Gossip King

Chapter 809: The tea craftsman is in the bag

"So much?!" Mr. Jian rubbed his ears, thinking he had misheard, and repeated: "One million yuan of first-class ancient tea, besides bringing all my top teas?"

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded his head affirmatively: "Don't worry, take the top tea with you. If there is no accident, you will sell out as much as you can, so you take out all of the bottom of the box. If you For fear of loss, we can sign an agreement to compensate for the loss at the price."

This top-quality tea is all Jianzong’s possessions. It is obviously something that is millions of dollars. Gao Leng said it very lightly, like something that is several hundred yuan.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gao, what kind of friend did you introduce to take care of my business? You are so generous." Mr. Jian naturally knows that this is Gao Leng taking care of his business. Such a big order is a customer that can't be asked by many teahouses. For Jian Zong, this kind of adult favor is dare not to think about and can't afford it.

"Su Su." Gao Leng smiled slightly: "Her company holds an annual meeting in France. I will plan it. If you want to make tea for VIP guests, you can use yours. Just one million tea leaves. I can make a decision. Your top tea belt. In the past, she didn't lose anything, but only occupied a place for tea. And your tea is unique, and it adds a lot to her dinner party."

"Su Su?" Mr. Jian's mouth began to shake.

Is it the President Su from Huantai Group? ! Oh my God, it's impossible! Mr. Gao has such a good relationship with her? impossible? !

President Jian asked incredulously: "Which Su Su?"

"General Su of Huantai Group."


Mr. Jian was completely stunned and stupid. He thought that Gao Leng was the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, which was scary enough, but he did not expect that this young man had such a good relationship with the country’s first richest woman. ...

It's so popular.

"It's really like to gather people in groups." After a long while, President Jian shook his head again and again after suffocating such a sentence: "What agreement to write? It is a blessing that I can provide tea for President Su's banquet. Thank you, President Gao for giving me such a good thing. Opportunity! Thank you!"

As he said, the dignified seven-foot man's voice was a little choked.

"Don't say that the top teas are sold, but they are not sold. The millions of first-class teas are all charcoal in the snow." Mr. Jian was so excited that he rubbed his hands together, somehow afraid to look at Gao Leng. It seems that as soon as I look at Gao Leng, tears of forbearance in his eyes will fall.

Only through hard work can I understand the touch and gratitude of the moment of giving charcoal in the snow.

"It will be sold, and I guess your top tea will receive an order." Gao Leng was extremely sure.

"Yes, Su Su's circle of friends is rich or expensive. There are many teas in it. Even if you don't taste tea, you will buy the real top ancient tea of ​​the empire. For them, hundreds of thousands are not a problem. "Old Diao nodded in agreement, Gao Leng helped General Jian, but brought his business back to life.

After listening to Lao Hang's words, Mr. Jian's face muscles collapsed tightly, his teeth clenched to death, holding back the surging and excitement in his heart, turning his head and looking at Gao Leng, suddenly a line of tears fell, and he quickly reached out his hand. Wipe it off, and finally stretched out his hand to hold Gao Leng's hand tightly: "Thank Mr. Gao, thank you."

It seems that, apart from thank you, Mr. Jian can't say anything else. There is no vocabulary to express his feelings at this moment.

I remember that when he first came to Zhonghai City to open a store, he sold all the houses in his family. Only in a metropolis like Zhonghai City can he meet a gold owner who can afford his top tea, and only teahouses in big cities can order expensive tea. Tea. Unexpectedly, the tea market today has become so chaotic that everyone is shoddy, so that there is almost no real ancient tea on the market.

It is obviously good tea, but it is submerged in a pile of industrialized tea.

The order Gao Leng gave him is not just for Jian Zong to make money, he is not to make money, he is for his tea to be known to the world, and to make the ancient tea of ​​the Imperial Capital shine again. Now, there is a chance. .

At least this teahouse has a chance to survive.

"I don't know how to thank you." Jianzong, who is much older than Gao Leng, used "you". At this moment, he wanted to kneel down to thank Gao Leng. He was so excited that he couldn't control himself without knowing how to express it, but his hands were shaking. It was terrible. He picked up the teacup and wanted to take a sip to calm his mood, but found that he couldn't hold the teacup securely.

"Promote the ancient tea of ​​the empire." Gao Leng pointed to the good tea placed on the coffee table. Seeing Jian Zong looking at himself in more surprise, he patted his shoulder: "You are a tea man, and even more tea. Master Zhongjiang, I came to you today just to take a look at Su Su's order. The most important thing has not been said yet."

Su Su’s Shan actually came here incidentally...

Mr. Jian couldn't help not knowing what kind of perspective he would use to look at Gao Leng, whether he would admire or be in awe.

"You order." Finally, President Jian said in a very humble tone.

"Su Su’s dinner will be reported on the headlines of all the media of the Star Group, and there will be special topics, and the tea used in it will be highlighted. During this period, you will take out all the good teas you have in charge and shoot Good photos, I will use them for the report. By the way, you need to write a brochure for your top ancient tea, so that you can read it in Chinese, English, and French."

For a dinner party in France, in addition to people from the Empire, there will also be many Europeans, not to mention Europeans. The empires are very unfamiliar with the ancient tea of ​​the Empire. It is better to have a brochure to introduce it.

After all, selling tea is also selling culture.

"Jian Zong, you have to take good shots. Mr. Su's topic is very expensive. A small link report on the front page of Xing Sheng is worth at least 100,000 advertising costs, not to mention the economic benefits brought by this promotion. Now, you have to know that your tea enters Su Su’s dinner party as a high-end tea. Except for the people watching her news, there are many bigwigs. Your business will be easy to do in the future.” Lao Diao added.

Mr. Jian stood up and took out the notebook and pen from the cabinet behind him. He carefully noted the key content of Gao Leng’s words. At the dinner of Su Su, Gao Leng will tell him how to report with tea and what preparations he has to do. After talking, Mr. Jian's notes are full of two sheets.

This matter is said to be big, and it is not small. Trivial, about twenty minutes later, the matter came to an end.

"After talking about President Su, I still have one most important thing." Gao Leng said, putting down his tea cup, his expression serious.

"Your order, you can go through fire and water," Mr. Jian said hastily, and he stood up as soon as the soldier heard the order.

"You have Su Su's order, and business will be better. That's right. But you are still far away from your dream of promoting the ancient tea of ​​the empire." Gao Leng said reasonable, and Jianzong nodded repeatedly and continued to listen.

"I, like you, like original food, especially ancient species. You make tea, and you mainly make wild tea. You run a lot in the gullies. I want to ask you one thing." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and patted Mr. Jian on the shoulder: "I can send someone to take care of your teahouse. I will be responsible for the main sales of your teahouse. Can you take your hand to do me a favor?"

"What's busy?" Mr. Jian was a little confused. According to Gao Leng's meaning, he sent someone to do the work. The customer and sales of the teahouse were all covered. For Jian Zong, this meant that the teahouse didn't need him to care. And also profitable.

What can I do for such a great event? Mr. Jian whispered in his heart.

Naturally, it is a great thing. The tea craftsman in front of him, Gao Leng must be in his pocket, and it is not only for making tea, but Jianzong must be of great use.

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