Gorgeous and enchanting supreme ghost doctor

Chapter 897 I really don't want to bully you

"Is his strength better than me?" he asked unwillingly in a calm voice.

Among the ten students, Nie Teng, Ouyang Xiu and Xiao Yihan glanced at him when they heard this.The two in front did not speak, but their eyes were contemptuous. As for Xiao Yihan, he laughed.

"Don't you know that she is stronger than you? If it weren't, you wouldn't be squeezed out."

As for that Feng Jiu, standing beside Ye Jing in a completely irrelevant manner, the two of them whispered, not knowing what they were talking about.

Hearing Xiao Yihan's words, the student surnamed Geng pursed his lips and obviously didn't believe it, so he turned his gaze on Feng Jiu, who was wearing the Academy's uniform, "Feng Jiu, how dare you compare with me!" I lost, I am convinced! Otherwise, I will never end this matter with you!"

Seeing him sipping at her by name and surname, Feng Jiu sighed softly, glanced at him, and said, "But, you really are not my opponent. Fight against someone weaker than me. I really don't So embarrassed."

Upon hearing this, the student surnamed Geng cast a gloomy face: "You!"

"Okay! Enough nonsense!" The vice yard snorted in a deep voice, and glanced sharply at the student surnamed Geng: "You are not his opponent. Our decisions are all negotiated. Let him replace you. Our measure! Moreover, he was already a foundation builder last year. Do you think you, a great spiritualist, can be an opponent of a foundation builder?"

Hearing that, the student surnamed Geng was dumbfounded, Brother Zhuji?Feng Jiu?Has he built the foundation?How is this possible?

Not only him, but even the other students around him were stunned, and some couldn't believe it. After all, he only came in last year. How could he have built a foundation since last year?They haven't heard of it?If this is really confidential work, it would be too good, right?

"Well, I can testify that Feng Jiu is indeed a foundation-building cultivator, let alone you, and I am not her opponent." Ye Jing said, he was ranked fifth among the top ten, and his strength was better than that of Geng. Being stronger is not Feng Jiu's opponent, let alone him.

The student surnamed Geng was stunned when he heard it, and was speechless for a while, just staring at Feng Jiu blankly.

"Okay, let's go! Don't miss the time." said the vice yard, walking out.

This time, he stood there and watched, but he didn't say anything about it.No matter how arrogant he is, and he doesn't want to admit it, he also knows that if the vice-yuan and Ye Jing are allowed to say this, then this is almost always true.

The crowd watched them walking outside, followed behind, came to the gate of the academy to send them off, looked outside, saw the vice yard waved their sleeves, and a spaceship appeared in front of them.

"All get on the spaceship." The vice yard said, letting everyone go up first.

The ten people selected, apart from being among the top ten in the academy, also had good family backgrounds. They felt nothing new to this spacecraft, so they all walked up calmly.

In the end, the two instructors, the deputy courtyard and Mo Chen stepped onto the spaceship together, and as the spaceship floated off the ground and went to the sky, the people watching outside the door recovered after a long time, and watched it disappear with envy. The spacecraft in the clouds turned and returned to the college.

In time, they will definitely be able to go to a second-class country, even a first-class country, and enter a one-star academy!

But before that, they have to practice hard.

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