Gossip King

Chapter 1325: It's beautiful!

"It's really cold tea." Ji Fan left this sentence and never looked at An Zhenping again.

A layer of sweat broke out on An Zhenping's forehead.

This is a provocative and extremely heavy statement.

"Leader, don't worry, I will reject the Huantai Group now, don't be angry, drink tea to cool down, I will call now." An Zhenping will naturally choose to sit on the Diaoyutai step by step, let alone Huantai Group There was only a verbal promise, but a verbal promise to the president of a film and television company under the Huantai Group. It was nothing. Even if Mr. Su called himself, An Zhenping had to decline and must decline.

That’s right, Huantai contributes performance to the TV station every year, so much advertising expenses, but that is a legitimate cooperation, I advertised you and you gave me money, not a superior relationship, but An Zhenping is different from Ji Fan. Although Ji Fan has retired, he is still in a superior relationship. It is not easy for you to climb up to a powerful person. If you want to offend half a powerful person, then you should not think about doing it for a long time.

To make Ji Fan so shameless, he is definitely going to take action. It has only been half a year since he was in the post. The resources in his hand are so many that the older generation of leaders must take care of it. This is also well known in the industry.

When Ji Fan heard this, his face was still dark, but he just sat down with a grunt.

"Hey, Xiaoli, stop the contract that Huantai Group is going to sign first, um, yes, we won't sign it for now, oh no, we won't sign it. Some details of the contract still need to be communicated." With Ji Fan's expression on his face, he hurriedly changed his words "not signing for the time being".

After hearing this, Ji Fan's face improved slightly, but he who slapped a sugar bead on the face would not be too happy.

An Zhenping put down the phone without saying anything, took three glasses full of wine, and drank three glasses without saying anything.

"Apologize, apologize." After drinking, An Zhenping's complexion changed. For many years, he hadn't drunk like this.

"Don't." Ji Fan stretched out his hand to stop him with a cold face: "What should I pay for? I'm not your boss, and I don't have to use your power to do anything."

"Right, right, right." An Zhenping is really tender, how can there be old fox Ji Fan? After being slapped in such a way, his head was stunned. Doesn't it mean that Ji Fan is using power to suppress others?

"The fish is not good! The fish is not good, my fault, I said that I am apologizing for this fish." An Zhenping pointed at the rain, carefully removed the chopsticks that Ji Fan had just thrown on it, and opened it again. A new chopsticks were handed over respectfully.

Ji Fan still had a dark face, and did not reach out for chopsticks.

An Zhenping quickly put the chopsticks next to Ji Fan's bowl and looked at Gao Leng.

No, I just shouldn't, so that Ji Fan loses face. It seems that Mr. Gao has a very close relationship with him. What can I do? An Zhenping was so ruined that his intestines were clear, his eyes turned to Gao Leng.

Gao Leng looked at him, smiled slightly, darkened his face and shouted, "Waiter!"

The waiter, who had been called out not to disturb, walked in quickly.

"What kind of fish? So many thorns!" Gao Leng picked up his chopsticks and poked the fish and glared at the waiter: "Take it down! No matter how delicious the fish is, there are many thorns, and it's stuck in people. No matter how good it tastes, it won't work. At that time, you have to go to the hospital to get a puncture!"

Having said this, Ji Fan glanced at Gao Leng with approval in his eyes.

After hearing this sentence, An Zhenping reacted. Since you asked Ji Fan to eat fish and people got stuck in the thorn, then you have to pull out the thorn. If you don’t pull it out, people won’t think you’ve given face. of.

Just arranging the golden gear can not be regarded as removing the thorn, at most it can be regarded as removing the fish. Human standards were originally aimed at the golden gear.

"Mr. Gao, you said that Lao Kong shot your scene?" An Zhenping asked.

Gao Leng nodded: "Lang Bang."

"A good show! A good show! It is a scene of fire! Listening to this name is a scene of fire!" An Zhenping patted his hand on the table, with a slightly exaggerated expression on his face, and he stood up even more exaggerated. He stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng and shook his hand tightly: "Oh, we have been looking for a good show for a long time on Dongzhifang TV. Now these film and television companies know that money is not doing business. Alright, give charcoal in the snow, brother! Ah, this is snow! In the snow! Give it to charcoal!"

Dare to love this when I learned to read aloud in An Zhenping University, it is enough to tune and frustrate.

Ji Fan's face improved.

"Your "High List" is a good show..."

"It's "Langbang"" Gao Leng quickly corrected.

"Yes, yes! "Langbang"!" An Zhenping hid the embarrassment and slapped his thigh: "This is a good show, brother, you say a price, I want it."

Ji Fan's face got better.

"One million, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for you to make it, just the price." Gao Leng said.

"I'm hard to do? What am I hard to do? What's so hard to do in such a good scene? I'm rushing to make it too late, brother! Brother Gao! Don't be kidding! Don't mention the one million, and give it to I mention a million, I turn my face with you, I am anxious with you, the great wheel of our friendship is sinking!" An Zhenping was very anxious but laughed into the most colorful flower, walking to the cold side tightly. He put his arm around him.

