Chapter 360 – Golem Vehicle


The next day, I was groaning in my private office. My plan to develop a means of air transportation that could ultimately transport people and goods in large quantities remained unchanged, but the technical problems were insurmountable. It would not be something that could be accomplished overnight.

But what about mass transportation by land? Of course, there are problems. There are technical problems and labor-intensive problems. However, I have in my mind information on the technology used in my former world, and based on that, there is a possibility that we can produce some results in a short period. There is also golem technology in this world. It would be relatively easy to make something like a car or a locomotive by using a golem as a power source, even if we are not concerned with steam engines or internal combustion engines. At least, it would be easier than air transportation, for which there is almost no know-how.

“Well, relatively speaking…”

For example, even if it is easy to build a railroad―whatever kind of vehicle it is that is being towed―you have to standardize the rails, standardize the containers to carry the cargo, and set up a dedicated organization to coordinate the operation. Arranging for personnel to lay the rails and maintain them, negotiating with vendors and other vested interests, etc., etc… Just thinking about it for a moment, there are so many issues that need to be addressed. If the project actually starts, there will be many more problems to be faced.

Of course, there are also technical problems. For example, if the train is to be used as a railroad, it will need strong wheels and axles that can withstand high-speed movement, as well as car bearings. Currently, it seems that light and strong materials such as magical wood are being used, but it would be very dangerous to have a broken axle when operating a high-speed train. It is no use talking about a train carrying a large amount of cargo if the axles break and cause frequent derailments.

In such a case, a metal axle, wheels, and car bearings to support them would be necessary. In other words, ball bearings. No, I wonder if we can somehow manage this by magic, too. Is there some kind of magic that can reduce the coefficient of friction to as close to zero as possible? Is there such a convenient thing? No, there might be, so I’ll ask. Asking is free, after all.

It would be best if we could use air boards as train cars. There’s the brake problem… Oh, no, wait? What if we apply that new type of barrier magic that Isla made? That magic was originally created from a formula that kills the recoil of wind magic. In other words, I think it is magic that kills or cancels out kinetic energy. It could be used as a brake for an air board that glides through the air. It could also be used as a brake on an airship.

“There are a lot of things drawn on it.”

“They are strange shapes. Oh, this one looks like a horse.”

Grande and Bella, who were very curious, were saying something as they looked at the paper I was scribbling down to collect my thoughts from the side. That horse-like thing is neither an air board nor a train, but a golem horse that was born as a result of trying to use something else as a power or traction vehicle.

After all, what are the limitations of the horse? It is the fact that a horse is a living organism. As living organisms, they cannot run at full speed, and they need food and water. Naturally, overuse will cause fatigue, and in some cases, a horse’s legs may break down, or it may die. Machines and magic tools also break down, but as long as the broken parts are repaired or replaced, the horse will be able to run again in perfect condition. Horses are not suited for transporting goods over long distances.

Of course, they are very effective for distances of up to several tens of kilometers, but when it comes to several hundred kilometers, it is very difficult. There is also a speed limit. It is impossible to beat a vehicle that can run tens or hundreds of kilometers at a much higher speed. At least as a means of mass transportation.

But what about a horse golem? A horse that never gets tired, never breaks down, never needs food or water, and can keep moving at full power with magic stones and magic crystals, would that not be a good idea?

If that is the case, it would be better to build a magic vehicle equipped with a golem engine. Yes. In the first place, we are planning to use well-maintained roads and railroads, not rough terrain where it is impossible to run without four legs.

“Hmm, is it best to build roads with travel lanes for air boards?”

If air boards for private use become available, I have a feeling that merchants will be able to fly around the country on their own without the government’s initiative. The question is whether they will not flow to other countries… I still think we should be more cautious about the sale of air boards for private use. The problem is that the government is not going to let them go to other countries.

“Hmm… Okay!”

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

Grande, who was lying on the floor looking at the paper I had scribbled so many things on, looked up at me and said. Yeah, it’s fine that you’re relaxing, but don’t lie on the floor. Everyone comes and goes with their shoes on. Yeah, well, that’s the thing for Grande. She sleeps and wakes up in a hole in the ground that she dug herself, right? What’s wrong with an indoor floor?

“I stopped worrying about it. As they say, it’s easy to rest when you’re not thinking straight.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m thinking of actually making one.”

By making full use of my abilities, I can make all the ball bearings and golem engines I want. It would be a good idea to make a working sample and then ask Isla and the others to improve it.


“So here’s the finished product.”


The members of the Research and Development Department are bewildered when they see the vehicles lined up on the test site.

