Seeing this scene, Qingdi couldn't help but sneered: "You want to find Long Yuanjian's idea?" How long has it been?Someone dared to stop him?It seems that he really seldom comes out to walk around.

"Hehe, I don't know from which school and school the venerable driver comes from?" A middle-aged monk said with a smile, arching his hands with meaning. Seeing that he didn't mean to speak, he said: "In fact, we just want to borrow this one. Take a look at the ancient god sword Longyuan, after all, it is the ancient god sword, I am really curious about waiting."

"Just you are worthy?" Qingdi said in a faint voice, and glanced at them with a deep and calm look, not happy or angry, but it made people feel unreasonable.

"Yes, you are worthy?" Yue'er said with contempt, and made a grimace at them: "Long Yuanjian belongs to my senior, so why should I show it to you?"

Humph!These people, shameless!Obviously I wanted to grab the sword, but I just wanted to see it.Shameless!

"Hehe, your Excellency took the three children. I feel that if the Longyuan Sword is held by the sect, I am afraid it will not be able to keep it, and it may even cause a murderous disaster. It would be better to hand it over to us, no ?"

The middle-aged monk said again, the implication is that even if he has a good cultivation level, he still has three children around him!If they really fight, they won't have any advantage. Instead of being killed in the end, why not give it up first?

Hearing this, the corners of Qingdi's lips twitched slightly, revealing an indifferent smile, but in his calm and deep gaze, there was still no smile, only his voice was a little bit tinged. It is casual and cold, and it spreads unhurriedly.

"Look down on the three disciples of this emperor? Well, since you are seeking your own death, why don't you send you a ride?"

As soon as the voice fell, he looked at the three apprentices beside him and said, "Take them all out."

"Yes!" the three of them agreed.

At this moment, the monks who surround them and want to rob them will not be good people. Even if they want to seize the Dragon Abyss Sword, they have to kill Mu Chen to break the Dragon Abyss Sword. The spirits of the people are connected, therefore, killing them will not be a psychological burden for the three of them.

They have always been committed to the purpose of not committing crimes against me and I will not commit crimes. This was taught by their mother and their master. If someone came to the door, they would only fight back fiercely!

The monks were stunned when they heard that the three children were asked to deal with them. Then, they all laughed in unison: "Hahahahaha! Did I hear you right? Let the three children send us on the road. From which hill does this man emerge from, a fool who has never seen the world? The three children want to kill us? What a big joke!"

When Yueer heard them scolding her master, she couldn't help but stepped forward. There was a squinting smile on her small face, but her eyes were murderous: "You can scold me, master? Is my master what you can scold?"

As soon as the voice fell, the small figure flew out in an instant, and went to the monk who laughed and said that her master was a fool.She didn't use a whip, but instead she held a dagger in her hand, which was a deadly killer move.

"call out!"

"Be careful!"

The murderous aura came, the fierce aura and the ghostly figure suddenly made the monks vigilant.The monk in the back instinctively pulled the monk in front, and it was enough to make him avoid the throat cut.

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