Gossip King

Chapter 1309: The prodigal son goes to the true love

As soon as Richie heard it, she burst into laughter. She quickly walked over and sat on the sofa: "Let’s say, don’t look at the many women around Fatty. In fact, this person is very simple, especially in terms of relationships. cheat."

Mu Qing lazily walked towards the bed, and when she fell onto the bed, she gave Ruiqi a thumbs up: "You wanted me to have a repair operation, and he did the right thing. He immediately changed his attitude when he found out that it was the first time. ."

The attitude of the fat man before and after seeing a touch of red on the bed sheet appeared in Mu Qing's mind. They were indeed completely different.

"The hymen repair operation is only two or three thousand yuan. You have to terminate the contract with Ding Rui. The termination fee is very expensive. Your appearance alone is not enough for him to help you. The beautiful sea is gone these years. This layer of film is different. Last time he and I said he had never encountered a place before. Tsk tsk tsk, you are the first place he encountered, tsk tsk tsk." Ruiqi picked up the challenge. Mei Mei sighed with regret: "I knew he and I had an operation last time, hey..."

Mu Qing stretched out her hand and hugged Ruiqi. Ruiqi was a friend she met after she was in Beijing. She rented the basement together with her best friend, but she was not as lucky as Ruiqi, so she signed a contract with Starlight Group. Weapon, I am afraid I will not see the fat man.

"But..." Mu Qing's face showed a worried look: "I still didn't perform well in many details. I took the initiative to take off my clothes. I acted too casually, not like it, and I couldn't help but yell at that time. Now, it’s pretty good... Hey, fortunately he thought I was in pain. In short, many details can’t stand scrutiny, and I’m worried.”

Mu Qing paced back and forth in the room, the more he thought about it, the more worried.

From the time I took the initiative to seduce him, I was too bold, but the problem was that there was no other way at the time. In short, I didn’t act like an unmanned girl, especially when I was on the sofa, and when I was confused and mad. Hugging the fat man tightly, this is not very similar.

Fatty is a veteran, and he might be suspicious if he examines it carefully.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Ruiqi is obviously very experienced: "I tell you, you only have to let the fat man fall in love with you, as long as you fall in love, as long as you really fall in love, that man is like a child, so foolish!"

It is said that women have zero IQ in love. Few people say that men have zero IQ in love. Most of them say that men have an IQ when they pursue a girl. In fact, as long as a man falls in love, he will be like a child. .

Say vows as seriously as a child, foolish as a child.

"I'm still a little worried." Mu Qing thought about it: "Fortunately, I left him a note when I first went out, and I was very shy in many details. I should..."

"Don't worry, you'll know it in the morning." Ruiqi pushed Mu Qing to the bedroom: "Hurry up and apply a mask and squint. In the morning, we will train dancing. If he believes, he will definitely come to you. Your skin is supple and tender, it's mesmerizing him."

As soon as Mu Qing heard this, he quickened his pace and took out a large pack of facial masks and walked into the bathroom. Soon after, the sound of the shower in the bathroom came out.

Ruiqi looked at the bathroom a little enviously, and seemed a little jealous and regretful, but after another thought, her good friend also came to Starlight Group. It is better than she alone. So many people outside have not been appreciated by the cold. , The competition is too fierce.

One more teammate is no harm.

"You said, I lied to the fat man, wouldn't it be too good?" The bathroom door opened a gap, and Mu Qing showed a little body from the gap. It was a stunner, with a dazzling white complexion.

"What's not so good?" Ruiqi rolled her eyes: "He was a prodigal, rich second generation, if he had not been with Gao Zongneng today? Besides, what did you lie to him? He is like this. People are lustful. He slept for three of us alone. You, you should act for the heavens. Someone has to clean up this lustful man!"

After listening, Mu Qing closed the bathroom door and stood under the shower again. The water dripped down. The hair from end to waist was very beautiful, as soft as an ancient concubine, thinking about Ruiqi If that happened, she nodded.

This is the truth, this fat man is not a single-minded master, he has played with several girls, not bad this time.

While thinking about it, she put on a facial mask and a faint lotion on her body and gently massaged it in. It was very white and tender.

Just like this, just this beautiful body, a stunner.

How can such a stunner slowly consume in Ding Rui's company? There was a desire for fame in Mu Qing's eyes, and her hand slightly clenched a fist.

Fatty, it's her chance, we must hold it.


The fat man woke up at half past five. Only half an hour after Mu Qing left the room, he dazedly reached out and touched Mu Qing's direction, but no one was found.

After making a jump, the fat man woke up suddenly.

Sitting up, the fat man turned his head and saw that Mu Qing was not around. Suddenly he felt a dream. His eyes fell on the note on the bedside table and took it over to take a look.

"Thinking about it, I still go back to Ruiqi's sleep. You said you can't touch the artists of the Star Group. If you let Mr. Gao see me, it will be bad for your career. You are good to me, and I must be good to you. Your Mu Qing." The fat man thought suicide, and the air was full of happiness.

"Your Mu Qing." The fat man read these words over and over again, his face turned red.

