Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 195 In the Human World (Part 2)

"Step aside!"

"Good dogs don't get in the way!"

Wang Chen had just exchanged a few words with Fei Xinghe, when suddenly there were several reprimands from behind him!

Five or six monks rushed out of the cabin, one of them sneered with disdain: "Fei Xinghe, are you standing here as a pillar?"

The other monks all laughed, looking at Fei Xinghe with contempt in their eyes.


Fei Xinghe immediately stepped aside with a smile on his face and said, "Senior brothers, please go first."

In fact, the gangway of the spaceship is very wide, and the people behind can get down beside him without really blocking the way.

But these monks obviously disliked Fei Xinghe.

"You are acquainted."

The cultivator who spoke sarcastically just now patted him on the shoulder and said, "You should grow your eyes in the future, you know?"

Fei Xinghe bent down, with a sincere smile: "Yes, thank you for the teaching, Senior Brother Cao."

If you just look at his eyes, it seems that he is really grateful, like a tame dog, even if he has just been beaten hard, he will still desperately wag his tail to flatter his master.

Brother Cao laughed, and stepped down the gangway with his head held high.

The other monks followed suit.

As for Wang Chen standing next to him, he was completely ignored by them.

Wang Chen watched coldly, without any fluctuations in his heart.

Previously, he had purchased the ticket through the shopkeeper Jin of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, and then learned from the conversation that there were several inner disciples who took over the task of guarding and flew to Dagan like himself.

Wang Chen didn't know them before and had no interest in communicating with them, so he stayed in the cabin to practice during the boat trip.

So I just saw it now.

These inner sect disciples have a strong sense of aristocratic families, their cultivation base is not high and their temper is bad, they look like playboys at first glance.

Would such a person be willing to take the initiative to go to the Land of Absolute Spirits to suffer?

Wang Chen seriously suspected that they also got inside information and came to Daqian to avoid the limelight.

As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, and the Yunyang faction is really about to experience great turmoil!

Wang Chen was glad that he ran fast.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for a small shrimp like him to control his own destiny if he stayed in the mountain gate.

When a compulsory recruitment order comes down from above, if you don't want to be chased and killed by the punishment hall, then you have to obey obediently.

It's too easy to become cannon fodder!

Wang Chen also noticed that these inner disciples were shrouded in a very faint aura.

They obviously carried some kind of special magic weapon, nine out of ten they could better adapt to the environment of the Land of Absolute Souls.

The heritage of the immortal cultivating family is beyond the reach of ordinary monks!

As for Fei Xinghe.

Wang Chen really couldn't see through.

The other party's speech and behavior revealed the temperament of the children of the aristocratic family.

But facing the humiliation from Senior Brother Cao and others, he greeted him with a smile and bowed down to be a small boy, stepping on his dignity under his feet.

Also looks like a sweetheart.

To be honest, Wang Chen has met many monks of the same generation, but he has never seen such a flexible guy!

"Junior Brother Wang, let's go."

After Senior Brother Cao and others disembarked, Fei Xinghe straightened up and said to Wang Chen with a smile.

Wang Chen was almost dazzled by his smile: "Uh, okay."

The berth where the spaceship of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is parked is located in the center of a huge square.

On the east side of the square, behind the tall vermilion wall, is a magnificent complex of palace buildings.

"That's the Dagan Palace."

Fei Xinghe enthusiastically introduced to Wang Chen: "It's a pity that the sect has regulations. As guarding celestial masters, we can't associate with the royal family and officials, otherwise we can go inside to play."

Wang Chen nodded.

The inner disciples of the Yunyang School stationed in Dagan are honored as Heavenly Masters in this ordinary country.

Status is naturally extremely high.

So when Fei Xinghe talked about the royal family and officials, he didn't have the slightest respect in his tone.

This is also the most normal attitude of a cultivator towards mortals.

But this does not mean that guarding the celestial master can do whatever he wants. The Zongshitang has strict regulations on this task. Disciples are strictly prohibited from interfering with Daqian's internal affairs, and they are also not allowed to associate with ordinary dignitaries.

Especially the powerful royal family, they have to stay away!

The first task of guarding the celestial master is to deal with the evil spirits and demon cultivators that harm the mortal world.

The second is to supervise the collection of tribute.

The last thing is to select boys and girls with excellent roots to add new blood to the Yunyang faction.

Wang Chen asked curiously: "Brother Fei, why have you been here before?"

In fact, Wang Chen, or Wang Chen's original ancestral home is Daqian.

But he was born in the outer mountain gate of Yunyang, and all his understanding of Daqian came from his father Wang Shaoyuan.


Fei Xinghe replied: "I was born in Dagan Jing'an County, this time I am out of Jing'an City, it can be regarded as returning home."

There was a hint of self-mockery on the face of this Lonely Sword Peak disciple.

Wang Chen closed his mouth.

Fei Xinghe's background is likely to be where his scars lie, so there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

Fei Xinghe didn't seem to care, he smiled and said: "I am very familiar with Jing'an City, and I have also been to Nanshao City, if you don't understand anything, Junior Brother Wang, just ask me."

Wang Chen was grateful: "Thank you, brother."

While talking, the two boarded a six-horse carriage waiting in front of the berth.

There are six emperors and four courtiers, and the specifications are equivalent to those of the emperor.

There are four of the same carriages in total, and they were sent by Qianjing Chief Celestial Master's Mansion to welcome the new guarding Celestial Master.

There are one hundred and twenty-six counties in the thirty-seven prefectures of Dagan.

Wang Chen and Fei Xinghe were in the same carriage.

Along the way, this Gujianfeng disciple told Wang Chen a lot of things related to guarding the celestial master.

Including some situations in Nanshao County.

This information is obviously very useful to Wang Chen, so that he will not have a dark eye and no idea when he is a newcomer.

Although facing Senior Brother Cao and others, Fei Xinghe behaved servilely without any integrity.

But Wang Chen doesn't just look at people on the surface, and he has a little more affection for this senior brother.

The chariots and horses ran over the thick and flat bluestone slabs, and soon arrived at the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Qianjing.

Although the architectural scale of Zong Tianshi Mansion is not comparable to that of the Dagan Imperial Palace, the grand layout of the palace is not inferior. Six carriages drove straight in from the main entrance, passing through countless exotic flowers and plants, rockery and rocks.

What surprised Wang Chen was that as soon as he entered the Chief Heavenly Master's Mansion, he sensed the aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding space!

Although the concentration is not high, it is really much more comfortable than the terrific environment outside.

Fei Xinghe noticed his expression, and explained with a smile: "The chief celestial master's mansion has a large magic circle, and a lot of spiritual things have been transplanted, so this place is very good."

That's right, that's right, disciples like them guarding the place are not qualified to enjoy it.

The person who sits in the chief celestial master's mansion is a Master Zifu of the Yunyang faction!

The carriage they were riding in finally stopped in front of a majestic and majestic pavilion.


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