She watched the old man sit down, watched him pouring a cup of tea and drank a sip, then put it down and looked at her.She keenly discovered that his eyes seemed to have a touch of inquiry.

"I don't know which country the son of Feng is from? Feng is really special, and quite rare."

The old man looked at Feng Jiu and asked with a smile. However, the voice fell, he paused slightly, and then smiled: "Hahaha, I forgot to introduce myself first. The old man Shangguan Dezheng is the third elder of the Shangguan family."

Hearing this, Feng Jiu's heart moved slightly, and said, "I am from the Phoenix Dynasty. Indeed, Feng's surname is quite rare. Even in our country, only people in our line have the surname Feng."

"Oh? The Phoenix Dynasty? Bravely ask, I don't know which country it is?"

"Nine class." The voice fell, and she said again: "More than a year ago, it was called Yao Riguo."

Hearing this, the old man's expression moved slightly, and his gaze at Feng Jiu became even more bizarre: "That's it." Because of the different levels of the country, and so far apart, he still doesn't understand some dynasties, or even heard of them. Especially, there are too many nine countries.

"Master Feng is also here to participate in the alchemy meeting on March 3rd? Could it be that Master Feng is also an alchemist?" He stroking his beard and asked casually.

She took her teacup and sipped her tea, and said nonchalantly: "As far as I know, the Pill Appreciation Conference in the imperial city of Yi Kingdom does not stipulate that only alchemists can participate. On the contrary, as long as you have an elixir in your hand, you can participate."

"Yes, the appraisal of pill is to appraise the pill, not the selection of alchemists, nor the competition of alchemists. Therefore, as long as the pill is excellent in all aspects, you can participate.

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "I believe Young Master Feng also knows that our Shangguan family is a family of alchemy. In fact, this time I followed in secret. In addition to watching the juniors do not make trouble, I also entrusted the Patriarch's order to recruit some talented alchemists. Alchemist, if Young Master Feng is an alchemist, he can come to our Shangguan's house to try."

Hearing this, Feng Jiu smiled faintly, and said nothing.

Seeing this, the old man didn't speak again, but sat for a while and chatted for a few more words before he got up to leave.

Feng Jiu put his cheek in one hand, and tapped the other hand on the table. He cleared his eyes and looked at the direction the old man was leaving, without knowing what he was thinking.


Leng Shuang and Lenghua walked back quickly. They rushed back because they heard that there was a fight here, but when they saw that there was nothing wrong with the master, they let go of their hearts.

"I'm back?" She glanced at the two of them and asked, "How's your inquiries?"

"Master, many people from other countries came to the pill appreciating conference in the imperial city of Yi, among them, some aristocratic families and people from the royal family of first-class countries. In addition to an alchemist sent by Shangguan's family, there is also Master Mochen, the disciple of the old man of Tianji."

Leng Hua’s voice paused, and continued: "The Jiandan Conference will be opened in Jiandan Hall at that time. In addition to status and status, those who want to enter must have at least Tier 3 pills in hand, and the level of the pills is lower than Tier 3. Can't go in yet to participate, and the guards there will be extremely strict by then, and..."

He glanced around and said, "This time so many people from higher countries will come to participate in the Jiandan Conference, because there is a news that the ghost doctor will come to participate."

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