Gossip King

Chapter 1410: Shrimp has shrimp road, crab has crab road


At the first moment when he heard the twisting sound of the doorknob, Diba shook his eyebrows. At the moment Gao Leng twisted the door open, Diba, who was standing near the door, turned around smartly and hid directly behind the door.

Naked, only leaning against the door, Diba covered his chest and flushed.

"Don't come in! I'm not wearing clothes!" Although screaming, a clear voice came from the door. Diba hiding in the door was clever, and she pressed the door tightly.

Gao Lengxin, who pushed the door open, gave a thump and closed the door immediately.

"Don't knock on the door!" Diba yelled in the room irritably, with a tune that my sister taught her brother: "You have to knock at the girl's door, don't you know! You can't do this next time!"


All of a sudden, Gao Leng was full of anger and wanted to come in to criticize her, but instead she criticized Gao Leng.

Fortunately, Dad, I have been agile in practicing dance since I was a child. Otherwise, wouldn't it be your eyes? ! Diba thought with some fear, and put on his clothes immediately.

Gao Leng's face was a little red, and when he thought that there was Diba who was not wearing anything behind the door, he was a little nervous and a little embarrassed, so Diba was so angry and talked like a lesson, Gao Leng didn't care.

It's just a pity that the way to run the company that I just pondered is still being conceived, and this interruption is completely gone.

With a clatter, Diba walked out of the room neatly, her face turned cherry-colored, she looked at Gao Leng with anger, and sat down on the sofa.

"You are too loud and interrupted my meeting." Gao Leng seemed to explain, more like covering up embarrassment, revealing the tone of the president.

"You didn't have a meeting just now, I just sang again." Dibba talked back.

"You interrupted my contemplation, a lot of company affairs." Gao Leng patted the information on the coffee table.

"Then you shouldn't just push the door in without knocking. I didn't wear anything just now. What if you see it?" Diba saw Gao Leng obviously a little bit of power over others, she was ashamed and annoyed. I was so angry that my eyes turned red, and my emotions became agitated.

Bang bang bang.

She also patted the table a few times.

It's exactly the same as Gao Leng patted the table in a meeting.

Tears fell with a click.

What is Gao Leng most afraid of?

I'm most afraid of women crying...

Especially when you are really not thorough enough.

"Hug... I'm sorry." Gao Leng was even a little white. Although it was weird to watch his employees pat the table in front of him, he had to apologize for doing something wrong after all.

Ever since, Mr. Gao of Xingsheng Group apologized to his employees.

"Sorry, if it's useful, why do you want the police?!" Unexpectedly, Diba didn't intend to get off the job, nor did he intend to give Gao Leng the face, but became more excited. She pointed to the bedroom door very seriously. He said: "We are staying together these few days. You must knock on the door when you enter my room! Definitely!"

"Yes, I...I must knock on the door." Gao Leng reached out and unbuttoned a button on his shirt. It was the first time he was so obedient in front of a woman.

"If you were just seen by you, then you! Then you!" Diba stared at her round eyes, which revealed fear, and she covered her chest: "According to our rules, only men can see themselves!"

Uh... why are you getting more and more excited...

Gao Leng hurriedly happily accompanied the smiling face, thinking that fortunately he didn't see it, otherwise this girl couldn't drag herself to the Civil Affairs Bureau? ! Thinking about it again, Yin Xiang was just shooting a kiss scene. He was scrapped by 70% to 80% before he even shot the egg. If he saw her...

Then can't it turn upside down? !

"I promise, don't say knock on the door, I won't enter your door." Gao Leng's voice begging for mercy is very rare.

Diba moved his lips and wanted to say something. Xu saw that Mr. Gao had already apologized and had a good attitude. He might get angry if he was entangled in this matter, so her tone softened: "In my view of love, my Only my beloved man can see my body. I can only have him in my heart. It is absolutely impossible to be seen by others, even if I accidentally see it."


Gao Leng couldn't help but took a sentence: "Do you have a beloved man?"

Diba shook his head.

"There are many men in this world, you are still young, you can find it slowly." Gao Leng thought to change the topic quickly, too embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Diba shook his head: "In my eyes, except for my beloved man, no other man is a man in this world."


Gao Leng was a little embarrassed, and there was no way to talk about it. Except for her beloved man who is a man, no one else is a man. Doesn't that mean that she is not a man in her eyes? !

Will this girl chat, do you know if this will offend... Gao Leng thought.

"Then I am a little curious. In your eyes, except for your beloved man, no other man is a man. What is that? A woman?" Gao Leng asked.

Diba immediately shook his head very decisively: "Of course not a woman."

