Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1070 Head-stealing (Part 1)

In an instant, Wang Chen locked onto a high-level golden elixir.

The Longyuan Sword turned into a stream of light under his control, and struck the opponent's back with lightning speed.

The flying sword flew through the air, causing rolling thunder!

This group of bandit cultivators has a total of fourteen people, and the only ones who pose a real threat are six Jindan.

Huangfu Yongchun and Wang Chen had assigned their respective tasks through spiritual communication before taking action.

This high-level golden elixir is his target!

However, this group of bandit cultivators reacted very quickly. When they noticed the arrival of their opponent's reinforcements, they immediately fled.

Either wielding the sword light, blessing talismans, or casting spells, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bandit cultivators dispersed, slipperier than loaches.

The high-level golden elixir targeted by Wang Chen was no exception. Before Long Yuan's flying sword was approaching, he suddenly stood up, reached out to call back the flying sword that was attacking Sun Zhenren and others, and then rushed forward with the sword light wrapped in it. The sky.

A series of tasks flowed smoothly and quickly.

Wang Chen's inevitable blow actually failed!


Huangfu Yongchun and the other three golden elixirs also failed to succeed. Seeing a group of bandit cultivators scattering before his eyes, the peak golden elixir suddenly felt that he had lost face and shouted angrily.

If you don't cut off one or two real people's heads, how can you demonstrate the power of the Seven Jue Society?

At this moment, Wang Chen had already chased the escaping high-level golden elixir and flew several miles away!

The opponent's sword-wielding speed was top-notch, and an ordinary golden elixir monk would have been able to escape him long ago.

However, Wang Chen also worked hard in this aspect. The combination of body and sword was as fast as a meteor. Not only was he not thrown away by the opponent, but he also shortened the distance within a few breaths.

The high-level golden elixir sensed Wang Chen's difficulty and immediately swooped down towards the forest below.

Wang Chen remained unafraid and continued to pursue him.

The high-level golden elixir suddenly turned around the moment it landed. The eyes hidden under the mask showed a sharp light. He raised his head and raised his arms to thrust his sword finger at Wang Chen who was chasing him.


The sword light surrounding him instantly shot towards Wang Chen.


With a crisp sound, the two flying swords suddenly collided in the air, causing pieces of light to flow out.

It flew away at the same time.


Wang Chen was secretly surprised.

The opponent's cultivation strength was higher than he expected, and he was very accomplished in swordsmanship, so he was definitely a formidable opponent.

But precisely because of this, Wang Chen felt a little bit excited.

Fighting spirit is rising!

When you encounter a strong enemy, you become stronger. The more you fight, the stronger you become. There is no point in bullying a weak chicken. Only by fighting against a truly strong enemy can you better improve yourself.

The most important thing is that the higher the enemy's level, the more heavenly power you can get from killing him!

You must know that Wang Chen now doesn't even have any heavenly skills.

Before the other person landed, his right palm was already grabbing the opponent from the air: "Hey!"

The next moment, a translucent light golden giant palm suddenly appeared out of thin air, spreading its five fingers and moving towards the high-level golden elixir with the force of a mountain.

Great innate capture!

Although Wang Chen had not put much effort into this golden elixir level spell, he had already reached the Dacheng level. The giant palm formed by the elixir power was more than three feet long and wide, instantly blocking the space around his opponent.

This third-level spell can not only be used to capture opponents, but also has a powerful control effect.

Under the power of the innate capture, it is difficult for the opponent to successfully perform escape spells such as Wanli Xianting, and escaping with magic weapons or talismans will also be greatly restricted.

The knowledge of the high-level golden elixir was so powerful that I couldn't help but feel horrified.

He never expected that the seemingly young Wang Chen would not only be able to rival him in swordsmanship, but he would also be able to master his innate grappling, which was notoriously difficult to practice, to such an extent.

This high-level golden elixir immediately felt tremendous pressure.

He immediately presented a small shield with a simple shape.

This shield stood up to the storm and could barely withstand the big grabbing palm falling from the sky.

It couldn't just be that, it also split into seven identical shields in an instant, whirling around the high-level golden elixir, forming an extremely tight protection.


The high-level golden elixir with great concentration in his heart said in a ferocious voice: "Since you want to die, I will help you!"

The eight-sided shield he just sacrificed is a top-level defensive magic weapon, and after hundreds of years of sacrifice, it has long been connected with his soul and life, and it is not much worse than the natal magic weapon.

Its defense is high enough to withstand a full blow from the primary Nascent Soul!

No matter how strong Wang Chen is, he is only a golden elixir. The eight-sided shield can make him completely invincible.

Originally, this high-level golden elixir did not want to take out this treasure that was at the bottom of the box. After all, shield-type magic weapons are most likely to be damaged in battles, and the cost of recovery is very high.

But seeing how powerful Wang Chen is, how dare he hold back!

Thinking that this time he failed to steal the chicken, but was forced to flee in embarrassment, and was forced to use the eight-sided shield, this high-level golden elixir hated Wang Chen to his core.

He reached out to recall his flying sword, and his eyes became extremely fierce as he stared at Wang Chen.

The murderous intention is revealed!

Wang Chen's innate grasping palm was blocked by the opponent's magic weapon, and he immediately realized the power of the eight-sided shield.

He thought about lightning and immediately retracted his right palm.

The next moment, Wang Chen held a five-feathered fan as pure white as jade.

Five Elements Hunyuan Fan!

Holding the fan in his hand, he suddenly waved at the opponent twice.

The five feathers of this fourth-level spiritual treasure ejected five different colors of divine light at the same time, instantly turning into a stream of rainbow and hitting the shield of the high-level golden elixir.

Silently and as fast as lightning.

what is this?

The high-level golden elixir was stunned.

However, his expression suddenly changed.

Because under the five-color divine light of the Five Elements Hunyuan Fan, the light emitted by the eight-sided shield quickly dimmed and extinguished, and the power inspired by this magic weapon dissipated at the same time.

Then it merged back into a small shield and fell to the ground with a clatter!

At this moment, the high-level golden elixir was as dumb as a chicken!

In just the blink of an eye, he lost control of the eight-sided shield, as if his food was being snatched away by his opponent, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Due to the long-term sacrifice, the eight-sided shield has almost become a part of his body, so the feeling of being suddenly deprived of it is extremely uncomfortable, and even has a strong impact on his soul.

And at this moment, the Longyuan Sword that had been hovering above Wang Chen surged in light, roaring and slashing down on the high-level Jindan's head, the sword energy soaring into the sky and sweeping in all directions!

At the same time, Wang Chen shrunk to the ground and slapped his opponent's chest with one palm.

Tianlong Vajra Palm!

The high-level golden elixir's mind was taken away, and he had no time to dodge, and was struck hard on the head by Longyuan Sword.

A jade pendant he wore on his waist exploded instantly.

But Wang Chen's left palm had already hit his chest!


The first update is sent.

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