As he said, his eyes showed appreciation: "This child really looks like his father between his eyebrows, but he looks much better than his father."

When Feng Jiu heard this, he couldn't help but laughed: "Well, it's the beard-like face of the uncle, which is really scary."

The child next to him listened to them, his delicate face was tight, and he still didn't speak.

"Sit down!"

The dean gestured and said: "In fact, I am calling you to come here to tell you in advance that there will be a ranking among the colleges after the start of next year. There will be a college competition between the sixth-class country and the second-class country. In second-class countries, each college has only ten places. It represents our college. I plan to count you. What do you think?"

After hearing this, she did not directly agree, but turned her eyes around, and asked with a smile: "What is the benefit of winning this? I will not go if it is no good. I will participate in that. I don't know if I have time to make more potions. Come out and make money."

The dean and vice yard were taken aback, then shook their heads and laughed: "Of course it is good."

The dean said: "I wonder if I have told you that the Nebula Academy is only a branch in this Qingteng Country. There is a Nebula Academy branch in every level of the country, and in the first-class college, it can be said that it is in our The main courtyard here."

His voice paused, and continued: "However, only those with the top strength can enter the Nebula Academy of the first-class country. The Nebula in the first-class country is rated as a one-star academy, and here we, It's only six stars."

Speaking of this, he smiled: "If any of you can achieve outstanding results in the then College Wind and Cloud Tournament, then you can be directly sent to a one-star college in a first-class country. The one-star college is by no means We are comparable here, and there are gathered here are the proud children of all countries. The students who come out there will have extraordinary achievements in the future, and people in every field will have them."

"However, the place that really makes all the students in the One-Star Academy want to enter is the Nebula Sect. It is a sect of the eight empires. It has a long history and powerful influence. There are disciples all over the country. In the Nebula Sect, there are Strong people above Yuan Ying exist, and that place is the cradle of Tianjiao."

He looked at Feng Jiu and said, "I want you to go. People next to you don't know, but if it is you, I believe you can definitely enter the One-Star Academy, and you will have the opportunity to enter the Nebula Sect in the future."

Feng Jiu's eyes moved slightly. This is the first time I heard the dean talk about this, Xingyun Sect?Among the eight empires?

Thinking of this, she thought in her heart that she is now at the peak of the foundation, but under the pressure of the ancient beasts and phoenixes, as well as the martial arts and assassination skills she has mastered, she can fight to kill the Nascent Soul. But still can't be foolproof, then, unless she enters the Jindan level as soon as possible before then.

With strength, even if she goes to other places, she can be sure of nothing.

"Well, I should take this matter." She nodded and said, anyway, she will also go to the Eight Empires in the future. With such a bridge, entering the Eight Empires will not be the same as headless flies.

The dean and the vice-yuan nodded with satisfaction, and they knew that she would definitely respond. After all, no matter from which aspect, she is not an ordinary person. This Qing Tengguo, this six-star academy, can’t help it. her.

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