"Then this world is men and women. Other men are neither men nor women. What is that?" Gao Leng couldn't help but tick the corner of her mouth when she saw her serious appearance, and could not help teasing her.

"It's a pig or a rat or an animal." Diba gave the standard answer as if reciting a textbook.


This is really impossible to talk down, the more you talk, the hotter it gets.


In the afternoon, Diba recited the script while pressing her leg in the living room. When Gao Leng saw that she took out ten scripts from the box, he realized that the work had been too intense for her.

Each book as big as a4 paper contains three hundred pages, and all ten books have to be recited.

Looking at the schedule she put aside, Gao Leng felt more and more like an exploiting-class boss, and saw that Diba had been with the company for more than half a year, and he hadn't taken a day off.

If you had a day off, it would be today's day.

"Your work is too intense, so I'll reduce it a little in the second half of the year." Gao Leng turned his head and saw Diba splitting his legs straight, his lips were moving, reciting.

"No." Diba shook his head: "Aside from working hard, I have nothing to dedicate to the company. Besides, when my dad exercised me to practice opera, he was more tired than this. What's this?"

Diba smiled disapprovingly, lifted his eyelids and continued to recite.

Ding Ding Ding, Gao Leng received a call. He glanced at the back and showed joy, and waited for the bell to ring five times before answering it.

"Hey, Gao Leng, this is Li Li." A very attractive female voice came on the phone: "We saw it at the birthday dinner of the elder, do you remember?"

"Remember, of course, I don't remember the boss of Lili Catering Company?" Gao Leng laughed very politely.

Lili Catering Company is also very famous in China. For the Empire to host the Winter Olympics or Paralympics, one of the designated cooperative catering companies must be the Asphalt Company. There are about 600 large and small branches across the country. From first-tier cities to county towns, there are different sizes.

Li Li Catering Company was taken from her and his husband. Her name stated in the front that her ability was above his husband. It was originally a deep relationship between her husband and wife, but her boss passed away because of unexpected circumstances.

If you die, you will die, but you still died on your lover's bed.

The city was full of wind and rain for a while, making the female boss sad, angry, and face lost.

Simply expressing grief as strength, went so far as to list a poor restaurant chain in just five years.

"Is there any time? I invite you to have a meal?" Mr. Li's voice was peculiar to a mature woman's steady and unhurried, her tone was slow but firm, and she continued: "I heard that your artist Diba bought a family. Bakery, Dijia Bread, are you interested in communicating with you?"

The corners of Gao Leng's mouth raised, and he readily agreed to the invitation: "We are not good at opening a bakery. We can have a meal with the goddess of the catering industry and learn from it. I can't ask for it. I invite you, what do you like to eat?"

In a few words, I had an appointment with Mr. Li to eat Japanese food for dinner.

"Clean up, and see a boss later." After putting down the phone, Gao Leng was obviously in a good mood. He stood up and walked to his bathroom, smiled and said, "I'll take a shower, and you should dress decently. Depart in half an hour."

Mr. Gao is in a good mood, which is obvious.

Diba quickly stood up and went in to dress up. Hearing what he said on the phone, he knew that it must have something to do with the bakery under his own name, but Diba didn't know why Mr. Gao acted so cold.

Is it so happy that you can learn how to cook food from the seniors in the catering industry?

An hour later, Diba sat in the co-pilot and glanced at Gao Leng. He saw his mouth keep rising, his eyes filled with joy, and he even hummed a few songs for a while.

Does Mr. Gao always have feelings for Lek? Dibba thought.

In the circle, there are more people who have feelings for Lek than people who are in awe of Su Su.

The 28-year-old widow, there should be many right and wrongs at the door, but there are not many right and wrongs in front of her, and there is indeed a lot of admiration. Diba heard that fashion designers have bit their ears and heard that two domestic media tycoons are pursuing her.

Diba has never met Mr. Li, and Mr. Li rarely accepts personal interviews, but there are always rumors about her, mostly from men.

"You know, I heard them say that Lek always belongs to the kind of women who suddenly look at them, the most feminine kind, the kind that makes you stunned at a glance, but not like the vixen, anyway. It's hard to tell, a man understands." Dibashi has heard this description.

Mr. Gao originally cut the stars, it seems that entrepreneurs also cut him. Dibba gave a thumbs up for his judgment.

"Do you need me to go?" Diba asked tentatively, whether he felt like an electric light bulb.

"Of course." Gao Leng glanced at Diba strangely: "If you don't go to the bread business won in your name, who will go? Tonight is very important. If we do well, we will make a lot of money."

"How to earn?" Diba looked blank.

"In the business of making money, there are shrimp roads for shrimps, and crab roads for crabs." Gao sneered and said, "You will know when you walk."

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