
A white jade ruler struck the girl on the head.


Princess Qingyun, who was in pain, shrank her head and showed a pitiful and miserable face: "Master..."

During today's morning class in the study room, she had already touched a full five feet.

My forehead was knocked red.

However, Wang Chen, who was holding a Taoist book in his hand, showed no mercy at all, and said in a cold voice: "The most important thing in cultivating Taoism is cultivating the mind. You are so restless that any cultivation will be in vain. It is a complete waste of your time and mine! "

Princess Qingyun lowered her head in shame: "This disciple knows his mistake."

In fact, she can't be completely blamed, because today is the day when King Jing ascends the throne in Daye.

This is also the deadline set by Shangguan Wuji for the marriage team!

Wang Chen was about to give her another foot to make her remember, but suddenly his heart moved and he walked to the window sill.

He looked towards the direction of the imperial capital and said in a deep voice: "The emperor has passed away!"

The mysterious Qi induction allowed Wang Chen to gain insight into the drastic changes happening thousands of miles away!

Princess Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and then large, crystal tears burst into her eyes.

Although she had already expected the outcome after Emperor Shao Wu was deposed, after all, after King Jing ascended the throne, if Emperor Shao Wu was not completely eliminated, her imperial power would definitely not be stable.

After all, he was not in the right position.

But now after hearing Wang Chen's words, Princess Qingyun still couldn't suppress the huge sadness in her heart.

Emperor Shaowu was not qualified as an emperor, but as an elder brother, his love for Princess Qingyun was far beyond ordinary people.

Even if Princess Qingyun and Qin Dayan are allowed to marry, it is completely out of necessity.

Because in Princess Qingyun's heart, her admiration for Emperor Shaowu cannot be erased.


She couldn't help but swooped over and hugged Wang Chen, crying sadly.

Wang Chen sighed secretly, stretched out his hand and gently touched the girl's hair to express his comfort.

"Wang Taibao, Your Highness!"

At this moment, Sun Zhengheng suddenly rushed into the study room.

Seeing the scene in the study room, the leader of the Yulin Guards was stunned. He was unable to move forward or retreat for a while and fell into embarrassment.

Princess Qingyun quickly let go of Wang Chen, wiped her tears and took a few steps back.

Wang Chen's expression remained unchanged and he asked, "What happened?"

Sun Zhengheng's expression was extremely solemn: "The beacon fire at Hanguan Customs has been lit!"

Wang Chen's eyes flashed: "Let's go and take a look."

He turned around and said to Princess Qingyun: "Your Highness, please stay here and don't run around. I will come back as soon as I can."

Princess Qingyun nodded: "Yes."

Although she is young, she has experienced this drastic change and has matured a lot, and she no longer has the innocence and willfulness of before.

Wang Chen and Sun Zhengheng came to the palace wall together.

As the emperor's palace, Mingyu Palace's architectural specifications are equivalent to those of a fortress. In addition to the comfort of living, it is also first-rate in terms of defense.

Standing on the high palace wall and looking to the west, I immediately saw the wolf smoke rising from the rolling snow-capped mountains in the distance!

Hanhaiguan is one of the most important components of Hanhai City. It is located at the exit of a canyon and guards the traffic artery between Dayan and Daliang.

In order to ensure the stability of this majestic pass, Daliang also spent huge manpower and material resources to build the majestic Great Wall on the high snow-capped mountains, thus greatly improving its defense capabilities.

Due to the existence of Hanhaiguan, if Dayan wants to invade Daqi, he must either capture Hanhai City or travel thousands of miles around. You can imagine how difficult it is!

Not to mention that Daliang had 50,000 elite border troops stationed in Hanhai City, and Shangguan Wuji, a sixth-level martial master, was stationed there.

But Wang Chen had told Sun Zhengheng before that Dayan would definitely come to attack Hanhai City!

The situation where King Jing seeks to usurp the throne and change the situation is definitely not what Dayan wants to see. Once Daliang and Daqi reach an alliance, Dayan will inevitably face disaster.

And if such a big thing happened in Daliang, it was impossible for Dayan to not get the news.

As long as they realize that the situation is critical, they will definitely take action and will never sit still and wait for death.

Taking down Hanhaiguan is Dayan's only choice.

Because of Han Guan's presence, Daliang can advance, retreat, or defend. It occupies the strategic initiative and can threaten Dayan's hinterland at all times.

At that time, Daliang and Daqi will attack Dayan from the east and west at the same time, and it is very likely that Dayan will be destroyed.

Wang Chen's judgment originated from this.

However, he did not expect that the Dayan army would arrive so quickly, and judging from the color and intensity of the beacon fire, the enemy force was beyond imagination!

Looking at the beacon fire in the distance, Sun Zhengheng had a strange expression: "I wonder what General Shangguan is feeling right now!"

In the past three days, Han Haijun has been surrounding Mingyu's palace. Although Shangguan Wuji did not appear again, his attitude was undoubtedly very firm.

Originally, today was the day when the Han navy commander issued an ultimatum to the Heqin team.

It's just that he definitely doesn't have the mind to care about it now.

Logically speaking, when the Great Yan attacked, Sun Zhengheng should share the same hatred, but at this moment, he felt a faint sense of joy in his heart.

And just as Sun Zhengheng thought, Shangguan Wuji was in an extremely bad mood at this moment.

The impregnable Hanhaiguan can't give this sixth-level martial master the slightest sense of security!

Thousands of cavalry appeared on the plain ahead. They surged toward Hanhaiguan like a tide, flags waving and horns blaring, creating an earth-shattering momentum.

Behind the cavalry regiment, a larger number of infantry appeared.

Wearing iron armor and holding long spears, these warriors advanced slowly and neatly, their footsteps making the earth tremble.

In the middle of the infantry were siege engines and catapults pulled by dozens of oxen.

These behemoths have never appeared in front of Han Customs, but their appearance means that an unprecedented war is coming.

If it were just a scene like this, it wouldn't be enough to scare Shangguan Wuji.

Because he is very confident in Han Customs' defense capabilities.

The problem is that Shangguan Wuji sensed three auras coming from the Yan army.

The three auras were not weaker than his at all!

Dayan is crazy!

This was the first thought that came to Shangguan Wuji's mind.

You must know that Dayan only has three sixth-level warriors on the surface, one less than Daqi.

But now that the three Great Yan Wuzuns have gathered at Hanguan Customs, how can Shangguan Wuji not be under pressure!

What made Shangguan Wuji even more worried was that Dayan's reaction was so fast and fierce. It was clear that he wanted to capture Hanguan Pass at all costs. So could he and the 50,000 Han navy alone be able to defend this great pass?

"Somebody come!"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Han Navy took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I am ordering you to immediately withdraw all the soldiers surrounding Mingyu's palace, and then invite Wang Taibao to come here to speak!"


The second update is sent.

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