"Sell her to come to my room to sleep, and go to a friend after sleeping. She will be very shameless." The fat man thought to himself, standing up and putting on his pajamas. He stopped when he walked to the door and wanted to open the door.

"Is she supposed to be asleep now? This will wake her up again, too tired." So the fat man went back to the bed again, and wanted to call Mu Qing back, but was afraid to disturb her sleep.

The place where he looked was messy, and this mess was caused by the fusion of the two of him and Mu Qing. The fat man laughed from the bottom of his heart, and lay down on the bed to recall the scenes of the night.

She was so courageous, she stripped naked and stood in front of me, unlike a girl who had never experienced human affairs, the fat man thought to himself, he frowned when he thought of this.

It seems that she had a difficult time in the imperial capital. If it weren’t for Ding Rui’s company, she would have no resources. I’m afraid she would not have taken this step. She didn’t know me and had to come and dedicate herself. She must have been terrified at the time. The fat man thought to himself.

He glanced at the black and red on the bed sheet again, after one night, the blood red was still black and red, and the others looked a little disgusting, but the fat man seemed to feel that the sense of conquest was overwhelming.

No wonder she shouted in pain, hey, I shouldn't be rude at the time, the fat man was very upset.

She doesn't love me, but the body is given to me. Would you think that I helped her only because I slept with her? Will her self-esteem hurt? And Ricky and I... If she knew that I slept with other girls before, would she have a bad impression of me? The fat man was very nervous and regretted his previous carelessness.

No, I couldn't be considered bothered before. I didn't care at all. However, I moved my kidneys without even moving my heart. Will she look down on me? The more he thought about it, the more he felt inferior.

Lieutenant General Mu Qing expressed pain at night, and his shy expression kept thinking back and forth, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he shouldn't have asked Mu Qing just like that.

Well, I have to let her know that she is not the kind of girl who gives me a resource and pays goodbye. I have to make her feel that in the imperial capital, she has me and someone protects her, she is my fat and serious girl. friend. The fat man was fidgeting, pacing back and forth in the room, looking at the black and red on the bed sheet from time to time, his thoughts flashing.

Once a man falls in love, he will be like a child.

At this time, the fat man was like a child, excited and nervous, worried and longing, automatically skipping some details that did not look like a virgin, and recalling the details like a virgin again and again.

The more I think about it, the sweeter I feel.

Fortunately, I do things with the boss, otherwise how could such a big beauty be my turn? I have to tell the boss about this and sign to the Starlight Group. Why is it still not dawn? The fat man couldn't sleep anymore. He turned over and over, holding the note written by Mu Qing in his hand, reading it over and over again, and finally put the note carefully in the innermost pocket of his bag.


"Didn't you just start dancing at half past six? Why do you put on makeup now?" Mu Qing asked when she came out of the bathroom and saw Ruiqi putting on makeup carefully in front of the mirror.

"I told you yesterday that Mr. Gao is here and he is upstairs. We will practice dance in the dance studio upstairs. He can see it as soon as he opens his bedroom, so I have to perform well." Brush your eyelashes to make them distinct.

"The boss of Starlight Group, I really envy you. If he pushes you hard, you will be on fire." Mu Qing sat up from the bed: "How old is this Gao?"

"Very young, two or three years older than us? 23? 24? I heard that there is an interview with him in financial magazines, but I don't read that kind of magazines. Anyway, they are very handsome." Ruiqi sighed and pointed. Pointing to the ceiling: "The four he pushed hard to live upstairs. These four people must be hot. It depends on who is the big fire and who is the small one."

"Does it become hot as long as he pushes?" Mu Qing was a little unbelievable.

"Nonsense! Are the first two top entertainment magazines in his hand? He invested in Jianguo Diye, and then he will invest in a lot of film and television dramas. You said, if he pushes you hard, will you be hot?" Ruiqi asked back .

A look of regret appeared on Mu Qing's face.

"Don't regret it. You can't just seduce Mr. Gao in this way. The sea of ​​temptation is gone. They are all big names. I heard that Lin Zhi has slept with him. How old are you?" The fact that Lin Zhi was slept by Gao Leng was spread in the circle, and Ruiqi sighed: "We, we are going to sleep with Fatty. But you are better than me. You are a virgin in Fatty's eyes. It’s more prettier than me, he’s enough to push you down."

Mu Qing nodded, and still looked at Ruiqi enviously: "You have signed a contract with Starlight Group. You have even filmed the MV. I don't have anything yet, and I don't know if this fat guy can push me."

The two were talking when the door rang.

Richie ran to the door and looked at the cat's eye, then turned her head and whispered: "It's fat, hurry up, go to bed, remember, you have to support the wall."

For the first experience, walking the next day is always a bit uncomfortable, so I have to do a full set of plays.

"He didn't see anything?" Mu Qing was a little nervous, and hurried to the bed to cover the quilt.

It was just six o'clock at this time, so early, why did the fat man knock on the door? Richie looked at the cat's eyes again, and saw that the fat guy who had always been confident in front of the artist was shy and nervous.

Like a child.

"Don't worry, he's in the middle." Ruiqi made a victory gesture and opened the door.

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