Gossip King

Chapter 1218: Old Hanging End

The fat man was desperate and helpless. He squatted to the ground like a child and started crying. He finally knew why someone would use "beating his chest and feet" to describe grief and anger. At this time, the fat man was beating his chest, crying like a fool. While crying, he said, "Go pick it up, go quickly."

Several people glanced at each other and understood: Old man, I can't make it through.

"We tried our best. You are mentally prepared to bring your children to see you. The patient is unconscious and has bleeding from multiple organs." A doctor came out, lowered his eyes and sighed, seeing more life and death, and seeing more. The doctor felt sad that he did not save a person in his own hands.

He tilted his head and did not look at the hanging wife.

"Still alive." To the doctor's surprise, after hearing this, the sister-in-law did not cry out of control like other family members of the patient. Although her leg became weak and she sat on the stool, she did not collapse, but murmured. Reading: still alive.

"Can you go in and have a look." Gao Leng asked.

"Behind the glass." The doctor said. The ICU emergency ward is not allowed to visit. Gao Leng said hello to the dean. This is a special case. He moved the ward to the only bed near the glass, where he could look twice.

The doctor looked at her sister-in-law with a serious expression: "You have to be strong."

In the latter words, the doctor did not talk to the sister-in-law, but took Gao Leng aside, and said simply but cruelly: "This patient is injured too badly and has tried his best, but he is still at the gate of the ghost gate. There is only a less than 5% chance. He can survive, and he must be psychologically prepared. He has children or something, so please come and see you soon."

Seeing, that is, seeing the last time, it will not be saved, and the 5% chance is just a euphemism.

Gao Leng nodded and said nothing.

The bed of the old hammock moved to the only small piece of frosted glass. I can’t see clearly, but I can see an outline. In the outline, the old hammock has tubes all over his body. I heard the doctor say that his abdomen is still open. Not a good foundation, he died on the spot. It is a miracle to be able to survive till now.

There will be another miracle of survival next, and this probability is almost zero.

Sister Diao lay on the frosted glass, and her tears fell one by one. Every time she fell, she reached out and wiped it away. Suddenly, Sister Diao raised her hand and gave herself a big-eared melon seed, crying. Said: "This tear can't be wiped off no matter what, let the old man see me so fiercely!"

With that said, the sister-in-law reached out her hand and wiped the frosted glass, as if she could touch the old one, she shook her head: "How can you not get through? It's impossible to get through, old hanger, wake up. "

What the doctor said, I understand.

She also understood what they meant by "be mentally prepared" and "be strong".

Doesn't it mean that the old hanger can't live?

Understand or understand, but Sister-in-law doesn't believe it, just like Lao Diao doesn't believe that she has been in the nest all her life.

"Lao Hang, you have to believe your fate, you are the son of a mouse. Just make a hole and live. What kind of imperial capital did you go to? Where did you go? Your son hasn't yet, so he just talked about his son going to university. I really want to That's too much." The villagers said that when Lao Diao and his sister-in-law were about to come to the Imperial Capital to explore the world.

But the old man didn't believe his fate, he took a sip on the ground and looked at the red sun in the distance.

"Let's go!" The old sling waved his hand, and the burlap sack pushed his shoulder.

"Yeah!" The ladies behind him also carried a sackcloth bag and followed him closely.

"I don't believe it anymore, I have to show up! My son has to go to college!"

Lao Hang's rhetoric is still in his ears, but now he is lying motionless in the emergency room.

Suddenly, the sister-in-law turned her head to look at Gao Leng. Gao Leng's eyes were red, holding back tears and walked over. The sister-in-law grabbed Gao Leng's hand and said loudly, deliberately, "Don't call the child over. None of the dolls come here! But come!"

With that, she patted the glass vigorously, and the nurse inside immediately made a stopping action and ran out.

"Doctor, tell old hanging, if he doesn't wake up, my son won't come over, I will listen to him all my life, this time he has to listen to me, so it is decided! If he has the ability, he will die. Don't bury him!"

The sister-in-law hangs her head high, her chest is bowed together, tears are clearly in her eyes, but she is not afraid. It is said that if the couple have been together for a long time, their personalities will be somewhat similar. I don’t know if it is because the sister-in-law has a certain stubbornness and arrogance in the same vein as the old one, or the years of married life make the sister-in-law have this stubbornness. And arrogance.

The hanging sister at this time is just like the old hanging who drove a boat and carried a bag to enter the imperial capital.


She is convinced that her man will not die, he came out to practice for the child, and now he should wake up for the child.

"The patient is dying." However, another nurse hurriedly walked out the door and said, the ICU ward began to save lives again. They were surrounded by Lao Hang, their belly was still open, their legs were broken, and they pressed their chests. All are extremely risky.


There was a suffocating sound from the ventilator.

The heartbeat stopped again.

It is said that life comes from a desperate place, Lao Hang obviously has reached the desperate place, but the vitality cannot be seen.

Gao Leng and Diao's wife outside the door couldn't hear this drop, but they felt the coming of the end.

