Gossip King

Chapter 1056: Popular chaos

"Boss, won't the popular magazine society cut off the veteran now?" Fatty asked with some worry.

"Yeah, now that the veteran is cut off, those deputy managers will definitely not resign. After all, after working in Fengxing Magazine for so long, and the manager is gone, these deputy managers will all want to compete for the manager position." Yang Guanguan said.

"You think people's minds are too simple." Jian Xiaodan shook his head affirmatively: "Cut off the manager is a big deal for a company like Xingsheng, not to mention a manager who has not Fengxing magazine has changed. How about more than a dozen managers. It will take a long time to cut all of them, and the summit is about to be held right now. They will undoubtedly cause chaos if they cut off managers. Do you think that veterans are so easy to withdraw? A veteran of the year, at the juncture of the summit, do you want to withdraw?"

"Don't cut off those managers, these middle-level managers will all leave. This resignation is like a swarm of middle-level cadres. Seeing others looking for a good place, I will be ready to move." The fat man gave a thumbs up: "Boss, If you spend only two hundred million, you are really willing to dig people for other companies."

"Fengxing Magazine is going to be chaotic." Yang Guanguan smiled and waved the meeting materials in her hand. She had to prepare for the next meeting. The next meeting was about the summit: "Gao, the next summit meeting should be It’s easy. The summit’s competitor, Fengxing Magazine, is in chaos. Who will do their summit? Hehe."

"Two hundred million smashed down and broke their summit..." The fat man swallowed his saliva and was very painful: "It's not worth it."

"Naturally, it's not just for the summit." Gao Leng looked at the time: "I said before that within ten days, before the summit, I will take down the popular magazine. Now two days have passed, and it will be soon."


"Dad, let's cut down those old guys now, so that the middle class won't leave." Yang Peng took the phone, and his panic voice echoed in the hotel.

"It's late..." Old Yang looked at the big tree overhead in the courtyard of his villa, sighed for a long time, and sat down with a heavy voice: "Son, it's too late, it's too late. !"

It was long overdue to change the employment structure of Fengxing Magazine, but Lao Yang couldn't bear it and kept dragging it. I originally thought that after my son took the stage, he would be better than his own. But he didn't expect Gao Leng to cut the knife first.

"Why is it late? Cut off the veteran now, now!" Yang Peng was puzzled, he patted his chest: "I'll be the bad guy, I'll announce it."

"It's late... It's late..." Lao Yang looked at the rising sun in the distance. An old man who had never been discouraged by his career had his eyes red for the first time because of his career. After reading the wind and frost, he could see better than Yang Peng. "Now that the veteran is operated on, it will only force the veteran away and lose the middle level. If the heart is scattered, then it will be scattered!"

The hearts of the people are scattered, and Lao Yang doesn't need to go to the headquarters of the popular magazine to see that the middle-level group of people who have long been complaining about the manager are stunned by the comparison of digging, public account instigation, and real salary.

What's more, many deputy managers did not intend to be the president of Fengxing Magazine for a long time. The media circle is so big. We all know that the veteran of Fengxing Magazine has been entrenched for more than ten years. Many deputy managers and supervisors come to Fengxing to mix experience.

The veteran has been entrenched for too long, too long, and people who have reached the middle level for a long time are not popular.

Even if you announce the withdrawal of the veteran now, these long-lost mid-levels will not be left behind, and those who are left behind will also have ghosts. The reason why Lao Yang has been using the veteran is nothing more than that the veteran is loyal to Fengxing. They manage the most important positions of Fengxing and contact the most important customers. These important things are given to some middle-level people who are not attentive to the popularity?

That is the biggest crisis.

What if they take your customer resources to go to the next home after they are in power?

What if they find that their ability is simply not enough to be a manager after they take office?

The replacement of a manager’s position is not that simple. What's more, it will be a nationally-known summit after a dozen days. At such a big summit, so many stars come to help out, and everything is planned and arranged by the middle level. Going up one or two middle level is very passive, not to mention a large number of losses.

Hold the veteran, but also keep the root. But the steady veteran kept the roots, and those branches and leaves were gone.

Cut off the veteran, then which deputy manager is used? Who is loyal? Lao Yang, who had been using the veteran, had no bottom, he didn't dare.

Now give a raise to the middle management? How much can I add? Add to the same as Xingsheng Magazine?

Fengxing's dividends to veterans are too high, and if they raise their salary like Gao Leng, they simply cannot hold it.

Neither the left nor the right. For a while, Lao Yang had no idea. He gently put down the phone and fell on a bench under the tree. The butler quickly walked over to the ground and put a cup of hot tea on the floor: "Mr. Yang, you Get tired and rest."

"Take a rest..." Lao Yang took the tea, and the mist of tea filled his eyes. It seemed to be in his eyes. They were shining, and they seemed to be fascinated by the wind. Old Yang turned his face and stretched out his hand to wipe it. He sighed for a long time: "I'm not in the mood to take a break, the popularity of one-handed blows, I have worked so hard for a lifetime of popularity, why did the summit go up with the high cold bar? Why did I go with him?"

Lao Yang regretted that he took the initiative to declare war on Gao Leng. Now that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, he is really going to die on the beach.

"The signing on Yangshan this year is really accurate." The old butler also sighed.

That lottery was a winning lottery, and it was written in plain and easy-to-understand terms: if the game meets the opponent, you lose.

"Prepare the car, go to Fengxing, and drive a meeting to stabilize people's hearts." Lao Yang stood up, and a gust of early winter wind blew his gray hair away. He coughed twice, and his back disappeared. .

In the meeting room of Fengxing Magazine, Old Yang Tieqing said with a face: "I'm talking about a meeting above the supervisor level, why are there less than a dozen people?"

"Mr. Yang, some of them have gone to work on location, and some have something to do temporarily today and asked for leave..." The deputy director of the office said weakly, secretly lowering her head to look at her watch. After the meeting, she had to withdraw. , She had an interview opportunity in the building next door, and the headhunter had called her several times.

"I went to interviews, and I will leave in all likelihood. Lao Zhang was soft when he answered the headhunting calls and recommended seven or eight good positions to him. There are so many companies in the world, so of course he will leave if there are good places to go."

"Everything is gone, I want to go, too. Just now a headhunter recommended me a position. It's really good. I don't lose much when I go to the interview.

The remaining deputy managers and supervisors, each carrying ghosts, are ready to move.

It's not just the middle-level people who are worried. The veterans are full of thoughts when they look at each other. The whole trend knows that: suddenly many headhunters call themselves, even some ordinary employees who have never received headhunting calls. . In addition to the passage of the articles of those public accounts, such a large magazine circle is talking about the biggest drawback of Fengxing Magazine: the veteran.

And some of the unifying words of hindsight are naturally: cut off the veteran.

These veterans are naturally uneasy, and the hearts of the people are very complicated. When Lao Yang is about to retire and Yang Peng is about to take office, these veterans who hold important positions are also confused.

"I'm announcing something." Lao Yang stood up and looked at the distracted people in the conference room. He has to do his best to stabilize the chaos.

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