Gossip King

Chapter 1345: Xiao Leng cried

It took a long time to change these pants. She walked out after a full twenty minutes, blushing to the base of her neck, and shook her head: "I don’t want to, I have to find out who gave him the medicine. It's too much to prescribe medicine at Zhizhou Wine Garden."

"Susu, what about the others?" Yuzhi ran to Su Su's room. At this time, she had put on a new set of clothes and reorganized her makeup. From the outside, she couldn't see how much she had just seen on her pants. How scared and shy Susu is in the gland fluid of Papanicola.

"He is resting in the room, room C on the third floor, but you'd better not go. He may have been drugged, that kind of drug."

"The kind of medicine?!" Yu Zhi's eyes widened.

"Well, and definitely a lot, I want to see which **** is doing this kind of abuse in My Island Wine Garden." When it comes to business, Su Su resumed the queen's style. Women want to be caught by unspoken rules. She sees too many things like this. Although this kind of thing is an adult game, it’s not surprising at a dinner party, but it’s a taboo in such a high-end place as her Chau Winery. All of them are people with identities, thinking that this time she must have opened the threshold and invited all the people who came to the meeting to come and have fun, so this kind of women will come in, otherwise the people who come are usually women with identities. , This method has appeared on peripheral women.

Must be checked.

"Great!!" Yu Zhi turned around excitedly and disappeared before Su Su's eyes in an instant...

"She really got the poison of this high cold?" Su Su rolled his eyes and tapped his hand rhythmically on the leg, his face flushed slightly: "But according to theory, his size is indeed... indeed……"

Thinking of this, Su Su shook his head abruptly.

What do you think? How does his body have anything to do with me?

"Mr. Su, this is the report just sent by the subordinate film and television company." Su Su sat in his office on the top floor. The assistant hurried over and put the report of the film and television company under Huantai on the table.

"Summarize and read the key points." Su Su didn't lift his head, still lowering his head and reviewing another document in his hand.

"Yes." The assistant followed Su Su in various battles. It is impossible for Su Su to personally review all the materials. What is the use of the assistant? It is used at this time, the assistant needs to review every piece of information sent in in advance and extract the key points.

"We have invested in 30 of the 50 film and television dramas, and 20 of them have signed agreements with various David TV and websites. The total price under negotiation is 800 million," the assistant said.

"It was shot very fast." Su Su still didn't lift his head: "It looks like a lot of bubble drama."

"The bubble drama accounted for 80% of the proportion." The assistant said.

"Five hundred million..." Su Su stopped the pen in his hand and nodded with some satisfaction: "The film and television company has just started and finished 30 films in three months, and 20 films are worth 800 million, which is pretty good. ."

"Yes, after all, we have just entered the market, and we didn't call high prices when we talked to the satellite TV." The assistant said with a smile.

"By the way, how is Gao Leng's play?" Su Su continued to look down at the information at hand.

"The latest news is that two gift films and one premium film have sold more than 300 million in total."

Su Su's eyelashes flickered, and she looked up in surprise: "Three plays, more than three billion!"

"They have the founding of the country and the great cause of the party. The two films are different in nature... In addition, Lao Kong's "Lang Bang" is too surprising. Aiyi Company actually offered a sky-high price of more than one billion. Listen to their industry People say that this drama will be a big hit, and the dramas on the Internet, you know, they don’t see themselves, they just look at whether they make a profit,” the assistant said.

Su Su lowered his head, waved his hand, and his face was pale, the assistant hurriedly backed out.

Su Su's eyes flickered, her chest floating sharply.

"He really has good eyesight." Su Su bit his lip and threw the pen on the table: "The film and television company I gave to the people underneath to manage it. Actually, 20 plays only sell for 800 million. He has three plays. Just... this junk movie is really different from a boutique movie."

Obviously, Su Suming seemed to have won this round. So many plays were shown on major first-line satellite TVs, but people in the industry knew that Su Su had lost, and it was a big defeat.

"Hmph, if I worry about film and television personally, how can I be worse than you?" Su Su quickly found a step for himself, but admiration for high cold appeared inadvertently on his face.

Only ability can make Su Su look different.

"It's an opponent." Su Su said.

It is also rare that Su Su can be regarded as an opponent.

"It's just that the plate is too small. What kind of climate can Xiaobu pull a starlight group?" Su Su rolled her eyes. In short, she is not as cold as her. She blinked: "Yuzhi...this meeting Ziyuzhi thinks it's cool and crooked... Ganchai meets a raging fire, Gao Leng's kind of rascal... the man now..."

Su Su stood up and drank her saliva. She felt a little dry when she thought of the things they were in the room.

"Don't move me, it must be because of my identity, does he dare?" Su Su drank a sip and sneered: "Yuzhi sent the door, he must be desperate for the kind of hooligan who has no bottom line."

"Irritation!" As he was thinking, Yu Zhiqi walked in rushingly and threw the bag onto the sofa: "He won't let me in! So no face! Didn't you say that he was drugged? How could this be!"

Ok? This Gao Leng didn't seem to be such a casual person, why didn't she let her in? Su Su thought to himself, watching Yuzhi as he watched.

