Gossip King

Chapter 933: Taigong Jiang is fishing.

"This...this is..." Mu Xiaoleng blinked against those innocent and pure eyes. For some reason, Gao Leng suddenly had a feeling of polluting Xiao Leng, but a huge sense of satisfaction came out in his heart. Everything about this woman is his church and the satisfaction he developed.

This kind of great satisfaction can only be brought by a pure woman. At this moment, Mu Xiaolen blushed to the roots of her ears, rubbed her eyes and looked at it unbelievably, then bit her lip and lifted it up. Looking at Gao Leng, her eyeballs moved. The words about this aspect that she had heard in the last minute were connected together, and her mind gradually became clear, and the innocence and confusion in her eyes gradually became hazy.

It’s said that a girl’s transformation into a woman is the experience of the night. In fact, this is too general. A girl becomes a woman slowly, bit by bit. If there is only one layer of membrane that night, the rest is given to other men. , It doesn't count that this woman belongs to you completely.

From holding hands, to kissing, to stroking while kissing, to letting you take off your clothes, how much shyness and how many fawns have you experienced? After taking off the clothes, she went from passively accepting your impact to slowly willing to open her legs shyly. How much trust and love did she experience for this man?

Now, Mu Xiao Leng is already willing to slowly open his legs in the dark, but they are not very open, very embarrassed and not taking the initiative, far from the point of taking the initiative to separate, and this step has already taken Give Gao Leng a great sense of satisfaction and conquest, this is a kind of satisfaction that truly and completely get a woman.

Now, how many women can completely belong to a man? Mu Xiao Leng was so precious that Gao Leng loved her, and her eyes fell on her pink and rosy lips.

Now, he wants to get her to open those delicate red lips willingly, kneel under his belly and conquer her.

"I hate it." Mu Xiao Leng slid his body into the quilt, suddenly turned around and covered his head tightly with the quilt. He was incredibly ashamed and made Gao Leng feel incredibly cute. He quickly lay down and hugged him from behind. She asked softly: "Would you like to try?"

"No!" Mu Xiaolen said categorically, her body twisted with shame, "I don't want... how can there be such a thing? There is absolutely no such thing!"

As she said, she hid her face and kicked her legs shyly, twisting and twisting. This twist happened to be next to the most sensitive area of ​​Gao Leng. Gao Leng gritted his teeth and turned over, and a pair of pink **** was lost. Came out: "You will be willing one day, I will not force you, wait for you willingly."

The ripples in the room were endless overnight, Xiao Leng had to go to school for a week before returning, and he always had to feed a little.


The next day, Gao Leng sat in his office meditating. Mu Zhengtang and his wife had more than 30 million embezzlement loopholes. Borrowing money is very delicate. How to borrow and whom to borrow are critical and sensitive things. Good borrowing. , Friends still have to do it, if you don’t borrow well, maybe your friends don’t have to do it.

Gao Leng suddenly smiled and settled his attention. Soon, he sent an ambiguous message in his circle of friends: Nowadays, money is also an embarrassing thing.

The method he took was not to borrow money by himself licking his face, but Jiang Taigong who wanted to go fishing. This was not a cold show, it was also he was trying to find out who is a true friend and who is just watching the fun. Now he has a reputation. At the dinner party, the toasts are all brothers, and money is an important way to test whether they are true friends.

This sentence was said without saying the end. The peripheral people in the circle of friends didn't know what happened to him. Suddenly a bunch of people came and asked: What happened?

And some people who have reached a certain level of identity and can guess the inside story also came and asked hypocritically: What's wrong?

Gao Leng sneered and looked at these few people who pretended to say "what's wrong". These are all corporate bosses who drank so much at the dinner party, but this is also human nature. It’s impossible for everyone to borrow things. If these people are considered normal, then the information sent by a few people made Gao Leng wary of them. I saw that the ranks of these people are OK, and they must be. Anyone who knows the relationship between Gao Leng and Mu Zhengtang must also know why Gao Leng needs money, but still sends a message: What's wrong? I heard that you have a close relationship with Mu Zhengtang. Are you mediating for him?

This seems to be okay, but it is not what people in these sections of the road should have said. Anyone who can achieve this level knows that Mu Zhengtang is now arrested and Gao Leng is mediating, but it is all seen through. If you don't talk about it, it's really not good for Gao Leng's career.

However, they said that they were unpredictable by name and name.

Gao Leng glanced at it and remembered these people.

With a ding-dong, he suddenly received a text message from the bank: Ten million has been transferred, Gao Leng was slightly surprised, and another text message came, Su Su’s, very concise: Is ten million enough? The bank doubles interest and earns a fortune first.

It is said that it is the double interest rate of the bank, but Gao Leng was very moved by Su Su's move so quickly. He and Su Su are friends of friends. Ten million is not much for Su Su, but it is not too small. The number, this woman looks cold, in fact there is a kind of chivalrous intestines in her bones, presumably this is the reason why she still enjoys a reputation in the business world even though she took over the father's enterprise by killing and directly annexing a large number of enterprises.

She can help Gao Leng, and she will certainly help others. This kind of chivalry and gentleness is rare in the business world.

There was a message on WeChat, and Brother Biao’s voice came over. One point, I heard that Brother Biao was full of dissatisfaction: I said, buddy, you are short of money. Why are you going to the circle of friends and yelling? People would think that my brother Biao has suffered, know? The second boss of the East Gang is short of money? ! Lost your share! Okay, how much money, say a word, brother, I will call you now.

Gao Leng’s mouth cracked and laughed. Brother Biao was still so good-looking and righteous. Before he could reply to the message, Brother Biao came over with seven or eight voices: I said, you quickly delete that message. Oh, does Mu Zhengtang need money for mediation? Brother, let me deal with 20 million first; is 20 million enough? Hey, this project will start soon, or I will support you no matter how much it is; yes, forty million has passed, maybe the bank did not respond so quickly, you pay attention to check it;

The last sentence almost screamed: I said you quickly delete your message! My brother Biao said that he is short of money, aren't you slapped me in the face?

Somehow, listening to Brother Biao's voice of the water, a touch of emotion came out of the high cold chest, and the friend who said that the friend was the most loyal, and he called for 40 million! This is not a small amount!

At this time, there was a call, Gao Leng straightened up and stood up to answer it, and after the answer, it was passed with the elder’s majestic tone: "Gao Leng, delete the WeChat message, knowing that you are playing Jiang Taigong took the bait for those who wished to fish. It's unnecessary. Don't do this in the future."

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