Gao Leng looked at the old man inside, and the sadness in his heart was beyond words. He couldn't cry either. He only felt that his heart was broken into pieces, but he couldn't cry. He seemed to have no strength to cry. Except for sadness, he had no strength .

If possible, he is willing to use the entire Starlight Group in exchange.

Money is something outside the body, life is the most important thing.

During the unannounced visits together, Gao Leng knew that fate was very important, but he desperately wanted to expose it, and the old man followed him without hesitation. He has been following him all the way until now.

Gao Leng keeps saying, "I'm lucky.

Now I feel that it is the luck of the high cold that the two met, but the misfortune of the old man.


"How could it be caused by you? Everyone has a fate, maybe his fate is like this, it has nothing to do with knowing you or not." The little witch stood behind her, did not speak, but calmly comforted her high cold with her consciousness.

Gao Leng turned her head and saw that she was wearing a white woolen coat, and under her long eyelashes, she looked at Gao Leng with an unusually calm eye. There was no sadness in the eyes of other people, nothing at all.

Xiaowei doesn't seem to understand human emotions.

She seemed indifferent to the joys and sorrows.

"You don't understand." Gao Leng didn't know how to explain this kind of brotherhood to her, and she didn't know whether she could understand the regret of life, so he stopped talking after saying this sentence.

I remember when Mu Xiaolen’s father was imprisoned, Xiaowei also seemed extremely calm when he faced Mu Xiaolen’s crying. She just said rationally: Of course you will be punished if you do something wrong, and you will gradually reduce your sentence after being sentenced.

If you don't understand the complex emotions of human beings, you don't understand the sadness.

Xiaowei tilted his head and looked at Gao Leng, then looked at Diao's wife, and pulled Gao Leng aside: "You don't have to blame yourself so much. This is his fate and has nothing to do with you."

Gao Leng reached out his hand and touched her head: "Regret, sorry for the old man, you don't understand."

The life that had just blossomed was about to disappear, and everyone else felt regretful, not to mention that he was the brother of the old hanging, but this was a poor brother who made a fortune all the way, iron buddies.

"I think he is alive, the future is just beginning to be beautiful, I hope he is alive." Gao Leng muttered, his eyes were red with bloodshot eyes, and the boy did not flick lightly with tears, but he was not sad.

The little witch tilted her head to look at Gao Leng, and did not speak any more.

"Sign a word." The nurse came out with a pile of documents and asked for Diao Sister to sign. Diao Sister didn't have time to read it, so he signed it directly.

"Is the child not here yet?" The nurse glanced around sympathetically and then quickly returned to the emergency room.

"Maybe his life is like this. It's useless to save it, right?" Gao Xiaowei leaned at the door and looked at the old hanger at the frosted glass, then looked at Gao Leng, only to see Gao Leng leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He clenched fists with both hands but was helpless: "But Gao Leng is so sad..."

"Will you be sad for a long time if the old hanging is gone?" the little witch asked.

"For the rest of my life, if you don't know me, maybe he won't die." Gao Leng said, reaching out to the fat man: "Give me a cigarette, the kind that the old man usually smokes." This is the first time for the little witch. Seeing Gao Leng smoking, it is indeed the first time Gao Leng smokes.

He doesn't like smoking, but nowadays, it seems that only by smoking the cigarettes that the old man usually smokes can he have a kind of connection with him.

Gao Xiaowei's eyes darkened, she lowered her head, one foot on the ground nodded, and then tilted her head to look at Gao Leng deeply, watching him lit the cigarette, and before putting it in her mouth, she stretched out her hand Smoking out the cigarette and throwing it on the ground: "I don't like the smell of smoke."

There seemed to be fear in her eyes, and finally she seemed to have made up an idea. She raised her eyes to look at Gao Leng firmly, and suddenly grinned: "I can't help, then I'll go back first, I'm hungry."

Gao Xiaowei didn't even glance at Lao Diao through the frosted glass, nor did he say hello to his sister-in-law. After speaking, he turned around and left, as if he was hanging up high.

"This Xiaowei is really heartless, Lao Hang is like this, she is so relaxed." The fat man couldn't stand it anymore, and he muttered dissatisfiedly at Gao Xiaowei's back: "Although she has never had much contact with Lao Hang. , But they are all friends, she is like a okay person! What a white-eyed wolf."

"What are you talking about, Xiaowei is still young and ignorant." Although Jian Xiaodan said that, looking at Xiaowei's back with red eyes and not turning away, she was also a little disappointed. Now that Lao Hang was lying in the front line of life and death, the onlookers who came around all sighed with regret, but she was really okay when everyone came and left.

When I was at home, I thought she didn't understand the world. Xiao Shan only thought that she might be too familiar with the world, so he didn't think much about it, but now he thinks she is really cold-blooded.

Only Gao Leng didn't feel disappointed. He understood that the little witch was the one who didn't hesitate to sacrifice herself to protect the other party if there was a danger. If she said there was nothing she could do, it should be beyond her ability.

Xiaowei walked to the elevator entrance and looked around, then flashed to the stairwell, and quickly disappeared into the stairwell.

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