Gossip King

Chapter 1119: A simple and honest body

It takes about 11 hours for the imperial capital to fly directly to France, so the ticket at 8 or 9 in the evening is the most suitable. France is landing at noon, and you can sleep at night. Jet lag is not bad.

Gao Leng handled some official duties on the plane, and talked with Jian Xiaoshan for a while on some of the group's current business, and then each took a break. Jian Xiaodan and Gao Leng sat in the first-class cabin. Other employees were in the economy class. Some employees were so excited that it was the first time to go abroad for fear that they could not sleep well.

Gao Leng slept well, but Jian Xiaodan on the side was not asleep. It was not that she was excited about going to France. Jian Xiaodan used to be a war correspondent who went abroad for many times. Although it was the first time she went to France, these Not to disturb her mind.

What disturbed her mind was the high cold sleeping on the side.

She pretended to squint and secretly opened her eyes to look at the cold side face.

Men's eyelashes are also so long... Jian Xiaoshan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

The nose is really pretty...

How do I think he looks good in everything? Especially the plaid shirt, no one looks better than him...

Xiao Shan thumped and blushed, perhaps because Gao Leng fell asleep. Xiao Shan became more courageous. Her slightly squinted eyes widened, and she began to look at Gao Leng unscrupulously. .

I have to say that when a woman likes a man, she never gets tired of looking at that man, and she thinks that man is the most attractive, especially unrequited love.

Suddenly, Gao Leng frowned slightly and moved her body. It should be a little uncomfortable to adjust her sleeping position, but she was so scared that Jian Xiaodan was secretly watching. She immediately closed her eyes and wanted to use it. Super glue sticks the eyelids together.


The heart almost jumped out of the mouth.

After five or six minutes, Jian Xiaodan cautiously opened his eyes when he saw Gao Leng next to him didn't move any more.

He slept next to it, so good...

Jian Xiao simply took out her diary, took a deep look at it coldly, a rare opportunity, every second was precious to her, she couldn't bear to sleep. So he took out a pen and started writing in a diary.

"Today is Gao Leng's second time sleeping next to me..." Jian Xiaoshan wrote.

This is the second time. The first time was in the ward where Lao Hang was injured when he was doing the candid shooting of Wenkai. Xiao Leng, Xiao Shan, and Gao Leng squinted on the same bed. Gao Leng even treated Xiao Shan as a Xiao Leng attack. chest.

Jian Xiaoshan turned the diary to the front. On the day she slept with Gao Leng on the same bed for the first time, she wrote a full five pages, looked down at the scene written at the time, her face was blushing and her heart was beating, sweet.

It is said that secret love is bitter, because the person you love does not know that you love him, especially if the person you love has a lover. What's more, Jian Xiaodan has heard Gao Leng say to Xiao Leng personally: I don't have that kind of male and female love for Jian Xiaodan, and I don't feel it.

Knowing that the man doesn't love you, but you still love him, this is the most bitter and bitter secret love. Jian Xiaodan is experiencing all this, but she doesn't feel bitter. In her opinion, who has never received any love since she was a child, Gao Leng is a godsend for her to love silently.

"His body still smells familiar. It's 11 o'clock in the evening. It is said that men's beards will grow overnight. I don't know if it's true? I'll know it in the morning." Happy simply strokes She wrote that she was reluctant to sleep, and she was reluctant to sleep for a minute.

"When I arrived in Europe, he slept next to me and slept well, I am so happy, Gao Leng actually slept beside me from Asia to Europe, hehe..."

"He changed his posture five times, and he didn't know what he was dreaming. I hope it is a sweet dream."

"Wow, his beard really grows green beard, it's amazing!"

Jian Xiaodan pulled out a photo from her diary. This is a secret photo of Gao Leng while she was in a meeting. To talk about the sneak shot technique, Xiao Shan has nothing to say. Gao Leng's half of the body was taken very clearly. Not to mention, he is also full of self-confidence and chicness that is unique to men.

Jian Xiaoshan held up the photo and compared it to the high-coldness who was sleeping, and smiled shyly and thought: He looks different now from before, and now he is more confident.

Suddenly, Jian Xiaodan thought of something, and her eyes lit up.

I quickly took out my phone and pointed it at Gao Leng's side face. They were professional. Gao Leng in the photo fell asleep quietly. The close shot made Xiao Shan overjoyed, and her eyes turned sharply. turn.

Do you want to take a picture of me and him pretending to sleep? she thinks.

As soon as this thought came out, Jian Xiaodan immediately covered her face with her hands and was extremely ashamed. She took a few deep breaths and patted her face gently.

So shy... don't... be like a female hooligan... Jian Xiaodan thought so in his heart, but he held up the phone honestly...

She approached Gao Leng quietly, not daring to actually touch him, but she didn’t want to be too far away. When she was far away, she was sleeping together. She leaned in slowly, and even felt Gao Leng’s even breathing Right in the ear.

Suddenly a figure came over.

Jian Xiaodan was just like being struck by electricity. Before even pressing the shutter, she immediately sat stiffly on her seat, picked up the newspaper and held it up pretending to be worried about the country's affairs. She cleared her throat: hi...

It turned out to be a passing flight attendant. After being stupefied by the sudden HI for a few seconds, the flight attendant bent down and asked softly: "What do you need?"

"One...a cup of coffee..." Jian Xiaodan was afraid that his voice would wake up Gao Leng, and said in a low voice and cautiously quickly, the stewardess nodded and poured coffee for her with a puzzled look.

