Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 213 Is This Melon Ripe?

A thatched hut stands alone beside the official road leading to Datong County.

The official road has been in disrepair for a long time, and the ground is full of potholes and deep marks left by the wheels.

At noon, there were no traces of pedestrians on the road. The old man stood in front of the shed and looked around, with a look of disappointment on his face full of ravines.

It doesn't look like much business today.

He touched the head of his grandson who was dozing off beside him, and sighed softly.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew into the grass shed.

There are crisp bells in the wind.

The old Zhangtou was immediately refreshed, and immediately looked around following the sound.

I saw a big green donkey coming from a distance, and a young Taoist was sitting on the donkey's back.

The donkey's hooves clattered, its steps were brisk, and it came to the grass shed in a blink of an eye.

The old man bowed his head and greeted him: "This priest, the weather is so hot, do you want to drink some herbal tea to rest?"

The four seasons in Nanshao are unclear. Although it is late autumn, the temperature is still very high.

"Ah uh~"

Before the Taoist priest could speak, the big green donkey nodded repeatedly in agreement—the donkey was exhausted!

"You lazy ass!"

The ordinary-looking young priest flashed his eyes and patted Qing Donkey on the head with a smile.

Turned over and jumped off the donkey's back: "Then take a rest and drink some tea, and then feed my donkey some fodder."


Old Zhangtou took the rein with a smile, and tied the green donkey beside the shaded grass shed.

He said loudly, "Xiao Liu, hurry up and get a bale of fodder to feed the donkey!"

The half-grown boy woke up from his dream, hurriedly wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and ran to get the fodder from the back of the shed.

Old Zhangtou wiped the table with a rag and poured a bowl full of tea for the Taoist who just sat down.

"Master Dao, this is my homemade herbal tea. It can clear away heat, detoxify and reduce fire and dampness. Would you like to try it?"

The ordinary-looking young Taoist priest, that is, Wang Chen, picked up the rough pottery tea bowl, brought it to his mouth and took a long sip.

He nodded: "Not bad."

"Drink more."

Old Zhangtou smiled and narrowed his eyes: "The melons I just picked this morning, would you like one?"

He pointed to the melons and fruits piled beside him.

Wang Chen asked with interest: "Old man, are you sure this melon is ripe?"

The old Zhang was stunned: "Look at what you said, I am a melon vendor, can I sell your raw melon eggs?"

"That's not certain."

Wang Chen said meaningfully: "I don't think you are human, this melon may not be a ripe melon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old Zhang's face suddenly changed, with blue veins on his forehead, his face that was originally wearing a flattering smile suddenly twisted, and bloodthirsty ferocity appeared in his eyes.

"Daoist, don't drink tea or talk nonsense!"

He was trembling all over, and the ten fingers of his hands were clenched into eagle claws, and his nails became long and sharp without a sound!


Wang Chen opened his mouth and laughed.

A water arrow shot out from his throat, and instantly hit the old Zhangtou's face.

It was the tea I drank just now!


The old Zhangtou suddenly let out a shrill scream, his face was covered with blood, and his bones were exposed.

He staggered back a few steps, jumped up high suddenly, and rushed towards Wang Chen in the air.

The speed of movement is no less than that of apes!

However, a large net appeared out of thin air, completely covering Lao Zhangtou.

He fell to the ground suddenly, rolled and howled loudly, with a trace of gray smoke emitting from his body.

At this moment, the old Zhangtou's grandson appeared behind Wang Chen like a ghost, holding a dagger and stabbing fiercely at Wang Chen's vest.

But Wang Chen seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, swung his sleeves sideways, and slapped the opponent heavily.

The half-grown child immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and how many bones in his body were broken.


He fell to the ground, howled inhumanly, sharp bones protruded from his body, black air lingered on his originally handsome face, and his eyes turned crimson!

Wang Chen shook his head, and retracted the evil net that had already "digested" Lao Zhangtou.

He retracted his right hand, and cast out the evil net again.

Let the grandparents and grandchildren be reunited.

In fact, it is not very accurate to say "people", because they have long been possessed by evil spirits, and there is very little humanity left.

When all humanity is wiped out, it will become a real evil spirit!

Wang Chen withdrew the evil net and sat down again at the small table.

Herbal tea is not drinkable, it is obviously mixed with something similar to Mongolian sweat medicine.

Because herbal tea itself is boiled with herbs, ordinary people can't drink it at all, so it's very easy to understand.

After thinking about it, Wang Chen photographed a melon on the ground.

He pointed his finger as a blade, cut open the melon and fruit and tasted it.

The melon is ripe, and the taste is still very sweet. Even Wang Chen, who has long since given up eating fireworks, did not feel uncomfortable after eating it.


Being able to grow such melons, the old man is also a good farmer.

As a result, both grandparents and grandchildren were killed by evil spirits.

He thought to himself, the melon meat in his mouth was not so sweet anymore.

"Ahh! Ahh~"

The call of the big green donkey woke Wang Chen up suddenly.

He laughed dumbfounded, and threw the remaining half of the melon at the feet of the big green donkey.

The latter immediately feasted on it.

This guy was bought by Wang Chen in the donkey and mule market half a month ago. After feeding a spirit peach, he actually gave birth to a bit of spirituality. County land.

For half a month, Wang Chen cleaned up many evil spirits in Nanshao based on the information obtained from the investigation of the Exorcism Hall.

And these evil spirits have all become the spiritual power in Tianluo Zhuxie's net!

Evil spirits in the world are undoubtedly extremely terrifying existences to ordinary people, but in Wang Chen's eyes, they are nothing but cultivation resources that can be easily harvested.

His next stop was Datong County, the last city he hadn't been to yet.

When the big green donkey was full and Wang Chen was about to go back on the road, his heart suddenly moved.

He reached for the bale of hay that had been thrown on the ground, and sniffed it.

Wang Chen smelled a faint scent of corpse.

He immediately came to the back of the thatched shed, and soon discovered the clue.

Dozens of corpses were buried impressively in the weed-covered ground, most of them were dressed as farmers, and there were also a few strong warriors, all of whom had been drained of their essence and blood, and died in a very miserable state.

It was obviously victimized by evil spirits.

Wang Chen sighed, dug them all out, and sent them to the hut.

If these corpses are allowed to be buried here, sooner or later new evil spirits, wandering spirits or walking corpses will be born.

A huge fire crow threw into the straw shed, and raging flames shot up into the sky.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, souls to dust..."

Wang Chen silently recited the mantra of passing away in his heart to save these victims.

All life is suffering, may the next life enjoy peace.

He rode on a big green donkey and headed towards Datong County along the official road.

In the world of mortals, there is a vast fog, looking for the way to find the way to find my own way, asking who is good for a thousand miles, the wind is the way...


The first one is sent.

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