next morning.

The wind and rain that had been raging all night had stopped, and the sky was high and cloudy, and the sky was clear and clear.

It's just the muddy mountain road and the fallen branches and leaves all over the ground, which can also prove how violent the wind and rain were last night!

Yu Feihong had already led the crowd to leave.

He will continue to hunt down and kill those Jianghu people who robbed prisoners, and letting go of any of them is not a real shame for the Department of Guards!

But before leaving, Yu Feihong left an elite team for Wang Chen.

Only Xiaowan alone, obviously still can't make the duke really feel at ease!

Wang Chen didn't refuse either.

At this time, a lean guard stepped into the hall, knelt on one knee and saluted him with fists: "Master Immortal."

Wang Chen finished the Lingmi porridge in the bowl, nodded and said, "Let's go."

After a pause, he added: "You don't need to kneel down in the future."

Wang Chen didn't want to be a corporal.

I just find it troublesome to kneel and kneel.

Also a waste of time.

These masters of the imperial guards were carefully cultivated by the Department of Imperial Guards. They have undergone rigorous training since they were young, taking secret medicines and practicing secret skills, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Relying on the magic machine crossbow and killing array, they can easily besiege and kill innate powerhouses!

The most important thing is that these imperial guards are extremely loyal to the Imperial Guard Division and Qianhuang.

Almost impossible to instigate!

The elite guard bowed his head in response: "Here!"

A moment later, Wang Chen took the lead on the dragon pussy and embarked on the journey to Nanshao again.

The maid Xiaowan also rode beside her, followed closely by ten war horses!

The iron hoof stepped across the mountain road, splashing a little bit of mud.

Just as Wang Chen set off.

Hundreds of miles away, in Nanshaocheng County Guard's Mansion, a white-faced, beardless, elegant middle-aged man was talking with an old man in sackcloth on a high pavilion.

The middle-aged man was wearing a fifth-grade white pheasant official uniform, and said in a deep voice: "Master Weng, I have received a letter from Fei Falcon from Ganjing, counting the time, the new celestial master of the Yunyang faction will be here in the next few days." About to arrive."

He is Ruan Zhaoming, governor of Nanshao County!

Speaking of Yunyang Sect and Tianshi, the sheriff did not have the slightest respect in his tone.

There was even a hint of disgust!

"Come and come."

The old man in sackcloth said lightly: "It's the same as before, just hold it high and hang it up."

Ruan Zhaoming's eyes flashed: "I'm just worried that he will spoil our event!"


The old man in sackcloth laughed and said in a serious tone, "Immortal masters can be killed just like ordinary people."

He asked: "What is the origin of the other party?"

"This person's name is Wang Chen, and he should be at the seventh level of Qi training."

Ruan Zhaoming frowned: "I was born in an outer sect of the Yunyang Sect, and now I am a disciple of the Sunset Peak, without a teacher."

"That's nothing."

The old man in sackcloth didn't take it seriously: "If he is smarter, then everyone will live in peace. If it affects our plan, then we will send him back."

He said the last sentence with murderous intent!

"But something is going to happen..."

Ruan Zhaoming frowned into the word "Chuan": "I'm afraid the Yunyang faction won't let it go!"

"you do not need to worry."

The old man in sackcloth smiled mysteriously: "The Yunyang faction is about to be in trouble. At that time, let alone a mere guarding celestial master, even if the one from Qianjing ascends to heaven, they may not be able to care about it!"

Ruan Zhaoming was startled: "Is this true?"

The old man in sackcloth was displeased: "Governor Ruan, when did this old man play a joke on you!"

Ruan Zhaoming quickly apologized: "Senior, calm down."

He knew that the other party had a high status in the academy and had access to a lot of inside information, so he wouldn't just talk about it.

A big stone in the sheriff's heart fell in an instant!

"Just in case."

The old man in sackcloth said: "After the other party arrives, you can find a few people to test it out."

Ruan Zhaoming nodded: "I understand."

He got up and went to the window, his eyes flicked across the city of Nanshao where there were row upon row of houses.

Looking to the rolling mountains to the north.

The sheriff faintly felt that the person he was afraid of was coming over the mountains!

Nanshao County was originally a territory of Nanyue State.

More than two hundred years ago, the Nanyue Kingdom was destroyed by Dagan, who assigned this land to the county government until now.

Nanshao County has seven mountains, two rivers and one land.

Since most of the territory is mountainous, the natural conditions are quite harsh.

Therefore, there are only a few hundred thousand households, with a population of five or six hundred thousand.

But this is just the data on the surface.

In fact, there are a lot of mountain people and savages in Nanshao County. They don't accept Wang Hua, they form villages in the high mountains to protect themselves, and harass the place from time to time.

The local government has nothing to do with them.

Nanshao City, where the county government is located, is the largest city in Nanshao County, with more than 200,000 residents.

A clear river flows around the city, and the land and water transportation is quite convenient.

Nanshao City is backed by mountains, and the east, west, and south are all open, flat and fertile plains. There are dotted villages and small towns, and a large amount of fertile land has been reclaimed.

All these things about Nanshao City were told by Xiao Wan to Wang Chen.

After running for a day and a night, he and the imperial guard team finally left the rugged mountainous area.

Nanshao City is just ahead!

Of course, this county city cannot be compared with Qianjing, but the city wall is tall and strong, square and square, calm and majestic, it looks like a giant beast crouching beside a mountain from a distance.

Has its own unique temperament.

Along the straight official road, the group arrived at the west gate of Nanshao City.

I saw the gate of the city was open, and many common people entered the city by stepping on the suspension bridge over the moat.

What a bustling scene!

The appearance of Wang Chen and his party made these passers-by instinctively awed, and gave way to the side of the road one after another.

The soldiers guarding the city gate showed vigilance and held their weapons.


An elite guard rode his horse and accelerated to overtake Wang Chen, and he reined in the reins when he reached the front of the suspension bridge.

He shook his hand and threw a token to the city guard officer who was trying to stop it.

The latter caught the token and glanced at it, and his expression changed immediately.

Get out of the way quickly.

The uncle of the Department of Imperial Guards, he can't be provoked by a small gatekeeper.

Escorted by ten imperial guards, Wang Chen took Xiaowan across the long street, all the way to the Guardian Tianshi Mansion in the north of the city!

The guards stopped in front of the door one after another, then got off their horses.

But the gate of this Tianshi mansion is closed, there is not even a gatekeeper, and there are many fallen leaves on the ground at the gate.

It actually looks a bit desolate and desolate!

A guard stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Is anyone there?"

He took pictures for a long time, and the thick door panel rattled.

Only when someone opened the door.

"Where did the savage come from!"

The other party opened his mouth and cursed: "Do you know where this is? Is this the place where you ran wild?"

The person who opened the door was flushed, cursing and breathing alcohol: "Fuck you!"

Obviously drank too much.

The guard who knocked on the door took a step back and turned to look at Wang Chen.

He didn't dare to deal with the people guarding the Tianshi's mansion at will, he had to look at Wang Chen's attitude.

Wang Chen's attitude was very clear: "Slap your mouth!"

Dirty mouth.

Scrubbing is only possible with a loud slap!


The second one is delivered, it's gone.

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