Gossip King

Chapter 859: confrontation!

Five minutes later, the five reporters in the room were lying on the table slumped. The writing was extremely tiring. Mental and manual work coexisted. From the afternoon to the evening, these young reporters had already written enough. Six hours.

Thirty or forty manuscripts were completed, revised, reviewed, and typeset, and finally went online.

"Okay, you guys have a rest." Jian Xiaodan's expression was also exhausted. Such manuscripts were polished, corrected, and oriented one by one. She was more tired than these, but the boys had rested, and she could not.

After the topic is released, you still need to stare at it. The draft is likely to be changed. This night, simply can't sleep. The reporters got up and left, dragging their weary bodies with no energy. After they went out, Jian Xiao simply walked to the table and poured a cup of coffee.

"Take a rest." Gao Leng reached out and patted her shoulder: "I'll stare."

Jian Xiaoshan shook his head: "In the evening, when your topic comes out and it starts to be launched on a large scale in two hours, the briquettes officials in Gaozhou City must not mess up into a pot of porridge? You will definitely not sleep tomorrow. Let's rest now. I stared."

Gao Leng repeatedly asked for a brief rest, but she refused to live or die. She seemed to have principles as long as it was related to work.

"I haven't finished my work, and I won't take a break." Jian Xiaodan remarked anyway, no matter what Gao Leng said, she sat in front of the computer and started to pay attention to the comments on the major forums, ready to deal with various problems.

Gao Leng was helpless, he understood Jian Xiaodan, this woman was not as meek as Mu Xiao Leng, no one could shake her when she decided, so she had to sit in front of the computer and start working. For an entire hour, Gao Leng and Jian Xiaoshan didn't say a word. Occasionally, there were some abnormal situations in public opinion that needed to be corrected. They didn't need to open their mouths and only needed to look at each other to know what each other was going to do and cooperate in tacit understanding.


"Ms. Liu, thank you for your willingness to delete Ms. Yuzhi's Weibo." The director of the Gaozhou City Government Office raised his glass at the dinner table and drank it.

"I'm sorry." Sister Liu also raised her glass aloft with a look of guilt: "Who knows that our family Yuzhi will post such a Weibo? She, she ran out to play after the filming today. I didn’t care about this Weibo. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought it’s okay to ask for help from a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War. My fault, my fault, I did it, you are free."

With that, Sister Liu raised her head and dropped a glass of white wine without blinking her eyelids.

Drinking with a celebrity agent? It's the same as the drinking of the director of the government department office. The director of the office and the agent met together, and a bottle of liquor was empty, and this matter was almost done.

"Oh, why is this entertainment version hitting the headlines?" Sister Liu took out her phone and refreshed it, pretending to be surprised, her eyes widened and the boss slapped her thigh: "Director, what...what about this? I can do this news website. I can’t be the Lord, it’s already a headline."

The office directors of such prefecture-level cities are often unfamiliar with the large-scale domestic news websites. They rarely come into contact with these websites at their level, but they also have heard about the headlines can be bought and sold, so they asked: "Then please remove it. Headline, do you have a way?"

"Of course there is a way." Sister Liu said bluntly, and stretched out her hand even more bluntly: "At least tens of millions of dollars can be withdrawn, and we have to move about."

The director of the office was stunned, so expensive? !

He hurriedly clicked on the major news websites and looked at it, and saw that almost all of the news from Yuzhi was on the homepage. If it were all taken down...

"It's okay." The office director thought for a while and patted his stomach easily: "The task given to me by the leader is to withdraw Ms. Yuzhi's Weibo, but he didn't tell me to post the headlines on the entertainment page."

The two laughed and laughed and didn’t watch the news again. After the matter was settled, they were ready to disperse after another half an hour after eating. At this time, the office director’s phone rang frantically, and he quickly stood up and answered, “Leader, I have finished the work, Miss Yuzhi’s Weibo..."

"Look at what you are doing?!" The roar on the phone made Manager Uzhi feel blown up.

"Leader, this, this." The director of the office wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't know whether it was the sweat from drinking or the fright: "Yuzhi's Weibo has been withdrawn."

"Look at the news yourself! Look at the current social news!" With a snap, the phone hung up.

"Wh... what's wrong?" The office director sat down with a dumb face, and smiled at Sister Liu with a faceless and embarrassing smile: "Let me read the news first." But it didn't last for half an hour. Reading the news, he was dumbfounded again.

The headlines of the social and news pages are: Star Yuzhi’s Weibo for Rescue Veterans of the War of Resistance was deleted in seconds. Whose sensitive nerves were touched?

And the news sources were all from Xingsheng Magazine. He quickly clicked on Xingsheng Magazine’s Weibo and took a look. He saw that dozens of articles in the topic had already been reposted tens of thousands of times on Weibo, only half of the time. Hours, and not refreshed once, this data has grown geometrically.

"What about this magazine..." The director of the office thought he had a problem with his eyes when he drank, rubbed it and opened the topic to read it. Dozens of articles not only presented the contents of Yuzhi's Weibo completely, but also took screenshots. The appearance of Yuzhi's Weibo after it was deleted, and even summarized the popular comments when the news broke.

The last ten articles questioned the Gaozhou Municipal Government of Wuchuan Province, why the Gouzi Village did not allow villagers to farm nearby, and why there is no entity in the tourism development area that was put on the agenda ten years ago.

Each article, under the current national conditions of the strict fight against corruption, is a sharp knife, and the knife is deadly.

"Fortunately, I didn't write the secretary of the equation, otherwise I will have to lose my official hat tomorrow." The office director thought to himself with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Ding Ding Ding, the life-threatening serial call rang again, the office director quickly answered it, and a gloomy voice came from inside: "Have you read the news? Who told you to arrange for Yuzhi to delete Weibo! Who gave you the right to act without authorization of!"

Inside, the questioning and accusation of a certain mayor of Gaozhou City were stern and murderous.

"It wasn't you who arranged for me..." The director of the office was pale and pale: "You called me an hour ago and ordered me to get off within half an hour..."

"Who called you?" The mayor's rhetorical question made the office director who has been in officialdom for a long time understood. Who are the office directors? They are all sleek, well-rounded people, and people who have seen many scenes.

They are the closest to the leader and are most easily appreciated by the leader.

But if you are with a king like a tiger, you can easily become a scapegoat.

Right now, the director of this office understood that if the topic broke out with a high-ranking equation secretary, and broke out a scandal involving the deputy mayor of Zhonghai City, his official hat would be lost every minute. And now, although the topic did not break the scandal of the superior equation secretary, his official hat is also lost.

"Now get me back right away! The whole team will wipe your ass! Tell Old Cao that they will come to the meeting immediately! Right away! By the way, Planning Bureau Director Qi Feng also called! This is a ghost thing from his Planning Bureau!" The cold and sternness in the room hit the head of the office director like hail, making him feel dizzy.

You know, this mayor owns a house in Gouzi Village, and Jiji is a neighbor.

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