Even mentioning one million, that Ji Fan was really offended.

"That..." Gao Leng looked at An Zhenping.

"Let's do it, um..." An Zhenping quickly thought about the policies and resources of the station: "I'll give you 1.2 million per episode at the price of our station's boutique TV series, how about it? The prime time of the night. "

Gao Leng thumped twice in his heart.

1.2 million per episode, it’s not high for you. After all, the cost is higher than this price, but you have to know that this is the first broadcast right. As long as the ratings are good, other TV stations need to take money when they broadcast it. This money is for Starlight Group did not give Dongzhifang TV station, the first broadcast rights to take this money, it is indeed a sky-high price.

Not to mention, this is the prime time of the night.

Ji Fan smiled slightly and picked up the chopsticks placed by An Zhenping.

An Zhenping's expression loosened, only that the big rock in his heart fell to the ground.

"It's too much, the price is too high, no, brother, after all I am a new film and television company, if you approve the money, there will be some resistance." Gao Leng naturally knows how to accept it, although it can be more. If you earn, you earn more, but you can't go too far.

"How could it be a small film and television company? You made "Jianguo Diye", the highlight of China Guangdian Power, the annual big screen gift film! Which film and television company has this capability?" An Zhenping got the hang of it , Not even the small film and television company, this is the big film and television company.

"It's really not a small one, Xiao Gao, you are too humble." Ji Fan said.

Finally spoke up.

The atmosphere eased, An Zhenping wiped the sweat from his forehead, and secretly scolded the ancestor of the man from Huantai Film and Television for eight lifetimes. If he hadn't come to visit one step in advance, wouldn't it be fine if the prime time was still here Up?

"No, the price is too high, I am fine at a loss, and I can't let you at a loss..." Gao Leng picked up the wine glass.

"No, no, you are a boutique show. No matter how difficult it is, I have to apply for this quota from our TV station. You have to be considerate. Our TV station is not as good as those in Huxiang. It has a lot of money... But! But ah! You! I want this play."

"No no no no no, brother."

"Nononono! That's the price!"


You come and go, the glass is full of wine, and the final price is set to 1 million per episode. This is a big profit in a bubble drama. After all, the cost of bubble drama is low, and the high-cold drama is not a high price.

But this price is enough to make the film and television department of Star Group boil, making Lao Kong proud. Novice company won the best golden file of Dongzhifang TV station, and also won 1 million per episode. The most important thing is to squeeze out the drama of Huantai.

Great victory.

This victory made Xiao Shan stay for a few minutes before he believed. Originally, he thought that Huantai Group would go first and take advantage of the opportunity, but he didn't expect that this would make Gao Lengsheng play a bargaining chip instead.

I have to thank Huantai and Su, there is no Huantai without Su, Gao Leng wants to win 1 million per episode, only sells the first broadcast rights instead of the exclusive rights, and also accounts for the prime time of the evening. Ji Fan is not impossible. This step is indeed a bit difficult.

Huantai blessing is different. An Zhenping gritted his teeth and gave a big gift, and was very pleased that the high cold was reduced by 200,000.


The office of the general manager of Huantai Film and Television Company is proud of spring breeze.

"President Su, I won the golden files of Huxiang TV, Jiang Wei, and Shangwei. The next TVs also took the broadcasting rights of the five golden files. They also met with the leaders of Dragon TV. Tell us the golden file." The general manager reported to Su Su.

"Yes." Su Su's voice came over the phone. There was a little noisy over there. It seemed that it was at the dinner table. From time to time, I heard people toasting: "Did Dongzhifang TV take it today? Thank you, Mr. Liu, let’s drink!"

"Yes, I just went to talk to the leader over there myself."

"It's done well. Although Dongzhifang TV is not as good as the four players, it is also David TV." Su Su looked more happy and smiled: "Keep on working, Mr. Liu! Look at you, what you call a drinker. What kind of wine?" After speaking, he hung up, and continued to socialize with the general manager on the phone.

After being praised by President Su, the general manager happily raised his foot on the table.

Ding Ding Ding, the phone rang, his face changed when he answered it, and he stood up from his seat: "What did you say? Mr. An didn't give the prime time?"

Not knowing what the other party said, the general manager loosened his tie with one hand, only feeling cold sweat from his body, and finally slammed the phone.

"Mommy! Why is this Starlight Group again?! Why are they again? How can I explain to President Su?!"

It was the Starlight Group that made Su Su faceless again that won Huantai. This made the general manager regretful and wanted to bite off his tongue.

That's it, the news of the good news is almost the same as the news of the funeral.

"Do you want to report this to President Su?"

"If you don't report, maybe there is still room. I will go to Dongzhifang TV station again."

President Li of Huantai Film and Television Company came to the office to pace back and forth, restless. Su Su knew that Dong Zhifang had taken the golden file, but after the golden file came out, he discovered that it was a movie from the Starlight Group...

This slap hit Su Su's body over the mountain, and Su Su still didn't know it, holding a wine glass and talking with people at the dinner, talking about the various victories of the newly established film and television company, this victories naturally included the hot Dongzhi Fang TV station.

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