Gossip King

Chapter 1503: Wall Street's accent

"Don't be scared when you hear about big companies." Gao Leng was not nervous, and seemed very calm.

"Is it hard?" Yang Guanguan searched immediately: "I don't know which vice president Mr. Company sent this time."

As one of the largest companies in South Korea, Mr. Company has as many projects as the Huantai Group. The superficial information Yang Guanguan obtained is that the person is a vice president, executive officer or other high-level executives. As for the headquarters of Mr. Company or its subsidiary The top level of the company is unknown.

No matter which he is, he represents mr company, an international company.

It would be fine if it was the vice president of a small project, but if it was the vice president of a key project, it would be a bit difficult. Although Starlight Group has already risen to the top of the domestic first-tier media company, it still ranks behind after all. There is more than a slight difference between capital and mr.

"There is a training institution under the mr company, which has been the leader in South Korea for many years. This time it should be a replacement for the training institution's education experts." Mr. Liu knows the training industry very well and judges it.

Replacement is a talent replacement action often carried out by companies with fierce competition.

The more highly competitive the top companies, the more they need to replace a batch of middle and high level companies every few years in order to maintain the freshest blood forever. An executive officer is hired at a high price from another competitor company, often just to improve the company's process in one or two years. When most of the things that can be excavated from the executive officer are dug out, it is not time for him to leave. Far.

Naturally, no matter which country has labor laws now, companies can't open people casually, but everyone knows that it is too simple to get rid of an employee.

People eat whole grains, diarrhea is inevitable, people work, it is inevitable to make mistakes.

However, it takes more brains to develop this kind of senior talent. For this reason, another profession in the market has emerged: professional layoff of executive officers.

When you want to kill a group of project personnel, you need to hire this kind of professional layoffs. They are professional and cold-blooded. They can use data to help employers determine which personnel can be killed without mercy and which ones have resources. Dig, temporarily slow down, and move quickly.

When professional layoffs masters appear in top companies, there will often be a large number of senior talents packed and gone after two months. Mid-to-high-level people who can work for a long time in the company are often those whose salaries are not that high. As long as they are extremely high-paid and airborne talents, they often cannot survive for three years. This has long been used in the eyes of senior talents at the CEO level. It's fine, anyway, there are many companies that have three years of high salary here and three years there. It is normal for senior talents to change jobs through headhunting.

"Yes, the executive officer who came to hire Mr. Fujino must be a replacement. After all, people at Fujino's level must be high-level people." Gao Leng nodded in approval.

Although South Korea’s training institutions are far less developed than Japan, they can be regarded as the largest test country with the Empire and Japan, and training institutions are bound to be developed. If the training company under the mr company wants to maintain its position as the No. 1 training company in Korea, it must be replaced.

"The training company under the mr company is their key project. It seems that Mr. Fujino must also pay a lot of money this time, and their training company has matured for nearly ten years. Our training organization has just started. This..." Panic.

"Yeah, if I were Fujino, I would also be inclined to mr, otherwise we look at the alternate candidates?" Yang Guanguan suggested.

Gao Leng looked at the two men coldly, frowning slightly: "If you lose before a fight? You don't have such courage, it's hard to make a big deal."

Mr. Liu and Yang Guanguan blushed when Gao Leng said, and both bowed their heads and stopped making noise.


This Mr. Fujino is also a sly.

Xu wanted to raise the price, unexpectedly asked Gao Leng and Mr. Representative for a certain point in time, and started the game in a low-key izakaya that has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Mr. Gao, hello." As soon as I entered, the representative of South Korea mr stood up with a smile on his face, a Korean style bent over very decently, and a standard English spoken language.

I saw a capable man of about 35 years old wearing a pair of golden eyes and a tailor-made high-end suit. The computer bag on the side is also top quality goods. It is estimated that the computer bag will cost about 100,000 , The famous watch on hand is even more elegant.

"Hello." Gao Leng stretched out his hand, the English is very pure, and the knowledge and skills inherited from the original owner make Gao Leng enough to answer or negotiate in English.

"I'm the representative of Mr. Dahan Yuko Training Company. My name is Han. This is my business card." Representative Han was very polite and sent the business card to everyone.

After the business cards were exchanged, Representative Han's assistant also helped Yang Guanguan hang up the bag, showing a gentlemanly demeanor.

"I feel he is very kind," Yang Guanguan said in a low voice.

Gao Leng glanced at Representative Han's business card.

