Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1017 Aiming for the world

The morale of the Yan Army's forward battalion collapsed.

The sergeants who served as the vanguard were the most brave and skillful among the Yan army, and they also admired and admired Yan Xiaoyun the most.

In everyone's mind, this great commander is invincible and will definitely be able to lead everyone to defeat Hanhaiguan.

As a result, the real decisive battle had just begun, and Yan Xiaoyun died.

No one wants to believe this fact, but Yan Xiaoyun's body is hanging on the wall, and his iconic unicorn silver armor is shining in the sun. How can he deceive himself again?


Many soldiers dropped their weapons, some knelt down and cried, and some beat their hands on the ground in pain.

Some people roared and rushed towards the city wall.

As a result, he was shot into a sieve!

The shock wave caused by the death of the coach quickly spread from the forward to the middle and rear armies. The morale of hundreds of thousands of Yan troops dropped rapidly, and countless people looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"Wang Taibao, do you want someone to come out of the city and kill them?"

Shangguan Wuji was experienced and knew that sending a cavalry charge at this time would definitely achieve good results.

"never mind."

In the end, Wang Chen shook his head and said, "It's not necessary."

The three great warriors of the Yan Kingdom were all wiped out in one battle, and Yan Xiaoyun's corpse hung on the city wall, which had dealt a huge blow to the Yan army.

However, the main force of the Yan army was not damaged at all, and its strength was more than ten times that of the Han navy. Once its lieutenant generals organized mourning troops to avenge Yan Xiaoyun, the Hanhai cavalry who went to battle would definitely never return.

Not even Wang Chen.

Yan Jun is not comparable to the White Wolf Horse Thief!

The most important thing is that Wang Chen needs a complete Han navy to realize his plan.

So he allowed the Yan army's vanguard to retreat.

The Yan army retreated ten miles away, regained a firm foothold, and established a new camp.

But this huge army has no soul and morale.

That night, the entire Hanhai City fell into a carnival of victory.

Previously, the Yan army attacked in large numbers, and the city was filled with gloom and mist, and many people were ready to flee.

Nai Hehan's navy sealed the inner and outer city gates and conducted a large-scale search for spies, causing the people to panic.

Well now, the commander-in-chief of the Yan army and the two martial masters were defeated at the Hanhaiguan Pass at the same time. The Yan army's back was broken, and there was no possibility of threatening Hanhai City.

How can we not be surprised?

The happiest person was undoubtedly Princess Qingyun. In the name of the Daliang royal family, she granted Wang Chen the title of Grand Tutor, the rank of General of the Zhu Kingdom, and the title of Hanhai County to reward Wang Chen for his immortal contribution.

In fact, as Princess Qingyun, she is not qualified to make such a conferment.

However, when Emperor Shaowu passed away and King Jing sought to usurp the throne, Princess Qingyun's move to raise the flag was not abrupt, and she also formally set her own flag, making it clear that horses and horses were competing for the throne.

Due to the support of Shangguan Wuji and Fifty Thousand Han Haijun, as well as Wang Chen, the immortal god of war, there was no objection in the entire Hanhai City.

Even if there is, they will be suppressed immediately!

The next day, Hanhai City announced a change of flag and broke away from Daliang under the rule of Emperor Yuan Jing.

At the same time, the Yan army outside the pass sent a negotiation team.

They wanted to redeem Yan Xiaoyun's body.


After listening to the report from the sergeant on duty, Wang Chen's thoughts changed and he immediately understood: "General Shangguan, I will leave all the negotiation matters to you."

He said meaningfully: "I heard that Yan State is very rich, but we can't take advantage of them."

Shangguan Wuji understood: "I understand."

Although Yan Xiaoyun is dead, his prestige in the Yan army is too high. Taking back the body can gather hundreds of thousands of mourning soldiers to prevent the entire army from falling apart.

The successor commander of the Yan army wanted to bring this army back intact and retain the spirit of the army, so Yan Xiaoyun's body could no longer be allowed to hang on the wall of Hanhaiguan.

This is a good opportunity to rip off!

How could Shangguan Wuji, who was so sophisticated, not understand what was going on, and immediately eagerly received the envoy of the Yan army.

Wang Chen watched the entire negotiation.

Then he witnessed the change in the expression of the Yan Army envoy, which could be included in the Beijing Film Academy textbook.

As for the final outcome of the negotiations, Wang Chen had to shed tears of sympathy for the pale-faced Yan Army envoy.

It's too awful.

But sympathy is sympathy, and nothing should be left behind!

After the negotiation was over, Yan Xiaoyun's body was put down and placed into the red sandalwood coffin along with the Qilin Armor.

Although the Qilin Armor is Dayan's weapon to control the country, to Wang Chen, this armor, which is said to be priceless, has no meaning. It is better to exchange it for military supplies.

Of course, Yan Xiaoyun's body could not be sent back immediately.

That afternoon, accompanied by the sound of low trumpets, hundreds of thousands of Yan troops rose up to camp.

They left behind 30,000 horses, piles of grain, grass and ordnance, as well as all catapults and siege engines.

Dayan's war horses are of very high quality, rarely exported in the past, and very expensive.

These 30,000 war horses are undoubtedly an extremely rich wealth, comparable to the value of tens of millions of taels of silver!

Yan Jun completely lost his face and dignity this time.

Shangguan Wuji estimated that they would not dare to invade Hanguan again for at least twenty years.

After the foreign troubles were resolved, Han Haijun, who had been included under Princess Qingyun's banner, directed its troops towards the interior of Daliang.

Interestingly, on the second day after the Yan army retreated, a cavalry of 5,000 people arrived at Hanhai City.

This cavalry was reinforced by Xihai County.

The result was without any surprise. He was swallowed directly by Han Haijun without even spitting out the dregs.

Anyway, Xihai County is also in the bag.

After discussing with Guan Wuji, Wang Chen decided not to attack Xihai County for the time being, but to start comprehensive military preparations.

The first is to expand the number of Hanhai Navy to 100,000 people, which means to recruit 50,000 soldiers from the hundreds of thousands of people in Hanhai City. All the required ordnance comes from trophies.

At the same time, the Han Navy Yard also expanded its scale, recruiting a large number of craftsmen and apprentices from the city, and devoted all its efforts to casting cannons and muskets with better quality and lighter weight.

Of course Wang Chen also took out the blueprints for making the fire gun.

These newly crafted weapons will fully arm the newly recruited soldiers.

In order to obtain enough raw materials for making gunpowder, Wang Chen sent out teams one after another to find and purchase sulfur.

Under his baton, the entire Hanhai City, or Hanhai County, started to operate like a giant war machine, revealing its ferocious fangs little by little.

And Wang Chen's luck value is also increasing little by little!

He has been very clear about his goals.

Aim for the world!


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