Gossip King

Chapter 1149: High-cold destruction counterattack! Su Su...

When going to school, the class usually has a big group photo, most of them have to command for a long time, some small station in front of the big station behind, a mess. It’s different from the chief’s taking pictures. Everyone’s standing has been arranged long ago. Three rows of fixed benches are placed in front of the relief of dragons and phoenix dancing on the back. As soon as they enter this room, the staff will guide everyone to stand there. Own position.

This position can be a symbol of status, and you cannot stand in disorder.

There was no mess, so many people stood quietly in two minutes. Director Zhang is naturally not standing in the leader's row. There are a series of other leaders besides the chief, but he is in the second row, and he is still not far from the leader.

Director Zhang smiled happily with eight teeth. This position is much better than when the former chief took a group photo together. Yes, now he is an old man in the film and television industry, and his qualifications should be his position.

The two videographers drove two cameras to shoot, and they were very skilled in taking a few pictures.

"Okay, let's take two more pictures at the end. This time everyone closed their eyes. I yelled three and two. When one, everyone opened their eyes together." The filming staff had a loud voice. The attention is not bad. Seventy With a few literary and art workers plus a dozen officials, it’s hard to take photos of more than 80 people without closing their eyes. First close them and then open them together. This kind of snapping can greatly reduce the rate of closing eyes.

After all, it is a capable person who works at the hall level, and the level of taking a picture is not average, and it is really a top pick.

After the photo is taken, the head and the person shaking hands are over. If there is enough time, they will shake hands. If there is not enough time, they will shake the front row or two. The officials in the first row shook hands quickly, and the chief said almost nothing. When he arrived in the row of Director Zhang, Director Zhang became nervous.

He had taken two photos with the former chief, and there was an old man who shook hands twice, but this time he became nervous. Sure enough, there are two different things with thoughts and no thoughts, not to mention this thought is directed at the chief.

"Hello, Mr. Guo has seen a lot of weight loss these days. Take care of your body." The first literary and artistic staff member held by the chief is an older generation star of the empire. He is now 89 years old. The chief has a respectful tone and asked. A few sentences.

"your life's so hard."


"try hard."

For the next seven or eight who shook hands, the chiefs all just smiled and released a polite sentence, flashing flashes all at once. Dao Zhang became more and more anxious in his heart. Looking at this situation, his sentence was too long. Wouldn't it be possible for the chief to shake the next person before he finished speaking?

Mr. Gao said that the director likes to watch my movies, and he doesn’t know whether his judgment is right or not. If the judgement is wrong, I will find it difficult to get through this game. Director Zhang thought to himself, leaning his body and looking in the direction where the director came. Look, at this time there are five or six people coming to him.



"Work hard."

Except occasionally he would talk a few more words in front of an old literary and artistic work, the leader said less and less, but he was very approachable with a smile. Every literary and art worker who shook hands with the leader would whisper. A few sentences, such as the chief has worked hard, the chief pays attention to rest, thank the chief for the interview, etc. Everyone dare not say too much, after all, so many people are waiting to shake hands.

Seeing this situation, Dao Zhang's heart became more and more upbeat.

Another person came to Director Zhang. Director Zhang's body was a little stiff. Although he was nervous, his sense of honor was much higher than nervousness. It was a great honor to be received by the largest leader of the empire. This is stronger than the honor of any award ceremony.

This means that Director Zhang has been respected at the empire.

The chief stretched out his hand to hold the one next to Director Zhang. At this time, Director Xing walked over and said softly: "Head, there is not much time left, hurry up."

If I don’t come early or late, I just want to shake my hand to remind the chief that there’s no time. Director Zhang’s heart feels cold. If there is no time, he must shake hands and leave quickly. I will just say this before I can say it. Grab the next one.

Director Zhang depends on whether the director is really as Gao Leng judged: the director likes Zhang Dao's movies.

And Gao Leng, bet on this one, and bet on whether his judgment is correct.

After listening to Director Xing’s words, the chief nodded his hand, and shook the hand of the person next to Zhang Dao: "Thank you." With two simple words, Zhang Dao quickly stretched out his hand and waited for the chief to shake it. His heart came first. Jumping so fast each time, success or failure is within a few seconds of shaking hands.

I was preparing to shoot Jianguo Diye recently, and I will work hard. Director Zhang said this sentence silently again in his heart, minus a few words, and tried to say it quickly and clearly, within a few seconds of shaking hands.

"Director Zhang." The chief smiled and stretched out his hand: "What are you filming lately? I like your film very much."

Director Zhang was stunned.

The chief called out his name and didn't say anything. He actually asked him what he was filming recently. !

A burst of enthusiasm rushed up. The director is his biggest fan. In recent years, Director Zhang has made a lot of New Year films for his ideal literary and artistic films. The depression of the commercial film rushed up, then was diluted with great honor and disappeared.

Everything is worth it, this is the greatest affirmation.

