Gossip King

Chapter 1365: Small single's decision

"Can I hold a meeting in your office?" Although Jian Xiaodan seemed to be the same as usual, the faint sadness that filled his body couldn't be stopped.

"Well, whatever." Gao Leng didn't ask much, nodded and then stopped looking at her. He knew that the more he looked at her, the more sympathetic she was, the more sad she was.

Jian Xiaoshan sat on the sofa, put the information in his hand aside, and put the diary close to him. Yesterday she took away Ouyang’s diary, thinking about the past all night. The diary was full of tears. There are her biggest secrets. She is like an animal. She must keep the most important things. Take it with you to avoid being discovered.

Gao Leng glanced at her secretly, letting herself work as if she wasn't working.

This just right distance made Jian Xiaodan slowly relieved. She lightly breathed a sigh of relief and simply lay on the sofa, looking at the sky outside the window of the imperial capital. Today, it was smog and foggy.

At work this morning, Jian Xiao just used soy sauce. She couldn't calm down at all. She was always worried and thinking about it. Every time she came to the high-cold office to discuss things, her heart was always peaceful, and she didn’t know. What's the matter, the steps came towards his office.

"Okay, let's have a video conference in five minutes." Gao Leng was completely at work. It seemed that Xiao Shan did not exist. He even started a video conference.

It feels good, and for Jian Xiaoshan, it is the best.

There was no Gao Leng's eyes that sympathized with her, there was no pity, or even comfort, as if nothing happened yesterday, as if none of the bad past happened.

Jian Xiaodan breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. She picked up the documents and started to work. Listening to Gao Leng's voice for a meeting made her feel at ease.

Xiao Shan has a crush on Gao Leng for half a year.

It is said that love is wonderful, it can make a woman beautiful, such as the warm sun in winter, warm life, Jian Xiaodan did not get the love that loves each other, what she got was a secret love that only she knew.

Standing quietly behind Gao Leng, watching him dozingly at Xiao Leng.

Standing quietly beside Gao Leng, watching him play a little bit carelessly.

Standing quietly in front of Gao Leng, working overtime all night makes him less and less chores, so that he can go home early to be with his beloved.

Is it bitter?

Full of love stuck in his chest, and suddenly choked up when looking at the person he liked, Jian Xiaoshan lowered his head, thinking that he could only look at him from a distance like this forever.

Further, impossible.

Bitter, secret love, so bitter.

That day, when he came home the night of the establishment of the Starlight Group, Xiao Leng celebrated for him and threw on him happily. Jian Xiaoshan stood quietly behind, happy, really happy, from the paparazzi all the way to the establishment of the group. Every piece of land has her participation, she shed tears and donated blood. Watching Xiao Leng rush into Gao Leng's arms and then stand on tiptoes, celebrating in a woman's gentlest way.

Xiao Shan imagined that he was Xiao Leng in his mind, so he stood on tiptoe and felt happier.

"Sister Xiao Shan, let's celebrate together!" Xiao sneered and took her hand.

"No, I'm tired, go to bed first." Xiao Shan smiled faintly and turned back to the room. How to celebrate? This is a romantic evening for their lovers.

Jian Xiaodan watched him watching her back, so tender.

celebrate? I know my identity is wrong.

Thinking of this, Jian Xiaodan's face dimmed, and she took Ouyang's diary book in her arms, fearing that others would see it.

Impossible, it is impossible with him. Xiao Shan laughed bitterly. Originally, secret love was something that would make people feel inferior and not worthy of each other. Xiao Shan’s inferiority complex was ten thousand times that of ordinary people. The scars of her childhood have penetrated deeply into her life.

Jian Xiaodan has always envied Xiao Leng the most, envious of everything about her, and loves Xiao Leng the most.

Are you jealous of Xiao Leng?

Xiao Shan has never been jealous of her, and always feels jealous is not qualified.

"Hey, Xiao Leng, that's it, okay, it's up to you." Gao Leng answered the phone. Hearing this, he knew that it was for Xiao Leng. As soon as he answered her call, Gao Leng instinctively raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were petting Drowning.

Jian Xiaodan looked at her inferiority and enviously, her hand held the diary tighter, and fear surged in her heart. The fear of the past, she became more and more aware of her and Gao Leng, further, impossible.

At that moment, Jian Xiaodan experienced a **** heaven and earth crack in her heart, but she quietly did not let anyone know.

Jian Xiaodan opened Ouyang's new diary, read the page he confessed again, and secretly looked at Gao Leng.

The high cold eyes, nose, eyebrows, and gaze stroked his face like hands.

Xiao Shan sighed deeply in his heart and picked up the pen.

The brush rang, drawing stroke by stroke, Xiao Shan was extra serious, tears falling one by one.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jian Xiaoshan can't help, she covered her face, her hair scattered all over her head.

Gao Leng looked over, he was about to stand up, Xiao Shan stretched out a hand to make a resisting gesture.

"Don't come here, stay away." Jian Xiaodan trembling, covering his face with one hand and blocking it in the cold direction with one hand, tears fell unscrupulously, like a **** that broke, she couldn't control it anymore.

There are only three simple words in the diary.


Jian Xiaoshan knew that these three words hurt Ouyang, and she also knew that Gao Leng was not the kind of love between men and women. Furthermore, she was not qualified.

What can I do?

Jian Xiaoshan lay on the sofa and cried sadly.

How to do? no way.

No further qualifications, can take a step back and reluctant.

"Don't come over, just work there. When I'm not here, I'm just out of luck, bad luck..." Xiao Shan cried and pressed the two diaries tightly under him. I'm afraid someone will **** it and see it.

Pressed tightly, afraid of people seeing it.

Further disqualified, reluctant to take a step back, Xiao Shan hates himself, hates why he has a bad life, hates why he wants to get in that uncle's car.

Ding Ding Ding, Ouyang’s call came, and Xiao Shan answered the phone: "Ou Yang, eh, I’m in the company, eating together? Okay, I just happened to give you the diary..." Xiao Shan looked at Huai. In the diary.

Gao Leng raised his head when he heard Ou Yang's name, frowned, and looked at the book she was holding in her arms. It must be a diary book, and his brows frowned even more.

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