Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1052 Establishing a Contract

The fourth-level demon king's combat power even exceeds that of the Nascent Soul True Immortal of the same level in certain specific circumstances.

There is no weak Jin Dan present, but no one dares to say that everyone can slay the dragon together.

In response to everyone's questions, Huangfu Yongchun smiled mysteriously.

Then a green grass appeared.

This grass is only slightly larger than an average person's thumb. It is green as if carved from jade. It has only three leaves in total. It looks so weak that it can be shattered with a twist.

But the golden elixir sitting next to Wang Chen's eyes shrank sharply, and he lost his voice and said: "Dragon-inducing grass?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked.

Dragon attracting grass is an extremely rare spiritual grass that can emit a unique smell that attracts pythons and even real dragons.

Sniff the smell.

Its characteristics are similar to the catnip from Wang Chen's previous life.

And a hundred-year-old dragon-attracting grass can attract pythons from a hundred miles away.

No one thought that Huangfu Yongchun actually hid such a spiritual grass.

There is no doubt that this peak Golden Core cultivator has made a lot of preparations for slaying the dragon, such as the Seven Ultimate Sword Formation and the Dragon-Inducing Grass.

This is a must!

"This dragon-inducing plant is one hundred and thirty years old, which is enough to lure the dragon into our trap."

Huangfu Yongchun said in a deep voice: "I also prepared a dragon trap formation, which can trap it for at least half an hour!"

This is really feasible!

Everyone looked at each other, and their expressions changed.

A fourth-level demon dragon is absolutely full of treasures, and any material is valuable.

More importantly, this dragon also guards a vein of spiritual stone.

And even if it is a small mine, it is normal to mine tens of millions of spirits!

Once the dragon is successfully slaughtered, the seven people will be able to share a large sum of spiritual stones!

Many golden elixirs are very exciting.

Master Shen coughed twice and said, "Master Huangfu, I would like to ask, how will the spoils be distributed?"

This is called saying ugly things first. Throughout the ages, there have been countless examples of internal strife caused by uneven distribution of spoils among teams. It is all too common for teammates to turn against each other and be assassinated.

For such a big thing as slaughtering dragons, one cannot be too cautious!

What Master Shen asked was actually what the other five golden elixirs wanted to ask.

Including Wang Chen.

"This is very simple..."

Huangfu Yongchun chuckled and said, "I only want the Jiao Dan, and the rest should be divided equally between the six of you."


Everyone was stunned.

It’s not that the conditions offered by Huangfu Yongchun are too harsh, on the contrary, they are too generous!

Huangfu Yongchun was not only the organizer of the Seven Jue Association, but he also had the highest level of cultivation among the seven. Moreover, he discovered this fourth-level dragon and prepared the extremely valuable dragon-inducing grass.

After paying so much, it’s really unbelievable that only one Jiao Dan is needed!

In fact, everyone was mentally prepared to let him take the big lead.

A dragon pill is definitely the most precious thing about a dragon, but compared to an entire dragon or a mineral vein, it is definitely far behind.

"No need to doubt it."

Huangfu Yongchun smiled and said: "We can make a legal agreement. I want this dragon pill to break the pill and condense the infant, so I am bound to get it. As for other things..."

He shook his head and said proudly: "As long as you can break through the Nascent Soul Realm, what does this mean?"

Everyone suddenly understood.

Huangfu Yongchun's behavior may seem outrageous, but in fact, if measured by Nascent Soul, it is too normal.

There are so many golden elixir cultivators in the Haotian Realm. For thousands of years, countless people have been stuck in the peak realm and cannot break through. The probability of condensing a baby is much lower than that of forming an elixir.

Huangfu Yongchun is over two hundred years old. Although he still has a long lifespan, everyone knows that the younger the age of Po Dan Ning Ying, the better, because as the age increases, the golden elixir barrier will only become more and more difficult. Break open.

Some people believe that three hundred years old is the limit age for breaking the pill. After that, it does not mean that there will be no chance, but it requires a strong opportunity, such as obtaining a treasure of heaven and earth that can assist in breaking the barrier, or a sudden burst of potential.

But the probability of this is very small. Which golden elixir is willing to fight for it?

Huangfu Yongchun believed that Demon King Jiao Dan could help him break through to the Nascent Soul Realm. Let alone these trophies, even if it cost him everything and even gave up all his wives, concubines and Taoist companions, I believe he would not hesitate!

"Fellow Taoists..."

Huangfu Yongchun said: "This slaughter of dragons is the first collective action of our Seven Jue Association, and it is necessary to participate. If anyone is unwilling, please withdraw now. I, Huangfu Yongchun, swear to Haotian that there will never be any A targeted move!”

His oath was sonorous and made everyone's hearts tremble.

This is a serious oath!

As a monk, he would not make such a heavy oath under normal circumstances, because it involves great cause and effect.

It is impossible for Huangfu Yongchun to not understand this truth.

Now that he has posted it, it shows that he has no shame and is upright!

"Fellow Taoist, you are serious!"

Master Shen immediately said: "I am willing to participate."

"I do too."

"And I."

With Shen Zhenren taking the lead, other Jindans expressed their opinions one after another.

In fact, no one here is stupid, on the contrary, they all have exquisite hearts. How could they not see that Master Shen was acting as a supporter for Huangfu Yongchun, and settled the matter with a single song?

But before Huangfu Yongchun's oath, no one cared about it.

The most important thing is profit!

With enough interests, everyone is willing to unite and fight for Huangfu Yongchun.

Wang Chen was the last to express his stance.

Of course I agreed to join.

There is no way, Huangfu Yongchun gave too much.

In the past year, Wang Chen spent more spiritual stones than many monks could accumulate in a lifetime. Although he started a private custom-made weapon refining business, his current income was not enough to cover expenses.

Without enough spirit stones, Wang Chen would not be able to charge the Cang Qing Ring, and would not be able to obtain the source of the world from the lower world.

In addition, he is also very interested in the Qijue Sword, so he just took this opportunity to learn more about it.


After getting his wish, Huangfu Yongchun smiled happily and immediately took out a golden Taoist deed.

Please seal them one by one.

The content listed in this Taoist deed is not complicated. It is just about keeping secrets, helping each other to slay the monster dragon, and dividing the spoils. There are no details that are so harsh that it makes people disgusted.

All golden elixirs happily imprinted their own soul marks.

After everyone completed the sealing, Huangfu Yongchun solemnly put away the Taoist deed, and then said: "Fellow Taoists, we still have one month to prepare, and we will go to Slaughter Jiao in one month!"

And what do you do during this month?

It's very simple, that is to practice and practice the Qijue Sword Formation together, and strive to achieve perfect coordination.

The higher the tacit understanding of everyone, the higher the success rate of killing the dragon! ——

The first update is sent.

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