She suddenly became curious about Gao Leng.

Obviously a hooligan, why don't you look like a hooligan sometimes?


"Hey, I've been asking for it every day these days, he said so loudly on the phone, tonight he must be..." Xiao Leng who got off the plane frowned and squinted for a while on the plane because she knew that today It must be late to sleep.

When she got off the plane, someone would pick her up, and Gao Leng had arranged it long ago, just waiting for her to enter the door.

The plane flew for two hours, and Gao Leng had been waiting in the room for so long, especially when Su Su came in such a flirtation, he couldn't stand it any more.

From time to time in the room came his uncontrollable growl, pain, his face turned in pain.

When Uzhilai knocked on the door, he really wanted to drag this woman in. No matter if he was comfortable, he had already tasted Uzhidi's body.

But Xiao Leng will come in a while.

Gao Leng experienced a woman's departure in Murong. He didn't want to experience the feeling of powerlessness again. In modern times, no woman would want her man to have several women.

Just how to explain to Xiao Leng, the little witch, is enough to hurt your brain, and you can’t have another one. If you can’t bear it during the usual episodes, it’s excusable. Although it’s also unbearable this time, if you let Xiao Leng hit a face, then It hurt her too much.

Gao Leng walked around in the room, becoming more and more like a beast, his nose was much better than usual, and I don't know how long it had passed. It seemed to him that a century had passed, when a doorbell came from the door.

In an instant, Gao Leng reached the cat's eye, and when he looked out, Xiao Leng stood at the door somewhat timidly.

In just three seconds, Mu Xiao Leng was thrown onto the bed by Gao Leng, he rushed over frantically, and then Xiao Leng's soft and soft voice came, as well as Gao Leng's excitement and satisfaction.

This ripple lasted for two hours.

"No more...I can't..." Mu Xiaolen suddenly started crying, seeming to endure it for a long time and finally couldn't help crying.

Gao Leng couldn't hear her at all, his eyes were all black, and the muscles of his body were tight.

"I can't do it, I can't do it..." Xiao Leng held Gao Leng's arm tightly, tears streaming down her eyes.

Gao Leng saw it, but he didn't stop.

This was not the first time Mu Xiaolen cried. She had cried before, but she cried coolly, but this time was different, this time she really cried desperately.

"Brother Gao Leng...Brother Gao Leng." Xiao Leng's voice was pleading and painful: "I can't hold it..."

Gao Leng suddenly realized something and stopped immediately, but as soon as he stopped, he couldn't help shaking, and the feeling of madness made him stare at Venus.

When Gao Leng stopped, Mu Xiaolen’s tears fell crazily, but she was too tired, and there was no sound when she cried, her body curled up into a ball: "I am too tired, I am going to die, what should I do, brother Gao Leng , I really can't do it, what to do, what to do..."

Gao Leng gritted his teeth and called to stop halfway. How could he satisfy his body in just two hours? The painful purgatory was unbearable, and his face was distorted.

"Brother Gao Leng, are you sick? What should I do? I really can't stand it." Xiao Leng stretched out his hand distressedly and touched Gao Leng's face.

"Don't touch me." Gao Leng closed his eyes in pain.

Any touch is a great temptation for him.

"I'm sorry." Gao Leng lay aside, just lay down and stood restlessly on the ground, pacing back and forth with a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, I can't help it myself, I really can't help it, these days I... "

Gao Leng couldn't continue. At this moment, he actually didn't want to say a word or a word, just wanted to do that.

After tossing Xiao Leng for several days, Gao Leng knew that she couldn't hold her body, but he couldn't hold it either. It was really too painful.

Gao Leng reached out his hand and grabbed his head and slammed into the wall, banging.

"No!" Mu Xiao Leng rushed forward and buried Gao Leng's head on his chest, but this action made him more painful, Gao Leng snarled in pain.

Xiao Leng looked at Gao Leng distressedly, and lay down obediently: "I will hold on again...I can bear it..."

The ripples in the room continued instantly.

About twenty minutes later, Mu Xiao Leng cried again: "Or else, or else...or you find someone else...I'm going to die...I'm sorry, brother Gao Leng, I can't do it, I really do. No, you can find someone else, will you blame me? I really can’t hold it anymore, I want you to find someone else, I didn’t make your girlfriend, but I really can’t hold it anymore, sorry, If you really can’t stand it, go find someone else, please, find someone else, don’t be angry, I don’t love you anymore, I really can’t hold it anymore."

Xiao Leng covered his face, feeling ashamed to face Gao Leng.

The girlfriend was not qualified enough to satisfy her man, and forced the man to find someone else, which made Mu Xiaoleng ashamed.

"Go find someone else, please, I can't see you in such pain, please, I don't care, as long as you are happy, as long as you are good, I can do anything, you can find someone else." Xiao Leng knelt On the bed, looking distressedly at Gao Leng who was pulling his hair in pain, got up and put the bathrobe on his body.

"I called Mr. Su. They definitely have a woman to find. I'll find it for you. Hold on for a while, I, I, I, I will find it now. You have to hold on." Xiao Leng's hands trembled badly. , She felt distressed and immediately called Su Su with the phone number in the ball room.

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