The young representative in his thirties is not only the executive officer of mr's listed training company, but also the executive officer of three companies under it. A conservative estimate is that his annual salary is at least ten million.

He is worth such a high salary because he is a senior employee from a famous Wall Street investment bank and a top talent from Wall Street.

What does Wall Street mean? It means that the world's brainpowered masters gather in the location, and a sweeping monk can quickly kill everyone.


Who on Wall Street is unkind? They are all elites among the elites. As long as you don't block others from making money, you can tear you off immediately if you block them. This is a typical Wall Street law.

"Representative Han, hello." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and shook it kindly, and sat down on both sides.

"Representative Han, returning to work in Korea from Wall Street should be a lot easier," Gao sneered.

"Yes." Representative Han laughed: "Compared to Wall Street jobs, my current job is a vacation. Although the money is a little bit less, it is enough."

Representative Han is a genuine senior employee of a well-known Wall Street investment bank. When he was there, a commission of tens of millions a year should be a normal category. When he returned to Korea, he should have an annual salary of tens of millions, but it was definitely not as good as Wall Street.

It's just an employee of a famous investment bank on Wall Street, but it's going to work.

When they go out, they have investors’ private luxury cars to pick them up. It’s sparse and common to travel by private jets. The losses fluctuate by more than a billion yuan. It is a small cabbage. The money they make is the integration of top financial wisdom, and the pressure is not What ordinary people can carry.

The interns of Wall Street Investment Bank are all from world-class colleges. A famous investment bank recruited fifty interns, leaving at most three in the end. This kind of high frequency elimination was carried out by the masters of the first-line colleges. Raw.

As long as the intern is called a full-time employee, the annual salary of one million is guaranteed to be easy, and the employee goes up to more than a dozen levels, and each level up means double the commission.

I often chat with world-class tyrants and help the top tycoons to deal with some funds. This is the golden life that Representative Han has lived on Wall Street. Behind this golden life is his extremely stressful living environment: once the amount of loss is too large , Rolling bedding rolls away.

But back to South Korea is not the same, the level of colleagues around is not the same, compared to a group of top people on Wall Street, how old are colleagues of this level? Naturally, IQ and EQ are overwhelming; and what is the job of mr company compared to the job on Wall Street? For Representative Han, this kind of work does not require any brain power at all.

Although he has a ten-million-year salary and manages three companies in his hands, he is really not pretending to be coercive. He really feels that now he is making a little money and playing a good life.

"This wine is too bad. Change your best wine." Representative Han frowned after taking a sip, and said to the Japanese girl who was bowed: "Take the best and put it on my account."

Gao sneered.

"Mr. Gao, come." Representative Han raised his glass, and the two touched.

Representative Han shook his head and said in a commentary tone: "Japan is okay, but the scenery is a bit single, and the entertainment is a bit single. I still prefer Dubai."

Gao sneered.

"By the way, Mr. Gao, have you been to Dubai?" Representative Han asked.

"No." Gao Leng said.

"Dubai is a bit vulgar, but it's quite fun and worth a visit." Representative Han took out his mobile phone, dialed it, and gave it to Gao Leng to take a look. After a glance, he took the phone back: "Rachel's Private call. Last time I went to Dubai with her. Although the drinks on her private jet didn't match my taste, the hospitality was very good. You know Rachel, right?"

Rachel, the famous Jewish Rachel, of course Gao Leng has heard of it.

The President of the United States was close to the Secretary-General and became the most famous pitcher on Wall Street after he quit. How many first-line companies hope to hand over the money to her to steer the operation. After disturbing the Wall Street situation, he was invited by the richest man in a certain country to serve as an assistant. In order to let her become an assistant, it is said that this The richest man visited twenty-five times before asking her over.

After Rachel passed, in just five years, the company of the richest man in China became an international first-line company, ranking in the top 50.

Such a well-known Rachel, which one of the high-level ones will soon look to his name?

"It's the chief pitcher of Wall Street, Jew, uh, the U.S. President's personal secretary, predecessor, do you know?"

Representative Han explained in general, and then asked very kindly.

Gao sneered.

"It's okay if you don't know it, I know." Representative Han raised his glass: "Come on, brother, take a sip. If you go to Dubai to play in the future, tell brother to me. I have many friends over there, and someone will use a private jet. Take you to play, guarantee the highest level of treatment throughout the process, and I will take you to play.” This Han representative spoke authentic English and stretched out his hand to pat Gao Leng's shoulder.

This Wall Street accent is very strong.

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