Gossip King

Chapter 1085: Play a set of flowers

The condom can be used for fun. The photos I took are still faintly revealing a corner. This thing is also very sensitive. It is not a scandal but looks like a scandal. After all, it is impossible to avoid 9 pregnancy condoms by yourself. This scandal without a male protagonist but with a condom is comparable to "suspected having a boyfriend" Such propaganda is much more explosive.

After all, it was the chess played by the ace agent who built Uzhi in one hand, and it was amazing.


You can respond or not. Not responding is a more traditional approach, and responding must be done in a more drastic way. It cannot be as calm as before. Teacher Yuzhi is likely to face the reporter directly and choke back: Which newspaper are you from?

Or come one frowned and left the table directly.

I rub!

Yuzhishua big name!

Another wave of reports came out. After Yuzhi's hickey and condoms, the news of the big-name reporter choked again. At this time, the new publicity conference started again. So many cities across the country, coastal cities have to go again, large cities accept collective interviews at least 20 media every day, at least three major media interviews in each city, if not supported by these materials, how to carry over the past promotion period How about hundreds of media interviews in two months?

After the publicity period, Yuzhi can come to a few interviews: I hope that certain media will not catch the wind and catch the shadows. I don't want to respond to unnecessary things. Please pay attention to my work. Then the reporter commented again and wrote out all the videos and materials she had previously choked on the media.

The image of an old drama that only pays attention to drama is vividly displayed. The previous choking of reporters or leaving angrily became disdain for unwarranted reports.

And this is only Yuzhi's personal material, other big names in the same play will also have another set of hype. After the seven or eighth propaganda period, this play will become a household name before it is broadcast.

"Bought it back, the biggest one." The personal assistant ran over, and Uzhi took one box and put it in her pocket, while the other box, she secretly stuffed it into her suitcase pocket.

"How many interviews in the morning?" Yu Zhi asked.

"Fourteen interviews."

Although the breaking news will only appear in a few days, in fact it has to be written today. The news of Hickey and Cosplay will be the same. The fourteen interviews are all about the two suspected scandals. Yuzhi is busy today.

"Go out, I'll start accepting interviews in twenty minutes." Uzhi waved, and everyone backed out. After everyone went out, Yu Zhi pursed his mouth and bit his lip, and took it out from the small pocket of the box. It was the largest and ultra-thin.

She picked it up and put it on her nose and smelled it, with excitement in her eyes.

"I haven't used this for a long time." Uzhi murmured. After unpacking the box, he took out a few and touched them, and then put the two into his personal pockets, blushing, and his heart plopped. Jump, she checked the time, it was only four hours away. In the afternoon, the high cold came and he interviewed him personally.

"He's really good, he's a potential stock, and he's particularly attractive." Yu Zhi's eyes showed the domineering arrogance of Gao Leng to have a video conference with the Dongbang group of people, the heroism of the people fighting at the wine table, and the wind. Investment companies are rushing to invest in the wisdom of his projects.

If a man wants to conquer a woman, especially a woman like Uzhi, he must have strength.

Ding Ding Ding, her cell phone rang.

"Hey, Yuzhi, do you know Mr. Gao from Xingsheng Magazine?" A middle-aged woman's voice came from inside: "I think you have been on their cover magazine before."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Yuzhi was a little strange, knowing that this aunt is a friend of her mother's generation, and she rarely calls her directly.

"Give auntie his phone." The aunt said straightforwardly: "This guy is good, a girl of a friend of mine has taken a fancy to him, I heard, now OMSAS Investment Company has invested 40 to 50 billion yuan in him! This kind of potential stock is going to be won. Do you have his phone? Give me one."

"OMSAS company!" Yuzhi was taken aback. She naturally heard of this well-known investment company.

With so much money, OMSAS rarely invests so much money, Yu Zhixin thought, her heart throbbed, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. It's not that she loves vanity. She has seen a lot of bosses with billions of dollars. What she is proud of is that her vision is really good.

I am proud that I really like a man very good.

"Yeah, I heard that this young man is also very handsome. Anyway, the girl of my friend is said to have fallen in love with this young man at a dinner party at first sight. It's just that the young man didn't have a company at the time. Now I heard that there is land and there are For venture capital companies, the little girl felt that her parents could agree to it, so she told her mother. Her mother went to check the high-cold foundation and was very satisfied. No, it happened to have tea together. I thought of you. , Do you know his private phone number?"

Yuzhi listened to the very enthusiastic voice on the phone, and the rich lady in Guiquan was actually like the old lady of the common people, and loved to pull the red line.

But the red thread pulled Yuzhi very upset. Her eyes moved and she showed a decent smile and said, "Oh, unfortunately, I heard that Gao Leng has a girlfriend, and he is about to get married."

Putting down the phone, Yu Zhi looked at himself with delicate makeup in the mirror, and a fighting spirit filled his heart.

For men, someone who grabs more makes women feel rare and outstanding.

"Prepare for the interview, and end this wave early." Yuzhi looked at the time, and it was not time for the interview yet, but obviously she couldn't wait, finishing early.

There are still four hours, this time I must do well, Yu Zhixin thought, stood up and walked outside.

A total of eight rooms were arranged for the interview. Several media interviews were conducted together, and then another wave of media interviews. A total of five or six waves of interviews were called group interviews. This time is the busiest. The questions in the interviews are almost the same, but the answers must be slightly different. In addition, each wave of interviews has to change clothes and hair styles. The average newcomer simply cannot handle this intensity. Interview.

Of course, ordinary newcomers don't have such influence as Yuzhi, so there are so many interviews. A veteran like Yuzhi's response to the media is naturally a fish in water.

Soon, the time came to noon, and it was only two hours before Gao Leng arrived. Yu had a rest in the middle of the field. Just when he returned to the dressing room, he saw Gao Leng's figure, and saw him sitting on the sofa holding a newspaper. Looking down at it carefully.

"You... why are you here now?" U Zhi was surprised and pleasantly surprised, she waved, and the others hurriedly backed out.

"Can't you come early?" Gao Leng smiled and put down the newspaper: "Is it bothering you? It's okay, you're busy with you, I think a restaurant nearby is delicious, anyway, I will have an interview with you at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. , Simply came early."

As he said, Gao Leng pointed to the table: "I made a bag, thinking you shouldn't have time to eat out, a bunch of interviews, right? You try it and ask the assistant to come in and eat together."

"Oh..." Uzhi was obviously very happy. She didn't expect Gao Leng to come early and she wanted to bring her food, so she quickly picked up a few boxes and put them out and took the other three big bags out. , Can’t wait: "You eat, Mr. Gao treats you."

Soon, she returned to the dressing room and smiled softly at Gao Leng: "What about eating together?"

Accidentally, she overturned the box and the box of condoms slipped out.

The box was opened and slipped out.

Extra large and ultra-thin.

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