
The dull roar suddenly broke the tranquility of the grassland.

The left eye of a bison that was eating grass on the river bank suddenly burst into bright blood. The huge body suddenly lost its balance and fell heavily to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

Before the other bison could wake up, the same roaring sound came one after another.

One by one, the bison were either killed on the spot, or were wounded and running wild in pain. The entire herd fell into complete chaos.

However, the hunters rode fast horses and approached from different directions. The muskets emitted clouds of white smoke and shot deadly pills, killing all the surviving bison.

These bison are a specialty of the West China Sea prairie. They are huge and strong. An adult bull can even weigh more than 2,000 kilograms. Their galloping power and a pair of sharp horns will make them run away even if they encounter a black bear. .

Since bison live in groups and are very strong individually, only a few smart and capable hunters dare to hunt them. If they are not careful, they may lose their lives.

However, in front of the hunting team equipped with heavy fire guns, this group of local bullies on the grassland became lambs to be slaughtered!

They whined and fell into a pool of blood. Only a few cows and calves were deliberately ignored by the hunters and fled into the distance in terror.

"Wan Sheng!"

Cheers of victory sounded among the hunters.

Wang Chen smiled slightly and threw the emptied long gun in his hand to the bodyguard beside him.

In order to welcome and accommodate the incoming refugee army, Xihai County, where the situation had just calmed down, tightened its strings again and began to operate at an extraordinary speed and efficiency.

On the one hand, Wang Chen sent caravans to purchase livestock and food from herdsmen in various places. On the other hand, he organized hunting teams to hunt wild animals such as bison and wild sheep on the West Sea Prairie.

There are a huge number of bison on the grassland, and a bison is full of treasures. Its fur can be used to make fur clothes, and its tendons can be used to make bowstrings. Not to mention beef, it is a very nutritious food.

Including cow horns, cow bones, and cow hooves are more useful, and even cow dung can be used to fertilize fields.

In order to obtain these precious resources as soon as possible, Wang Chen personally led a hunting team deep into the grassland to hunt the bison herds.

Accompanied by loud whistles, the hunters dismounted one after another, pulled out the daggers they carried and began to process the trophies.

Materials such as cowhide, beef, and beef bones were quickly broken down, and the blood was wiped off, then smeared with salt and minced herbs, and finally placed on different carriages.

These trophies will be sent to the outskirts of Xihai County as quickly as possible, cooked before the meat spoils, chopped into pieces, added with flour, ghee and dried wild vegetables, then kneaded into balls and smoked to dry.

Made into fist-sized rations.

Only two regiments of this kind of military ration are needed to give an adult the strength to walk all day and all night!

A single bison can save hundreds of refugees from starvation.

In fact, prairie bison are not easy to deal with. Their thick fur can resist the damage of bows and arrows, and they are extremely powerful. When they go crazy, they are very scary.

However, faced with the bombardment of heavy firecrackers, they could only be reduced to food.

Just to prevent the bison from becoming extinct, Wang Chen specifically ordered some cows and calves to be let go so that they could have a chance to thrive and be used for future use.


At this moment, a loud eagle cry came from the sky.

Wang Chen looked up and saw a black shadow swooping down towards him like lightning.

He raised his arm, and a falcon landed steadily on it.

Wang Chen took off the bamboo tube tied to the eagle's leg, crushed the beeswax on the top, and poured out a roll of silk paper.

He unfolded it and looked at it, his expression moved slightly.

After thinking for a while, Wang Chen took out a pen and paper and replied to the letter. He stuffed it back into the bamboo tube, sealed it, and put it back on the eagle's legs.

The guard on the side cut two pieces of fresh beef and fed it to the falcon. After eating, the falcon chirped twice with satisfaction, then spread its wings and soared into the sky.


Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "Follow me to greet the guests!"

He patted the yellow gelding under him, and the latter immediately spread its hooves and rushed forward.

The whistle sounded, and dozens of elite riders followed closely behind.

With these personal guards, Wang Chen headed north, galloping across the vast prairie.

At noon the next day, he and a group of personal guards arrived at the northern border of Xihai County.

To the north of Xihai County is Jichuan County. Although this county is only half the area of ​​Xihai County, it is much richer than the former, with a population several times larger. It is also one of the few counties that chose to be loyal to Emperor Yuan Jing.

However, Jichuan County did not take any hostile actions towards Xihai County, which had raised the "anti-flag", and even allowed refugees to enter the Xihai Prairie through its own territory.

Of course, this may not be a good intention. After all, Jichuan County does not have the ability to feed so many refugees, so it is happy to throw this big burden to the Qingyun Sect Master.

Wang Chen received a letter from Qin Qingxuan yesterday and learned that the first batch of refugees was about to arrive at the border between the two counties, so he rushed over with his guards to meet them.

This group of refugees was of great significance to Xihai and Hanhai counties, so Wang Chen personally took action.

"Master Taifu, this is the wild hillside."

One of the guards compared the map and said, "Then beyond is Jichuan County. Would you like me to take someone over to investigate?"

"That's fine."

Wang Chen said: "Take two of you over to take a look and pay attention to safety."

Wang Chen himself and other personal guards camped on this gentle and open slope, waiting for the arrival of the refugees.

He had previously sent someone to notify Xihai County and immediately mobilized personnel and supplies.

Wang Chen observed the surrounding environment and terrain and felt that it was very suitable to build a temporary camp here to deal with the refugee team.

His biggest problem now is that he lacks a group of talents who can take charge of their own affairs. Otherwise, many things do not need to be done personally and can be completed by his subordinates.

In the final analysis, Princess Qingyun's appeal is too weak.

If you want to take over the entire world, it's obviously not possible to rely solely on Wang Chen.

Therefore, he hopes that accepting the refugees this time will bring him more talents.

Until dusk at sunset, a team appeared on the plain in the distance, and the number continued to expand.

The refugees are coming!

"So many people!"

The guards standing on the wild hillside with Wang Chen were dumbfounded.

Because the number of refugees arriving in the first batch far exceeded their imagination!

The scale of this refugee team is very large. The long team seems to have no end in sight. Most of them are walking forward, surrounded by a large number of carriages, and the mountains and plains are covered with darkness.

From a distance, it brings heavy pressure to everyone.

Immediately afterwards, several knights rushed out of the refugee team and quickly rushed in the direction of Wang Chen.

The personal guards who went to Jichuan County to investigate first came back.

And Qin Qingxuan is following them! ——

The first update is sent.

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