

Over there, Song Mi'er told Ke Meng's words to her mother.

Mrs. Song sighed softly after hearing this, and said, "Well, let your brother and the others save a copy, and let the servants send it to her!"

"Okay." Song Mi'er responded with a smile.

This night, in addition to Feng Jiu and his three children eating together with Song's father and son, several clan elders from the clan also came.Compared to the people of the Song family who are happy and not worried, the few clan elders are so worried that they don't even eat a few bites of food.

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