Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 188 Yuanyuan's Chance

Huang Yuxiu, Elder Ming Xiufeng.

Wang Chen once heard people say that this Zifu master is beautiful in appearance and has a violent temper, and he is the most defensive.

Huang Yuxiu's disciples are all female cultivators.

She has never had a Taoist couple, and regards her disciples as relatives.

If anyone provokes Huang Yuxiu's sect, she will definitely not let her go!

What Wang Chen remembers most is undoubtedly when Huang Yuxiu made a big noise in the dojo when he was listening to the lecture at the top of Sunset Peak, causing Chang Chun to flee in embarrassment under the watchful eyes of everyone.

At that time, he thought that Huang Yuxiu had an irresolvable hatred with Chang Chun, so this female elder disregarded her master's face and fought with Chang Chun on the spot.

The strange thing is that the top Yunyang faction didn't respond to this.

Now it seems that the grievances between the two are different.

Chang Chun's deceased wife was named Huang Yuqiu, who was only one letter different from Huang Yuxiu.

Just this point is enough for Wang Chen to make up a hundred-episode drama about family ethics in his mind!


"Come out and speak clearly!"

Huang Yuxiu's voice came again: "Don't be a turtle, if you want to be a turtle, go lie down at the mountain gate!"

This Zifu breathed out a fragrant fragrance, unlike the Venerable Master, he was even better than Zu'an.

Chang Chun couldn't bear it anymore, sighed and said: "You wait here, I will go out and lure her away."

He warned: "Remember not to tell others about your master-student relationship, or let this crazy woman know, and you will be in big trouble in the future."

Wang Chen: "Students should keep this in mind!"

Without Changchun's special explanation, Wang Chen doesn't want to be targeted by this Miejue Shitai!

After Chang Chun left, Huang Yuxiu was silent.

Wang Chen waited for a while before quietly escaping from Peach Blossom Valley.

It feels like being a thief.

Also drunk.

In the days that followed, Wang Chen first brushed up his swordsmanship to the level of Dzogchen.

Then concentrate on practicing the Benlei swordsmanship.

He would go to Peach Blossom Valley every now and then to ask Changchun for advice on swordsmanship.

Improve your swordsmanship.

Time passed day by day like this.

From summer to autumn, the weather gradually becomes cooler.

Wang Chen harvested a new batch of yellow rice and black sesame rice, and the reserve of spiritual rice became very sufficient.

His five-element exercises are getting more and more refined, and he is not far from breaking through the ninth floor.

However, accidents always come unexpectedly.

After autumn, Wang Chen found that something was wrong with Yuanyuan.

He became restless, had frequent tantrums, and his appetite was not as good as it used to be.

He often yelled at Wang Chen "babbling".

Called hoarse.

However, Wang Chen couldn't understand what the little guy meant, he only knew that it was very uncomfortable.

This made Wang Chen see it in his eyes and hurt in his heart.

Ever since Xiaobai gave Yuanyuan to him, Wang Chen has never regarded the little guy as a pet.

Instead, treat it as a loved one who is by your side.

The only family member!

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen immediately brought two baskets of carefully selected spiritual fruits.

Go to the mysterious turtle at the gate of the mountain to ask what happened.

This old man has lived for a thousand years, and he is a monster, so he must know the reason.

"It's about to advance."

After Xuan Gui accepted the spiritual fruit, he explained slowly: "This is how the blood manifests."

Yuanyuan is about to upgrade?

Wang Chen was really surprised and delighted, and quickly asked: "Then what can I do?"

Xuangui blinked his eyes: "Its blood is special, if you want to advance, you must find opportunities, otherwise it will easily fail."


Wang Chen was stunned: "Senior Xuangui, can't you point it out?"

"Its chance is not with me."

Xuangui shook his head: "I have already told it about its chance, I think you should be able to help it."

After speaking, the old tortoise closed his eyes: "Go, it doesn't have much time."

Full of doubts, Wang Chen returned to the manor.

