Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 998: Defeat an army single-handedly (Part 2)

"Chen Qi!"

Seeing the knight returning from the bloodshed, several Habayashi guards who knew him immediately left the formation and stepped forward to rescue him.

But none of them were as fast as Wang Chen.

Wang Chen soared into the air, flying over dozens of steps like an eagle spreading its wings, and landed right on top of the knight.

He reached out and brought down the Yulin Knight who had fallen into a coma, and took a sword talisman with lightning speed.

The sword talisman is actually a healing talisman, specially used to heal the damage caused by swords and spears, and the effect is quite excellent.

Just because refining is not easy, the Dao Palace produces only a small amount every year, so only a few high-ranking officers can possess it.

But for Wang Chen, making such low-level talismans is as simple as eating and drinking. What limits him is only his mana.

With a flash of light, the knight's wounds instantly shrank and stopped bleeding. The two arrows inserted into his body were squeezed out, preventing further damage.

The moment he was brought to the ground by Wang Chen, he woke up, opened his eyes, and a trace of blood returned to his pale face.


Seeing Wang Chen supporting him, the knight struggled subconsciously and hissed: "Dong, the main force of horse thieves was found ten miles away from the northeast. Their number is over ten thousand!"

"I see."

Wang Chen nodded, and then handed the knight to the Yu Linwei who just ran over: "Let the doctor treat him immediately, using the best medicine!"

There are doctors accompanying the army in Heqin's team, and the reserves of various medicines are also very sufficient. Trauma like his may seem scary, but as long as he is treated in time, survival is not a problem at all.

After the injured knight was sent for treatment, Wang Chen said to Sun Zhengheng: "Get ready to fight."

The horse thieves are coming with ferocity, and a battle is inevitable.

Sun Zhengheng looked solemn and immediately ordered: "Blow the trumpet and accept the battle!"


The majestic horn sounded in the car array, carrying a desolate and murderous atmosphere.


Three thousand Yulin shouted in unison, and each crossbow arrow was buckled on the heavy crossbow string, making a continuous creaking sound.

Under everyone's gaze, a knight suddenly appeared in the distance.

I saw him holding a flag and waving it in the wind, and the wolf head dripping with blood on the flag was lifelike.

"White Wolf Thief!"

A local guide in the convoy had a pale face and murmured three words.

And these three words seemed like a magic spell, and then countless horse thieves appeared one after another. They swept over the grassy hills in a dark mass, approaching in the direction of the convoy.

Once people pass through the boundless sky, the momentum created by the tens of thousands of horse thieves is really terrifying, and the evil energy that reaches the sky is almost condensed into substance.

Seeing this scene, the Yulin guards, who were always known as elites, couldn't help but change their expressions.

The only one who remained indifferent was Wang Chen!

Horse thieves came from all over the mountains and plains, but they did not attack the convoy immediately, but stopped a thousand steps away.

After a while, a horse thief holding a white flag rushed out of the team and galloped over alone.

Wang Chen and Sun Zhengheng looked at each other.

I didn't expect these horse thieves to play the trick of being polite first and then attacking!

The horse thief rushed to a position about a hundred steps away from the car formation before stopping. He was not afraid of the heavy crossbows aimed at him. Then he slammed the white flag in his hand into the ground and said loudly: " Which of you is in charge?"

"Be bold!"

An officer of the Yulin Guards immediately rode forward and shouted: "You bandits are so brave that you dare to intercept the royal team, are you not afraid of annihilating the nine tribes?"

"Destroy the nine tribes?"

The horse thief laughed loudly: "I'm just doing head-turning business. I don't have any clans. You'd better save some money!"

With a ferocious look on his face, he quickly glanced left and right and said, "This grassland is the territory of our wolf clan. If you want to cross over, you can leave the travel expenses for me!"

Most of the horse thieves in the West Sea Prairie are herdsmen and bandits. They worship wolf beasts for their unruly nature and have considered themselves wolves since ancient times.

"Travel expenses?"

A fierce light flashed in Sun Zhengheng's eyes and he asked: "How much do you want for travel expenses?"

"It's very simple."

The horse thief licked his lips and said, "Leave half of the carriage loaded with goods and fifty women, so it's an advantage for you."

Sun Zhengheng was furious: "How brave!"

He was actually just asking casually, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so open-minded and arrogant to the extreme.

Not to mention these carriages filled with gold and silver treasures, the horse thieves actually wanted fifty women. You must know that there are only about a hundred women in the entire marriage team including the female knight of the Yulin.

The other party's asking price was exactly half, and he obviously knew the marriage team very well.


The horse thief laughed and said: "Then we will take them all, don't regret it!"


Wang Chen suddenly spoke.

Sun Zhengheng was stunned for a moment, only to hear the sound of the bowstring crashing as several crossbow arrows were fired at the arrogant horse thief.

This horse thief dared to come to negotiate alone. He was naturally courageous and powerful, and he was ready to fall out.

However, just when he was about to dodge the crossbow arrows, an invisible force suddenly enveloped him.

The horse thief was immediately shocked and watched helplessly as the flying crossbow arrow penetrated his body.

puff! puff! puff!

Wang Chen turned to Sun Zhengheng and said, "There is no need to follow the rules with these scum."

Sun Zhengheng was speechless.

But the horse thieves who witnessed this scene were completely enraged. They raised their heads and howled like wolves, while their mounts snorted, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense.

Wang Chen sneered and reached out to grab the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear hanging on the side of the saddle.

"Gentlemen, watch me defeat the enemy!"

Before he finished speaking, he drove the yellow gelding forward like an arrow from the string, passing over the body of the horse thief in just a few breaths.

Sun Zhengheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him, but failed completely.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but something seemed to be blocked in his throat.

In fact, three thousand Yulin Guards are about the same.

In front of Wang Chen, there are tens of thousands of horse thieves who are being stimulated to reveal their fierce looks!

At this moment, a pair of wonderful eyes were watching Wang Chen's figure closely.

Her eyes came from the luxurious carriage in the center of the motorcade. Princess Qingyun stuck her head out of the window, holding on to the window edge with her little hands.

The princess' beautiful eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, the tip of her nose was red, and the excitement, admiration and fascination in her eyes made her look much more mature.

What a heroic spirit it is to single-handedly defeat thousands of troops!

Princess Qingyun believes that she will never forget this scene in her life!

She felt that her heart had followed Wang Chen.

Bravely rush into thousands of thieves! ——

The first update is sent.

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