You are sleeping most of the night, and there are people who want to drink coffee? The stewardess thought.

When the stewardess left, Jian Xiaodan let out a long sigh of relief. She looked around quickly and took out her accuracy as a war correspondent and the superb skills of the eldest sister in the reporter business. Zhi Shi closed his eyes and pretended to lean on Gao Leng's shoulder, and reached out his hand to wipe a sheet with his mobile phone.

A sneak shot that is clean and full of acting skills. This is the most successful and satisfying sneak shot taken by Xiao Shan this year. The most successful, none of them.


Xiao Dan breathed a long sigh of relief, turned his back to Gao Leng and looked down at the photo. In the photo, Xiao Shan closed his eyes as if lying next to Gao Leng, which was perfect.

Hey... Jian Xiaoshan couldn't help but giggled.

"Huh?" At this moment, the flight attendant walked to the tail of the first class cabin and turned back. She was taken aback by Jian Xiaodan's rather ghostly laughter. She stopped and watched for a cup of coffee just in the middle of the night. Woman.

"Hi..." Jian Xiaodan waved awkwardly again to pretend to be calm: "One more cup of coffee..."

"Okay." Although the flight attendant didn't say anything, but the look was just looking at neuropathy. You should know that the coffee that was just poured was better placed on the chopping board in front of him without a sip, and another cup?

Throughout the evening, Jian Xiaoshan wrote a few sentences in her diary from time to time, most of the time she turned her head sideways and stared deeply at Gao Leng and looked down at the photo on her phone, enjoying her happiest night alone. .

She doesn't need coffee to refresh herself at all, she won't fall asleep for a second at night like this.

And the one who couldn't sleep was the stewardess who was watching the night, because she heard Jian Xiaodan's silly laugh from time to time.

"Why do you seem to be out of energy?" After getting up from the cold, went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out of the bathroom, Jian Xiao asked with a tired and concerned face: "I'm not used to long-distance flying, okay?"

"Well, not used to it, are you here?" Jian Xiaoshan suppressed the joy and regret in his heart, looking at the bright sky outside.

"Well, we will be there in three hours. We will get off the plane at noon in Paris." Gao Leng sat down and said, "Eat breakfast on the plane. You can eat more. You don't need to be so nervous to rest on the first day in France. It's just a promotion for an annual meeting of Huantai Group. You have to learn to relax."

Gao Leng saw Jian Xiaodan's face exhausted, and thought she was distressed when she was working all the time.

Jian Xiaoshan didn't speak. She was best at concealing her true emotions. She just nodded and picked up toiletries and went to the bathroom to wash. When she got up, she put the diary under the information.

It always takes time for girls to wash and put on makeup. Gao Leng was bored and looked down on the simple information. He picked up the top ones and flipped through them, "The information is quite complete." Gao Leng Muttering, turned a few pages.

"Xiao Shan really knows me very well." Gao Leng looked at the few documents in his hand. All of them were professional materials of the French wine industry. Gao Leng did not ask Xiao Shan to prepare this information, and Jian Xiao Shan was just Seeing the arrangements for food, clothing, housing and transportation submitted by Yang Guanguan for the trip to France, and booking hotels around the two major regions of France, Bordeaux and Burgundy, he judged that he was likely to be interested in the French wine industry.

"I actually prepared so many materials." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and wanted to take the pile of materials over to have a look. When he picked it up, he found a crusty little book at the bottom, so he pulled it out curiously.

This is an old-fashioned notebook. It seems to be some years old, with a bunch of plum blossoms printed on the outer cover. If you have seen a washbasin that everyone tried in the early 1980s, you will find that this cover is exactly the same as the most popular plum pattern in the washbasin at that time.

At that time, goldfish and plum blossoms were my favorites in the washbasins, and the notebooks were the same, and they were very thick.

"Why do you still use this kind of notebook? This older generation uses it." Gao Leng saw a similar notebook at his teacher's house when he was a child, and couldn't help but laugh. Jian Xiaodan actually used such an old-fashioned thing to make him feel a bit Nostalgic, this book seems to be used frequently, and the cover is a bit worn out.

"Is it the accounting book again?" Gao Leng thought to himself, frowning instinctively.

He had accidentally seen her account book in Xiaodan’s box before. It recorded her daily expenses, as small as a bottle of water. At that time Gao Leng had not enough rights to update Xiaodan. With a good salary, Gao Leng couldn't let go of seeing her recording two dollars of water.

He couldn't bear to live with the woman who followed him.

In the years that followed, Gao Leng would give Xiaodan a salary increase for every promotion. Not only did her salary increase, her clothes and accommodation were all done by Gao Leng. Take the outfit that came to Paris this time as an example. Nine of the big-name clothes were bought by Gao Leng.

Logically speaking, she does not have to worry about money at all.

Gao Leng frowned and put down the information. He took the book and turned to the first page. On it, a strange handwriting read: Give it to Jian, Mama Guo.

"Simple?" Gao Leng was stunned, what about the simple "small" character? Is "simple" her real name? he thinks.

Turning a page again, I saw that the handwriting inside was beautiful, and the date on the top was four or five years away. There were more than a dozen lines on a page, and a diary was written at the top of each content.

Gao Leng didn't take a closer look at the content below. He realized that it was a simple diary, so he immediately closed it.

Respect the privacy of others, this is the basic respect.

At this time, a photo slipped from the diary, and it was Xiao Shan who secretly took a photo of Gao Leng during a meeting and fell to Gao Leng's feet.

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