"His body was sprinkled with colorless and odorless poison. You guys should have touched him?" She stared at several people and saw their faces changed greatly.

"Yes, we have all moved the corpses in for inspection, but I didn’t find it to be poisonous." Fan Lin said solemnly, because he was one of the few who knew medical science, so when he saw Xiang Hua’s body , The others helped to lift it up, he was in charge of the inspection, but he did not expect...

Feng Jiu glanced at them, first took Fan Lin's veins, and checked what kind of poison was in him. However, this check made her feel slightly, because it was not a normal poison.

This poison is not only colorless and tasteless, but also slow onset. It can't be detected at all when it hasn't occurred. If she hadn't seen a little dark red under their eyes, she wouldn't know that they were poisoned.

Retracting her hand, she didn't speak, but took out a thin glove and a mask from the space. They couldn't be detected on them, but they could be detected on Xianghua.

She used tools to collect some fine powder from his nails and between his collar, and asked without raising her head: "Fan Lin, what is the result of your examination?"

"Master, he has suffered hundreds of wounds all over his body, but none of them are fatal. His feet were broken, his hands were directly twisted, and his body was burnt in many places..."

Fan Lin said, every time he said a word, the anger in his heart deepened. He was a healer. Judging from the injuries he suffered, he naturally knew how much torment he suffered during his lifetime.

"And these are not the fatal reasons for him. His fatal reason is that the golden core is bursting and the muscles and veins all over his body are broken. Du Fan checked and said that he might be used to search for the soul by secret methods during his lifetime. Maybe because of this, he It will detonate Jindan to commit suicide at the end."

Feng Jiu listened and checked. Just as Fan Lin said, he was tortured before death, and his spiritual consciousness was seriously damaged, showing signs of being searched for souls.

For a long time, she stood up and looked at Xiang Hua's body with killing intent and anger in her heart. She turned around, looked at them, and said: "Luo Yu, many, you moved his body to the back mountain and burned. , He was buried on the back mountain, Du Fan, you found out all the task information that Xiang Hua received for me, Fan Lin, you and I will mediate the medicine, and the others are paying attention to the movement of the manor."

Several people worked separately, and Feng Jiu took Fan Lin to the pharmacy to help them detoxify them first.

"Tell me what discomfort you have, and let me test it with a little more blood." She said, preparing for the things at hand.


Fan Lin responded and did what she said, while laying hands on her beside him, helping to prepare the antidote, and at the same time inspiring the poison in his body to be released as soon as possible. After about half an hour, the antidote had not been prepared, and he could not support it. Living.

"Master, it seems that the poison has already attacked. I can't see anything in front of me. I can't breathe and breathe a little, and my whole body..." He has fallen down before he finishes speaking.

Feng Jiu caught him when he saw the situation, put him on the ground, quickly sealed a few large acupuncture points on his body with a needle, re-examined him, and after finding the symptoms, he picked up the medicine and mixed it.

After a stick of incense, she made the antidote into a pill, took out one to Fan Lin and took it, and at the same time carried the spiritual energy in the palm of her hand to help him make the effect of the medicine quicker.

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