Everyone saw Xiexiu. When that Yuanying Xiexiu turned to flee, the red figure behind him was like a ghost who climbed up from hell in the night. The people in front fled, he chased after him. , The sound of the rumbling between the two of them was heard from time to time, and the surrounding trees were shattered and cut off between the two of them. The rubble was flying around, and the air currents were like knives. They were shocked to come forward.

Is the boy in red really just a foundation builder?How could a foundation-building monk be an opponent of Yuan Ying?Did he beat a Yuanying monk into embarrassment?

At this moment, they couldn't help but want to retreat and flee here. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that even the Nascent Soul was not an opponent, let alone them?

"let's go!"

I don't know who drank it. Seeing that the situation was not good, they planned to flee. However, when the spirit body aura was urged to prepare for Yujian to leave, they found that the aura was messy and could not condense.

"No! The air is poisonous!"

One of the Jindan Xiexiu is skilled in poisons, and it can be said that the problem was discovered at the first time. He found that the poisons were colorless and tasteless, and did not immediately attack, but first corroded their bodies from the inside, making them unable to condense. Spiritual power fled, unable to fight.

"This, this is somewhat similar to my Desperate Soul Chaser..."

The face of the Jin Dan Xiexiu changed drastically, and his blood faded.Familiar with poison, he analyzed from the physical symptoms that it is somewhat similar to his medicine, but it has been changed. However, a person who has been exposed to the poison will not notice it for a short time, and he can lift his breath. The airflow in the body cannot condense, forcibly condensing will only accelerate the flow of poison in the blood...

He stepped back abruptly and looked at the young man who was fighting against Yuan Ying Xie Xiu in amazement.

It's him!It was he who sprinkled poison in the air while they were fighting without knowing it.He tremblingly turned out the detoxification pill and wanted to take it. No matter what kind of poison it was, he would first take the detoxification pill.

Of course, when he saw that he took out the Jiedu Pill and wanted to take it, the eyes of the few Jindan Xiexiu next to him were red, and they stepped forward to snatch: "Give me the Jiedu Pill!"

"give me!"

"give me!"

One by one, they did not dare to use their spiritual power, but they robbed them forcibly, twisting and tearing, like a shrew, without the image of a monk. However, these people are evil cultivators, and they don’t care about the eyes of others. Most evil cultivators are selfish and selfish, just care about yourself, how can you care about others?

At this moment, a strange rhythm came from the night, and the sound was thin and sometimes fast, sometimes slow, from far to near, just as they were thinking about somebody who knows how to live and die in this place in the middle of the night. , Just heard a messy roar.




The roar of a beast was very clear in the night, and the heavy and messy footsteps rushed out like thunder, shaking the ground, and those people at this time would not see those who usually see their brows. The wrinkled fierce beasts all turned pale and frightened.

"It's a beast! Damn it! How come there are so many beasts!"

Seeing the hundreds of fierce beasts pouring out from there, some quickly surrounded them, some rushed towards them and bit them. For a while, one by one, they kept exclaiming, trying to escape, only to find that the road was covered. The hundreds of fierce beasts and spirit beasts were blocked.

Bai Xiao was sitting on the back of a fierce tiger, with blood oozing from his shoulders, and Tuyun followed by him, appearing in front of everyone...

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