"Thank you, Chief." Director Zhang instinctively grasped Director Zhang's hand with both hands, and said clearly: "I'm currently preparing "Jianguo Diye", which is a difficult history before the founding of the country. . It's a serious drama."

When the chief heard this, he immediately raised his thumb and stood up straight, and said to everyone, "Yes! Everyone should learn from Director Zhang and take this...this..."

"Jianguo Diye." Director Xing quickly reminded.

"Yes, this film is being promoted recently? I have heard that since Jianguo Diye is a serious drama, it cannot be filmed blindly. It is necessary to film the blood of our revolutionary martyrs!"

Director Zhang had already laughed so much that he could not find North. At this time, he had already forgotten the chess game Gao Leng said. It was only a joy from the heart. He was affirmed by the chief director. Director Zhang has not done nothing in his life. .

But the chief executive took the initiative to praise Director Zhang for the film that was in preparation and ordered him to make it well. What does this mean?

Director Zhang only felt that the blood was going up, but he was stunned in a blink of an eye. What did the chief say?

The chief heard our title?

right? His film has always been kept secret, although some people in the circle know that Zhang is preparing to shoot a historical drama, but it is definitely not because the director knows it.

Promoting recently?

Director Zhang’s Yu Guang saw a Director Lu in the fourth row walking towards him anxiously, and immediately understood: Su Su’s investment in "Empire Great Efforts" has been spent on the media in the past ten days. With little money to publicize, so many stars are coming to play the film before it is shot, the director must have seen the "Empire Weiye" filmed by Director Lu instead of the "Jianguo Empire" he prepared.

The two names are similar. It is normal for the chief to remember the confusion every day, let alone the chief, even many people in the circle will get confused.

Director Lu was in the fourth row, not far away. He was stunned after hearing what the chief had said. As soon as his eyes rolled, he squeezed over here with joy. Others didn’t know that he knew it. There is no publicity, the chief sees his own film, "Empire's Great Cause"!

Director Lu smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a gap, happy and anxious, pushing away the people around him and squeezing over here quickly.

Everyone knows what will happen to the film that the chief's name calls for a good shot.

This is hand-picked.

Not only was it appointed, but also ordered you to make this film well. This is a political task. It can be expected that after the meeting, the SARFT will immediately know that the director appointed the film, and the policy is natural. Without further ado, which artist in the entertainment industry would dare not give face when appointed by the chief? Which cinema dare not arrange gears?

Director Lu squeezed from the left to the right and squeezed in front of him.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Director Zhang quickly shook the head's hand and said loudly: "Yes, I will do my best to make this film in accordance with the head's request, as a gift for next year's National Day anniversary!"

After all, this **** is still old and spicy.

Director Zhang immediately raised his historical drama to a gift film. There will be many anniversary gift films, but this is the only one selected by the chief. Director Lu's face turned pale. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when the chief's accompanying security personnel noticed that he suddenly squeezed in. They stepped forward and suppressed him a few steps back.

Angrily stared at the landing guide.

Yes, treat him as a dangerous person.

The chief nodded and continued to shake hands with other people. Until the chief left, Director Zhang's heartbeat was still fast. He was excited and excited, and wanted to call Gao Leng right away, but unfortunately there is no mobile phone.

Director Zhang knows that as long as this film is handled well, it is likely to become the most popular one among his films.

Why is it a hit? Historical films have always had a low box office?

Come on, every major unit will organize people to watch this kind of hand-picked gift film. How many civil servants are there in the country? Coupled with the party school students, this is a real box office. And theaters must be high-volume movies. As long as they are high-volume movies, the box office cannot be lower.

You have to know that you can only get a 40% platoon rate with a box office of 200 million that day. Films with this policy tend to have a platoon rate of at least 60%, or even higher.

After the meeting, Director Zhang hurriedly went to the mobile phone reception area to pick up the phone he had just confiscated. Leading him was Director Lu. He squeezed to the front and started talking with his own phone: "Mr. Su, urgent. The situation, the chief said at the meeting "The Founding of the Empire", um, Mr. Gao."

"What?!" Mr. Su was free tonight and was doing SPA leisurely. She covered her face with a black deep-sea seaweed mask. She immediately sat up, her naked upper body was very attractive, but the seaweed mask just dropped. A few dollars: "What did you say?!"

Su Su has never been so surprised.

"Oh! We spent so much money on publicity. It was nothing publicity!" Lu Dao was so angry that he ran to his car and ran to his car: "The whole **** gave Gao Leng them a publicity! The chief sees it. It’s our film, not theirs!"

"What?!" Su Suquan was dumbfounded, and asked again, a piece of black mushy mask on his forehead fell off, and it fell to her mouth. Su Su ignored the horrible image and stood up: "You, you, you, you ,what did you say?"

Su Su has never been so panicked.

Gao Leng's move actually hit the realm directly, which was tens of thousands of times as shocking as Su Su's offensive, and it was destroyed.

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