Gorgeous and enchanting supreme ghost doctor

Chapter 5035 Dare to ask a name

A chill rushed from the soles of the feet, and a whistling sound reached her heart. The icy coldness filled her whole body, making her fall into the abyss. The cold sweat oozes from behind, and her hairs are standing up. At this moment, the throat is like Being pinched by a pair of ghost hands, she couldn't breathe and stood frozen in place.

Feng Jiu held her sharp two fingers and moved forward. With a move of her hand, she grabbed the sharp sword in her hand and held it in her hand. She saw a flash of cold light, and the clothes shattered when the sound of the sword air sounded. The cracking sound also spread, and red fragments fell to the ground in a mess, revealing the woman's coat.

She stood there stiff, her eyes wide open, and she looked at the woman in Tsing Yi who had taken her sword in front of her with horror and amazement.At this moment, she finally knew why the elder Taishang was killed, but she didn't even make the slightest movement.

Because this woman is too powerful!

"You're wearing this red suit, it's really an eyesore." Feng Jiu said slowly, raising the hand holding the sword and placing the sword on her neck: "Although I really want to fulfill the death method you just mentioned, it's just , I guess it would be too ugly to die like that, why don't we change one?"

The woman narrowed her eyes and wanted to speak, but she couldn't make any sound. At that moment, she saw only a cold light passing by, and a cold feeling came from her throat. The next moment, she fell down.

The old man and middle-aged man of the Cheng family watched this scene, and took a step back involuntarily. Their eyes were horrified and shocked. They couldn't believe that such a supreme-level powerhouse was just in front of them. Killed by one sword!And there is still no resistance!

This scene was so shocking and shocking to them that they forgot to react at that moment, and their hearts were filled with a tremor of later fear.

They knew that they should flee immediately!However, his feet were as heavy as they were rooted in lead, too heavy to move.

They are all like this, not to mention the few clan elders of the Song family. At this time, they all stared with incredible expressions.At this moment, they finally understood why this woman named Mrs. Xuanyuan said that there is no need to worry about her here, she is really strong!

The middle-aged man from the Cheng family was the first to react. He looked at the woman in Tsing Yi who was looking towards them with a sword in his hand, his face changed immediately, and he said in shock, "Respect, wait a minute!"

He was afraid that his speech would be slow, and when the sharp sword in the opponent's hand turned, they would also fall to the ground silently like the dead Yuehong.

Becoming a powerhouse of the supreme level, they have to cherish their lives more than anyone. Under the current situation, no matter what, they want to find a chance.

"If you have anything to say before you die, let's talk!" Feng Jiu didn't care much. In her eyes, the two of them were already dead, and it was okay to let them finish their last words.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's heart sank.He originally wanted to open his mouth to find a ray of life, but at this moment he clearly understood that no matter what he said and no matter what he did, the result would be inevitable.

The old man next to him also thought of this. The two looked at each other with a heavy expression, took a deep breath, suppressed what they wanted to say, but said: "The strength of the driver is very strong. We know that it will be difficult tonight. I fled to death, but before I die, can you tell me your name?"

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