In fact, if I make full use of my abilities, I can manage to make the actual thing, right? The actual airship is not really a good choice for the item creation. Once I had a general idea of the mechanism and design, all I had to do was prepare the materials and let the crafting menu do the rest.

“I could make a golem-powered transport vehicle here. I made this up using my crafting skills, so I don’t even know how it works.”

“That’s scary.”

“Well, that’s just the way it is. I’ve had to do a lot of work on this one.”

It took several stages to make a transport car moved by a golem engine. First, we built the golem engine, then we built the tires. So far, that was easy. The engine was basically the same as making a golem, and as for the tires, we managed with metal wheels and a pseudo-rubber made from slime material. The problem was the chassis part of the vehicle. No, it was difficult to arrive at the concept of a chassis.

What do I mean by chassis? It is the basic structure that includes all the elements for the vehicle to run except the exterior. You might say that it is the vehicle itself, with only the exterior removed. The frame that is the basic framework, the suspension that dampens vibration when driving, the steering that controls the direction of the vehicle, the braking system that is necessary for slowing down and stopping, the engine that was first built, the power transmission system that transfers power to the tires, and the tires that are the driving system. It was very difficult to arrive at the basic structure or concept of a chassis that included all of these.

It was good that we had created the tires and engine, but even though we used them as materials to create a golem car, a golem car, and so on, the item creation did not work at all. I dug up my memory to see what was going on, and I remembered that in games where you could craft vehicles, you would make a frame or chassis or something like that and combine it with the engine.

That was the beginning of my battle. Even if I vaguely thought of a chassis, the crafting menu would not show a golem vehicle chassis item. Then I thought, “How about a frame?” When I actually tried to make it, I found that it was really just a frame. Even if I put an engine and tires on it, I don’t think it would move. In fact, there is no response in the craft menu.

Well, what am I missing? I thought and thought. First, I need to attach the tires to this frame, right? Well, then it needs suspension, right? Oh, it’s done. But it’s still not enough, right? Well, I also need a steering wheel, right? And brakes. I see…steering wheel and brake system.

And so, through trial and error and a kind of prayer-like process, I finally made it. It was a great help that, just like guns, even if I couldn’t visualize the details, they complemented to some extent, but I think it was the most complicated item creation I’ve ever done. Once I figured it out, though, it wasn’t too difficult to make various items in different sizes.

“Is this the one Kosuke told me about before?”

“Yes, I think I told you about it when I first made air boards.”

“I see. It looks strong.”

“That’s an unexpected response.”

It sure is big and basically a hunk of metal. I don’t know about the speed because I haven’t run it yet, but it will probably be as fast as an air board. Certainly, if we rush in with this, we may be able to overrun a group of enemies with no problem with a few arrow balls and magic attacks. Well, I think it will break down after one run-in.

“It’s not for use in battle, anyway. It might be possible if we increase the armor so that the tires and steering wheel won’t get caught up in the things we run over.”

“Hmm, I know. Is this a means of mass transportation on land?”

“Yes, that’s right. It’s a reproduction of some of the technology used in my former world but with our technology―the Golem engine.”

“I see. It certainly looks like it can carry a lot of cargo.”

Isla nodded as she looked up at the four-ton truck-sized golem vehicle. Incidentally, three vehicles were prepared: a 4-ton truck, also known as a medium truck, a 2-ton truck, which is classified as a small truck, and a so-called light truck.

“They are quite small, aren’t they?”

“I think they can be used for deliveries around town because of their small size and maneuverability. It would probably be easier than a horse-drawn cart.”

“I see.”

The dwarven blacksmith nodded his head as he scurried around the golem truck, which was the size of a light truck. I wonder if he likes it.

“This biggest one can’t run in the city. Even on city streets, I think it would be tough.”

“It’s too big and wide. Maybe a small truck-sized one would be easier to use.”

The size of the streets in this world is based on the size of a horse-drawn cart, so even a medium-sized truck-sized Golem truck would be a little too big. We were careful not to make the air board too large, too.

“Let’s see if we can get it running.”

“Sure, I’ll do that.”

“Yes, yes, yes! I’ll drive!”

“I’d like to drive the little one.”

Bella and the dwarven blacksmith, who had just been concerned about the light truck-sized one volunteered to drive it, so we decided to let them try it while checking out how to drive it.

I’d really like to teach them, but I’ve never driven a truck before, either. I’ve driven a light truck, though. I have never even test-driven a truck since I built it, so I don’t know how it works. Hopefully, my experience driving a car will be useful.

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