In the forest, Feng Jiu was sitting cross-legged on the ground at the formation. She waved her hands and condensed in the condensed room, a pure spiritual energy aura condensed in the hand, condensed in the void with the imprint of her hand.

At the formation where she was sitting, the complicated ancient pattern was radiating a layer of dazzling light. In this light, there was a faint green breath flowing, and there was a ray of ancient aura permeating.


She whispered and sipped, and saw her hand flicked, and a vortex formed by flame appeared in front of her. At the edge of the vortex formed by the flame, the flame formed a circle of ancient patterns, and in the middle of the vortex was a piece of The green color was spinning, unable to see the bottom.

Seeing the emergence of the void vortex, she couldn't help but pleased her eyebrows, and a happy smile appeared on her face: "I made it! I finally made it! Who said that the enchantment formation in this nine-layer heaven cannot be opened? Said that this gap is the Nine Heavens? Now, in the ancient magic circle, the immortal way has opened!"

With joy in her heart, she stood up with a smile, only to find that her red dress had been damaged due to the trials of the past three years, her hair had grown a lot, and she was still carrying some fallen leaves.

Seeing this, she chuckled lightly, looking at the flame teleportation fairy road in front of her, and she closed it with a flick of her sleeve.

Even if you want to go, you should organize it before you go, lest you continue to look like this and frighten them.

Looking down at her appearance, she smiled and shook her head.Although Xianshu can cleanse the body and dust, she still thinks it would be better to take a bath.

So, he stepped out of the formation at his feet, withdrew the surrounding enchantment and walked to a waterfall in the forest...

The sea area of ​​the lower fairy world.

What Feng Jiu didn't know was that in the waters of the Lower Immortal Realm, Xuanyuan Moze's immortal body had condensed and formed during these three years, and there were faint signs of waking up.

In this sea area, Du Fan and others still took turns to guard them, and they did not forget to practice, hoping that one day they could also ascend successfully like the master, and go to the master of the upper immortal world.

Everyone is cultivating with such a goal, but it is extremely difficult for them to ascend for a cultivation level like theirs. It can even be said that the hope is extremely slim. Maybe they will not be able to ascend successfully in their entire life. , Will always stay at this strength rank.

A figure came from a distance with the sword, passed over the sea, and landed on the spaceship.

"Leng Hua Luoyu, it's been a long time!"

Guan Xilin, who landed on the spaceship, laughed loudly, his low voice full of anger. Over the years, his cultivation level has become more advanced, but ascension is still out of reach for him, plus one more point, his Home, his wife and children are here, and he is also reluctant to leave them behind, so even though his cultivation base is high, he has no attachments to the matter of ascension.

"I haven't seen you for several years, why are you thinking about coming here?" Luo Yu was talking to Leng Hua when he saw that Guan Xilin was coming, he couldn't help but smiled and walked forward, patted him on the shoulder and looked at him up and down. , Smiled and said: "I haven't seen you in a few years, you seem to be fat! It seems that life is very moist."

Hearing this, Guan Xilin laughed: "There has been nothing wrong in the past few years, so I wanted to come and see you. By the way, how is Mo Ze here? It's been several years, haven't there been any movement?"

"We went there yesterday and saw that the Immortal Body of Hell has been condensed and formed, and there are also faint traces of waking up." Leng Hua said softly, and came to his side.

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