Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1085 Western Expedition (continued 1)

That night, Hanhai City was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and many people in the city came to the streets carrying lanterns to celebrate the victory.

During the siege of this county, everyone was in panic. Now that the nightmare is over, everyone's face is filled with a smile of joy.

Various shops in the city also took the opportunity to open their doors and celebrate with discounts and promotions.

However, while thousands of people were celebrating, the commander of the guards, Lu Yunfei, under Wang Chen's order, led his troops to surround the county governor's mansion and conduct an interrogation of the county treasury.

It turned out that the county treasury's accounts were in a state of chaos, with more than half of the military supplies missing, and much of the military rations were mixed with moldy old rice and fish balls!

Such a result made Lu Yunfei furious.

The county treasury materials were embezzled. Normally there wouldn't be any problems. It was nothing more than a clever cover-up.

But once we encounter a war like the one before and the county is trapped and requires a large amount of supplies to maintain, the situation will be extremely bad.

Since the enemy did not besiege Hanhai City for a long time, the problem was not exposed.

Lu Yunfei shuddered just thinking about it!

When something like this happened, even without Wang Chen's order, as the commander of the guards of Hanhai City, he had no reason or idea to give up.

So a new massacre began.

In the next three days, Hanhai City, from the county guard to the yamen clerk, was involved in the investigation of hundreds of bugs. Those who committed serious crimes directly confiscated their homes and exterminated their families, and those whose crimes were not serious enough to die were thrown into prison or worked as hard labor.

This inevitably caused a great shock in Hanhai City.

If Wang Chen's prestige hadn't been at its peak, no one would have dared to offend him, otherwise turmoil would have been necessary.

Wang Chen simply asked Xiyun, who had recovered from his injury, to come and take charge of Hanhai City and assume the responsibility of the county guard.

It didn't matter that Xiyun didn't understand government affairs. She promoted a few honest officials to serve as her assistants, plus the disciples she personally trained in the Taoist palace, which was enough to maintain the scene in this county.

Wang Chen asked the guard commander Lu Yunfei to cooperate with Xiyun to recruit cavalry troops to raise military supplies and prepare for the Western Expedition.

Not only that, he also sent people to Xihai and other surrounding counties to send orders to recruit more cavalry.

Wang Chen rode alone on a tour of Hanhai County, visiting all the places where the Mountain and River Pillars were buried to find the cause of the problems with the Mountain and River Formation.

As a result, Wang Chen discovered that it was not someone who discovered the secret of the mountains and rivers formation and destroyed it, but a recent earthquake in Hanhai County, which caused most of the mountains and rivers pillars to shift.

There is a problem with this formation!

However, because the Shanhe Pillar has its own protection and is extremely hard, there was no damage.

Now that the Shanhe Pillar is safe and sound, the problem is easy to solve.

Wang Chen repositioned all the pillars and restored the formation.

When Wang Chen returned to the Hanhai Dao Palace and activated the mountain and river formation again, the power of this super giant array was indeed restored, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowed in, making him exhale a long breath.

In order to make this magic circle work, Wang Chen invested a lot of spiritual stones.

But no matter how many spiritual stones he has, he can't support the long-term consumption of the Mountain and River Formation.

Now that I have recovered, it saves me a lot of worry and effort.

Next, Wang Chen used the mountain and river formation to get in touch with Ling Zhiyuan, who was thousands of miles away.

Although Wang Chen and this clone can communicate across the world with the Cang Qing Ring in hand, communication is inconvenient and consumes a lot of money.

Now that he has arrived in the Cangqing Realm, using the Cangqing Ring is still not as convenient as the Mountain and River Formation.

This exchange lasted for a full hour.

Wang Chen first had a comprehensive understanding of the situation in the North and knew that Ling Zhiyuan, known as the God of War, had encountered a huge problem, or a well-matched opponent.

Qin Qi, the Great Qin Army God!

Qin Qi is a descendant of the Great Qin royal family. He is only twenty-seven years old this year and is already at the peak of martial arts cultivation.

Although Ling Zhiyuan is known as the God of War of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he has not reached the supreme realm of the God of War, and his strength is similar to Qin Qi.

But Ling Zhiyuan, who is skilled in both magic and martial arts, should be able to outperform his opponent.

However, Qin Qi has a special physique and is invulnerable to all spells, which means he is immune to all spell damage!

This is very magical.

Not only that, Qin Qi was also an extremely excellent commander. Although the Qin army he led did not have an advantage in numbers and equipment, it suffered losses for Ling Zhiyuan time and time again.

They had to retreat to the fortress and rely on artillery and long muskets to resist the enemy's advance.

But it's not a long-term solution.

Because Great Qin has also obtained relevant military technology, they are also vigorously developing these thermal weapons. Once Great Qin creates stronger artillery, it will be much easier to break through the northwest fortress.

Under such circumstances, Ling Zhiyuan had no way to escape and could only struggle with Qin Qi on the front line.

Wang Chen also told Ling Zhiyuan about the situation in Hanhai, and asked Wu Fu, who was the emperor's commander, to pass the imperial edict to the southern counties, asking these local counties to comply with Wang Chen's order.

Wang Chen planned to recruit 50,000 cavalry to march westward to Qin, not seeking to occupy but only to destroy, forcing the main force of the Qin army to return to defense.

He was worried that after ten years, his prestige would not be enough to suppress the southern counties, so he needed Wu Fu's imperial edict to be conveyed as quickly as possible.

After communicating with Ling Zhiyuan, Wang Chen took people to Xihai County.

Xihai County is adjacent to Han Haijun. The county is mostly grassland and is rich in cattle and sheep. In addition, most herdsmen are good at riding and shooting, so it is easier and more convenient to recruit cavalry.

In addition, beef and mutton are also one of the main materials for making marching rations.

The governor of Xihai County was more knowledgeable than the governor of Hanhai County. After confirming Wang Chen's identity, he was very cooperative and did not cause any trouble.

After almost ten days, Wu Fu's imperial edict was finally delivered to several major counties in the south.

It was already half a month later when Wang Chen organized a cavalry army of fifty thousand cavalry.

Although there would be cavalry from various places arriving one after another, he couldn't wait any longer and immediately led the cavalry in person to head west.

It is worth mentioning that this cavalry army does not have any logistics. Each cavalryman has two horses, as well as corresponding blunderbuss and sword weapons and dry food.

The food they carry can only last for three to five days at most, but Wang Chen has stored enough food and grass for 50,000 horses for three months in Cang Qing Ring, as well as medicines and various supplies.

There are many kinds of them.

He even carried hundreds of field guns and 100,000 muskets, including matching ammunition!

All these supplies were recruited and transferred from various counties and cities.

This is the biggest trump card why Wang Chen dares to lead his army into the realm of Qin. The storage space of the Cang Qing Ring is huge and is not affected by the rules of this world.

Wang Chen alone is the logistics of the entire army!——

The second update is sent.

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