Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1083 Western Expedition (Part 2)

The enemy retreated quickly and in a very organized manner.

The infantry withdrew the cavalry first, and abandoned most of the baggage that was not easy to carry, such as heavy artillery.

Although the loss was great, it ensured their quick evacuation.

Therefore, when Wang Chen brought hundreds of Taoist warriors to Hanhai City, there were no enemies except corpses and broken weapons all over the ground.

The gate of Hanhai City then opened, and a brave general led a group of light cavalry and rushed out.

Before he could rush to Wang Chen and others, the armored general immediately rolled off his horse, knelt down and saluted: "General Lu Yunfei, please see the Imperial Preceptor!"

Wang Chen nodded: "No courtesy."

The distance between Hanhai Dao Palace and Hanhai City was not far from each other. After several expansions, the former became even larger in scale. It has always been the horns of Hanhai City and they can support each other.

The Dao Palace did not fall under the siege of a large number of enemies. In addition to Xiyun and others' efforts to resist, the support and containment from Hanhai City played a huge role.

Otherwise, how could a Taoist palace withstand the siege of hundreds of thousands of people!

Hanhai City was also attacked by the enemy, and the casualties were quite heavy.

At the beginning of the war, the remnants of the Yan Kingdom and the spies lurking in Dao Palace and Hanhai City began to make trouble. The situation in the latter was particularly serious and caused great trouble.

Fortunately, there were 37,000 guards stationed in Hanhai City, and the guns and artillery were fully deployed. In addition, the leader of the guards, Lu Yunfei, had the strength of a fifth-level martial sect and had experienced hundreds of battles, so the county could be saved.

However, Hanhai City itself still has the responsibility of guarding the Dao Palace. Once the latter falls, Lu Yunfei will not be able to escape the blame even if he defends Hanhai City. Based on the previous situation, this heroic general cannot help but feel panicked.

Afraid of Wang Chen's punishment.

He had met Wang Chen more than ten years ago and knew how powerful Wang Chen was.

Not to mention Wang Chen's strength, with Wang Chen's identity and authority, he can crush a guard commander to death with just one finger!

In panic, Lu Yunfei took the initiative to plead guilty: "The general failed to protect the Tao Palace, please punish me!"

"Don't talk about this."

However, Wang Chen had no intention of arguing with the opponent and asked: "How many cavalry can be mobilized now?"

Lu Yunfei was stunned for a moment and hesitated before replying: "Three thousand fine knights."

There were originally 7,000 cavalry under his command, but many of them were deployed to participate in the battle during the defense of the city. As a result, there were a lot of casualties, and only about 3,000 were the most intact.


Wang Chen immediately said: "You immediately summon all the elite cavalry and follow me to pursue the enemy!"

"Prepare another chariot for me, the biggest and best one."

Chasing the enemy?

Lu Yunfei's scalp suddenly went numb. Three thousand elite cavalry chased more than 200,000 enemies. Isn't this asking for death?

If Wang Chen died in the battle, he would have to be buried with him!

Seeing the hesitation of the guard commander, a Dao palace warrior following Wang Chen couldn't help but scolded: "What are you afraid of? Do you know why the enemy retreated?"

"Just now, the Imperial Master broke into the enemy's formation alone and killed the enemy commander!"

What? !

Lu Yunfei was dumbfounded when he heard this, and couldn't believe his ears.

Due to the distance and location, Lu Yunfei, who was guarding Hanhai City, did not know about this matter, but he also received a letter from the Taoist Palace and learned that the Imperial Master Wang Chen had returned from resuscitation.

He thought the enemy was scared off by Wang Chen's reputation, but he didn't expect there to be such a reason.

Lu Yunfei immediately became bolder: "General, I will obey the order!"

He immediately issued an order, mobilized three thousand elite cavalry as quickly as possible, and prepared a four-rider chariot for Wang Chen.

This is already the best tank in Hanhai City.

Moreover, Lu Yunfei had to personally lead the team to protect Wang Chen from the front and pursue the enemy.

Wang Chen did not refuse the request of the guard commander.

"Set off!"

The chariot took the lead and ran westward, followed by three thousand fine cavalry, rumbled into a pursuit battle with great disparity in power.

Although the enemy army abandoned most of their baggage, after all, a large number of soldiers were infantry, and with their own weight, it was impossible to run on four legs even if they risked their lives.

The most important thing is that the composition of this coalition is complex. Although the tribal warriors are brave and good at fighting, compared with the real army, the organizational discipline is still much worse.

Therefore, the retreat was relatively organized at the beginning. After running for a few miles, the formation became chaotic and noisy.

If it weren't for the strong restraint of Da Qin officers, the situation would be even worse!

In addition, they did not give up the attack on Hanhai City, but the situation had changed dramatically and they needed to retreat to the rear camp to regroup.

So most of the tribal warriors were discouraged and became lazy and casual.

Many people were left at the back of the line.

However, these people never expected that Hanhai City would send three thousand cavalry to pursue them.

They would never have expected that this cavalry was commanded by Wang Chen.

"Enemy attack!"

When the ranger at the rear discovered the pursuers, he immediately blew his whistle and sounded the alarm. Most of the tribe warriors were still confused.

Then Wang Chen rushed over at the head of a car.

The entire chariot and four horses were all blessed with protective spells by him. It was like a heavy tank rushing into the evacuating team, causing a terrible bloody storm.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, and thunder and lightning struck the crowd, followed closely by wind blades, frost and snow.

The earth was roaring, the war horses were whining, and hundreds of tribal warriors fell down like wheat cut by scythes under the blows of the wind and rain.

In fact, these casualties are nothing at all to the huge number of enemy troops.

The problem was that Wang Chen came too suddenly, and his attack was too fierce and severe, so that the infantry who were left behind were unlucky and collapsed amidst the shrill screams and painful wails.

In just a moment, Wang Chen's chariot took a long bloody path among the enemy troops!

Then three thousand fine cavalry followed. They first bombarded the surrounding enemies with their own three-eyed fire muskets. After emptying the ammunition of the two flintlock muskets, they drew their sabers and chopped down the infantry in front.

The enemy was immediately stunned.

When they came to their senses, Wang Chen had already penetrated the rear army and pointed his sword at the central army where several tribal leaders were.

"Hold on! Surround him!"

Although some Da Qin officers tried their best to command the soldiers to block Wang Chen's charge, their orders had no effect at this time.

Because under the attack of Wang Chen's magic, a group of tribal warriors were killed and cried for their fathers and mothers, wishing they could have more legs and run away.

Although they were brave, their fear of "God's power" easily overwhelmed their will to fight.

So the small collapse turned into a big collapse! ——

The second update is sent.

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