Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1046 Spiritual Fire

Luodu Immortal City, Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

As a well-known large chamber of commerce in the world of cultivating immortals, its name spreads throughout the world. Most of the larger immortal cities in Haotian Realm have semicolons, and Luodu is no exception.

The Sihai Chamber of Commerce occupies five shops on the most prosperous main street of this fairy city.

It's a show-stopping affair.

Of course, compared with the Wanbao Pavilion half a street away, the Sihai Chamber of Commerce is still a bit inferior. The former's twelve-story pavilion is also a landmark in this prefecture-level fairy city.

But compared to Wanbao Pavilion, which kills without using a knife, Wang Chen prefers the more down-to-earth Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

He is also an old customer of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, and he also has the "VIP card" of this fairy merchant.

"Master Wang, what can I do for you?"

Seeing Wang Chen entering the hall, a middle-aged monk immediately greeted him with a smile and invited him to a private room for a private conversation.

In the past year, Wang Chen's transaction volume at the Luodu branch of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce exceeded one hundred thousand souls, and he was considered a big customer.

The treatment is naturally different from ordinary customers.

"Shopkeeper Chen..."

After Wang Chen sat down in the private room, he asked straight to the point: "Do you have the third-level fire phase spirit fire in stock here?"

When he buys cultivation resources, his first choice is the Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

Next is Wanbao Pavilion.

Finally, there are local businesses.

The reason is simple. Whether it is the Sihai Chamber of Commerce or Wanbao Pavilion, their reputation is first-rate. Wang Chen does not have to worry about his information being leaked.

It's hard to tell when it comes to local businesses. Behind each one there may be a big force that Wang Chen can't afford to offend.

"Third level fire phase spirit fire?"

Shopkeeper Chen frowned and asked, "Are you in a hurry?"

He explained: "There is no ready stock, but I can transfer it from other semi-colonies, or apply to the main office. It will take about three to five days."

"It'll be fine for three to five days."

Wang Chen was relieved: "What do you think about the price?"

Shopkeeper Chen's smile became even brighter: "Master Wang, I'm not raising the price intentionally, but spiritual fire is rare. Third-level fire phase spiritual fire is among the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and can only be traded with high spirits."

Wang Chen nodded silently.

Many precious treasures of heaven, material and earth have specific requirements for transactions, such as only needing to be spiritualized or bartered.

Although it is said that Shangling and Zhongling are exchanged and circulated in the market, in fact, monks who hold Shangling will never exchange them for Zhongling easily unless they have no choice.

Those who want to exchange the middle spirit for the upper spirit often have to pay a high premium.

And the more demand, the higher the premium!

The Sihai Chamber of Commerce is definitely not short of spiritual stones. If he says he wants to be spiritually gifted, he will definitely not accept the spiritual stone.

Wang Chen could only admit it: "Let's make an offer."

Shopkeeper Chen raised a finger: "One thousand, no counteroffer."

Wang Chen took a long breath: "Okay."

Thousands of gods, if you say you don't feel sorry for me, you'd be lying.

If Wang Chen hadn't killed four real people before and harvested a large sum of medium and high-grade spiritual stones, he wouldn't have been able to produce so many spiritual stones now. Therefore, the heartache was heartbreaking, but it didn't reach the level of tearing out the heart and lungs.

But from a cost perspective, if he bought a thousand spiritual fires from the gods in order to help Master Shen refine flying swords, it would definitely be a huge loss, and it would be a huge loss to his grandma's family!

However, Xiao Ding also said that if you can gather the third-level Five Elements Fire, you can condense the fourth-level Formless Fire. By then, not to mention magical treasures, even higher-level spiritual treasures can be refined.

It’s still worth it!

Wang Chen tentatively asked about the prices of the other four spiritual fires.

The answer he got shocked him.

Shopkeeper Chen told Wang Chen that among the third-order spiritual fires, the fire-phase spiritual fire is the easiest to obtain, so the price is also the cheapest.

The other four are all more expensive, especially the water element spiritual fire which is five times more expensive than the fire element.

Five thousand spirits!

Moreover, this kind of spiritual fire is basically out of stock and needs to be booked in advance. It takes a year and a half to get it.

Wang Chen made a rough calculation and found that if he wanted to gather the five elements of fire, he would have to come up with about 13,000 spiritual beings.

No wonder the great weapon refiners all work for the big forces, while ordinary people can't even afford spiritual fire!

After paying a 30% deposit, Wang Chen left the Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

He didn't wait too long. Only four days later, shopkeeper Chen sent him a message.

Goods to.

By coincidence, just after Wang Chen got the third-level fire phase spirit fire, Master Shen sent over the materials for refining the flying sword.

So the two signed the legal deed on the spot.

Because this was his first private custom-made business, Wang Chen's price was not high at all, and he also agreed with the other party that if the refining of the flying sword failed, he would have to pay for all the materials!

It was like Wang Chen took all the risks.

But there was nothing he could do about it. He had to thank Master Shen for giving him a chance to build a reputation.

"After half a month, you come and get the sword!"

Master Shen was immediately shocked: "Is half a month enough?"

It is normal for a great weapon refiner to refine a magic weapon within a month or two. Heavy weapons such as flying swords often take longer. Wang Chen actually only needs half a month, which is a bit beyond his imagination. .

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Then just one month."

"Half moon is the best!"

Master Shen immediately changed his mind: "Then please leave it to fellow Taoist!"

Although Wang Chen is young, he doesn't look like the kind of frivolous person who likes to talk big. Since he dares to promise to become a sword in half a month, Master Shen is so full that he wants to argue with him.

As long as the quality is guaranteed, it doesn't matter how long it takes!

However, in this way, Shen Zhenren also had more and deeper expectations for the Chixiao sword that Wang Chen customized for himself.

After Shen Zhenren left, Wang Chen summoned Su Ziling and told the latter that he would be in seclusion for half a month.

Then he came to the weapon refining room and opened the closed door of the magic circle.

"It's time to work!"

Wang Chen patted the cauldron of life and creation placed in the center of the secret room and called out the small cauldron.

Xiao Ding cheered: "Master, have you bought the fire?"


Wang Chen took out the spiritual box containing the third-level fire spirit fire. After opening the lid, a hot and bright flame suddenly appeared.

Waves of heat swept in all directions, causing the temperature in the room to rise suddenly.

If it weren't for the spirit box's own formation that suppressed the spiritual fire, the power it would naturally release would have been enough to melt the surrounding rock walls and turn the hard rock into magma!

"Not bad!"

Xiaoding clapped his hands and applauded: "Master, quickly send the spiritual fire in."

Wang Chen flicked his finger and flicked the spiritual fire in the box into the treasure cauldron. The latter suddenly exploded with light, and its whole body showed a crimson color.

Entering the spiritual fire into the cauldron also requires a refining process. Wang Chen, with the cooperation of Xiaoding, spent a day and night to completely tame this third-level fire-phase spiritual fire.

Then he started refining the Red Sky Sword.

This training lasted another seven days and seven nights.


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