Gossip King

Chapter 821: This weird thing...

"Open the door! Why did you lock the door?" Mu Xiaolen twisted the door bolt and noticed that the door was locked, so he patted the door nervously: "Xiaowei, you opened the door, what's wrong?"

Ahhhhh, it hurts, it hurts! God! O earth! Damn humans!

Gao Xiaowei's voice was heard from the bathroom, breathing in the air for a while and then cursing, Mu Xiaolen became more confused and nervous.

Gao Xiaowei sticks out his tongue for a while and sticks it to the tile, and then he thinks it is too dirty. He wants to wash it with water, but he doesn't dare to touch it anymore, his face is flushed and sweaty. , The bathroom is full.

Have you seen fleas?

Put the flea on the pan, it should look like Gao Xiaowei at this time.

"I'm going to find the key, I'm looking for the key." Mu Xiaoleng's nervous voice came from outside the door, followed by the sound of running away. After the meeting, she heard her joyful voice: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid , I found the key, let me see, what's wrong with you?"

The key was inserted into the door lock, and the door opened with a twist. Mu Xiaolen looked up and was stunned.


"Everyone, I'm in a bit of a hurry. Goodbye." Gao Leng said goodbye immediately after hearing Gao Xiaowei's call for help. Ignoring the surprise and retention of those people, he turned around and walked too fast. The old man looked at Gao Leng. From the back, he subconsciously followed him away, but when I saw Hua Ge looked dazed and shocked, I thought that the director of CEIBS had to say something about the details of coming to class, and Hua Ge was the best. Taking advantage of the free time to soak in the hot springs, talk to him about green agriculture.

The old crane laughed and pointed out his finger in the room: "Come here, brothers, Mr. Gao must have some news from the magazine. If you are in the media, you can get the news when you come. No matter what, let's play. our."

With the blessing of Lao Diao, Hua Ge's face became calmer, and the two of them cooperated, and several of them went into the hot spring together and enjoyed themselves.

Gao Leng drove the car as a plane and quickly arrived at the airport, just in time for a flight. It also took time to fly to the Imperial City. Three hours had passed since it was downstairs.

He rushed up and saw that the door was open, and quickly walked in and took the door. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jian Xiaodan taking out a large bowl of noodles from the kitchen, and there were a few freshly fried dishes on the table. Mu Xiaolen was busy in the kitchen.

It was nearly 11 o'clock at this time.

"Where is Xiaowei?" Gao Leng asked.

"You can count back." Jian Xiaoshan put down the dishes, and pointed to the room with a bit of fatigue on his face: "She was in the bedroom. She almost beat the doctor and finally took it home. This will not hurt so much. I just kept shutting myself in the room for two hours."

Almost beat the doctor? !

It's a bit embarrassing to get cold.

It turned out that when Mu Xiaolan entered the room, Gao Xiaowei immediately retracted his tail and twisted his hips in pain. Mu Xiaolan couldn't stabilize the situation and thought of Jian Xiaodan who was living at the opposite door. After Jian Xiaodan heard it, he didn't know what to do. After all, how to deal with the spicy food...

No one has encountered it before.

Seeing that Gao Xiaowei was so spicy that she was so hot, she took her to the hospital as quickly as possible, and went to the emergency room. As soon as I told the doctor that it was spicy, the doctor said: "Lie on the bed."

"Lying on the bed is to check if the stomach hurts. At that time, we were not as embarrassed to say that it was so spicy..." Jian Xiaodan frowned and sighed: "Unexpectedly, I just heard the words'lying on the bed', Xiaowei Just take a kick."

"The doctor..."

"Hey, broken ribs." Jian Xiaodan sighed.


"But I have taken care of everything, lost the money and apologized. I found the reporter who ran the hospital to make peace. Are you hungry? Have something to eat?" Jian Xiaodan pointed to the noodles and tossed. Can you stay hungry all night? Gao Leng relaxed when he heard Jian Xiao simply say that it was done.

He knew that if he simply said that it was handled, it was handled. Worry-free.

Just what? ! Eating duck neck spicy to the private part? ! She still needs to see a doctor in such a serious situation, how did she do this strange thing? ! Please inform! Gao Leng was speechless, strode over and knocked on the door.

"No one is allowed in!" Gao Xiaowei's roar immediately came from inside, and then he heard a crisp sound of the glass hitting the ground.

"It's me." As soon as Gao Leng's voice fell, the door opened.

As soon as I entered, I saw Gao Xiaowei frowning aggrievedly, but did not cry. She seemed to have no tears, never had tears, but the sadness on her face could not stop her. She knew that her tail was cut off. Sad, but not sad.

This kind of desperate sadness made Gao Leng laugh and cry.

"What did you do? Why did it get so hot?" Gao Leng sat on the bed, and saw Gao Xiaowei stretched out and nestled in the quilt with only one head exposed. A thought flashed in Gao Leng's mind and blurted out: "You It won't be the duck neck inserted into you..."

"Neuropathic!" Gao Xiaowei sat up suddenly and furiously, his legs separated abruptly, and he stretched out his fingers to point to himself: "Are you guys sick? A cucumber, a bitter gourd, a duck neck, we I won’t do this! It’s not a touch at all, okay?! And it’s inflammation!"

Men always like to ridicule what girls need cucumbers and so on. In fact, almost no girls do this kind of silly things. Keep it clean, otherwise it will be easy to get inflammation.

Gao Leng didn't answer the conversation, suddenly a beautiful woman stripped her legs apart to show you that Liang...

It was really caught off guard.

"Then the dead doctor actually wants me to lie down on the bed. I am what he can see?! Only you can see here! Jian Xiaodan is still pulling me, if I'm afraid of revealing that I am a squirrel, I would have to trample to death. That smelly rascal!" Gao Xiaowei said that she was getting more and more aggrieved. She moved her body and moved her lower side closer to Gao Leng, pointing her finger with a crying voice: "Look, what to do, it's so spicy."

Gao Leng took a look and saw that it was originally pink, but now it is...


Congestion, swelling, pain at first sight.

I couldn't help but frowned distressedly, and pointed out the door: "I don't know how to take care of this place. You can ask them to take good care of them so that they don't get irritated. You said, how did you eat a duck neck? !"

"Life is really desperate. You have been back for a day or two, and I have to sneak in even'practice' with me. That's fine, I was so hot." Gao Xiaowei showed an expression of pain and inferiority, and she stretched out her hand. Weakly pulled the cold sleeve.

"I'm disabled, no, disabled squirrel, you won't want me anymore, my hole is disabled, so sad."


"The hole is gone, what's the point of being alive."


"I have some spells that can repair arm wounds and leg wounds, but not hole wounds! Why is it so."


"Bring me a popsicle, I'll ice it."

Gao Leng looked at Gao Xiaowei, who had always been sturdy, speechless, and saw that she looked at a loss at this moment and fell into a deep panic. It was much harder than breaking her tail before.

"Okay, let's go out to eat noodles. I was a bit hungry after tossing all night." Gao Leng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that something major had happened. This strange flower was really drunk.

"I'm going to sleep with you tonight." Gao Xiaowei threw out this big problem, showing hypocrisy after being injured: "If you disagree, you will despise me."

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