He took Yuanyuan out of the nest, and said decisively: "Senior Xuangui told me, where is your chance? I will take you to find it together!"

Yuanyuan is pitiful: "嘤嘤~"

"do not be afraid."

Wang Chen touched its small head: "With me here, you will definitely be able to advance successfully!"

Yuanyuan rubbed his nose against the palm of his hand: "Yi Yi Ya!"

Wang Chen felt that the little guy had a stomach full of things to tell him, but he hadn't melted his bones yet.

If you succeed in advancing this time, you might be able to speak out!

Wang Chen felt excited just thinking about it.

It's just that when he figured out what the reason Xuangui told Yuanyuan was, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"Dig down?"

Yuanyuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yi Yi!"

Wang Chen scratched his head: "Then dig."

Confused, he found a corner in the backyard, lifted the paving stones, and picked up tools to dig.

Wang Chen's digging skills are invincible among fellow practitioners. They are all based on his experience in digging the "Doomsday Bunker" at the outer door. He thought he would never use the safest inner door.

I didn't expect to go back to my old business now.

Although there is no clear purpose, Wang Chen is not digging randomly.

Because Yuanyuan will tell him which direction to dig.

The little guy's ability to dig tunnels is a gifted supernatural power, no worse than Wang Chen's.

Then digging and digging, Wang Chen dug out the tunnel dug by Yuanyuan!

He dug down the rat track.

Dig nearly a hundred feet deep!

On the evening of the third day, Wang Chen, who was digging hard in the tunnel, suddenly felt his feet loosen, and he fell down with the rock and soil around his feet.

His reaction was extremely quick, and he took a photo of himself without thinking.

Immediately bless the aura armor!

Using both approaches, Wang Chen landed steadily on the solid rocky ground.

The sound of rushing water instantly reached his ears.

He took out an obsidian lamp and hung it on his body. With the help of the bright light, Wang Chen could see the surrounding scene clearly.

He was a little confused.

A crystal-clear underground river flows right ahead.

And this is not the first time Wang Chen has seen such a scene!

The last time he followed the Yunyang Airship to clear the evil nest, he was digging a hole to touch fish and suddenly there was an earthquake, and he fell into the depths of the ground.

I have seen similar dark rivers before.

It was there that Wang Chen met the Son of the Blood God and almost gave up his life.

Now Wang Chen seriously suspects that the underground river in front of him is the same one!

That Yuanyuan has something to do with the Blood God Son?

After thinking about it, he took out the blood god crystal worth 30,000 spirit stones.

Wang Chen has always been reluctant to sell this bone that fell from the explosion of the Blood God Son, but if it is Yuanyuan's chance, then he will never be stingy with giving.

As a result, just as Wang Chen handed the blood god crystal to the little guy, the latter immediately retracted into the spirit beast bag.

It does not appear to be this one.

Wang Chen put away the blood god crystal with some disappointment, and patted the spirit beast bag lightly: "Which way are we going?"

Yuanyuan sticks her head out of the spirit beast bag: "Yi Yi!"

Wang Chen understood.

He turned to the right and walked along the bank of the underground river.

Because of the experience of fighting against the Blood God Son.

Therefore, Wang Chen's actions were very cautious. While moving forward, he was also prepared to fight and retreat.

However, he walked upstream for more than ten miles.

Not only did he not encounter any danger, he didn't even see a live bug.

It's like entering a deadly place.

As for Yuanyuan's chance, I don't know where it is!

But at this point, Wang Chen has no reason to give up halfway, so he can only keep going.

Under Yuanyuan's guidance, he turned into a branch of a dark river.

Continue to go deep underground.

Just when Wang Chen began to doubt whether his destination was the center of the earth, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

He immediately lifted his spirits and couldn't help quickening his pace.

The eyes are getting brighter and brighter, even overshadowing the light of the obsidian lamp.

When Wang Chen drilled out of the waterway from the dark river.

It suddenly opened up.

A huge catacomb appeared in his field of vision! ——

The second update will be delivered, and the third update will resume tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

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