Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 216 Sudden Change of Situation

With the clatter of the donkey's hoof, Wang Chen left Datong County.

The city gate had just been opened, and the eastern sky appeared pale.

He followed the official road all the way north.

After Wang Chen returned to Nanshao City, he would retreat in Guanxing Pavilion until he was promoted to the ninth level of Qi training.

Then consolidate the foundation until the state of Dzogchen.

This process may take a year or two, or maybe three to five years.

Although he has a panel for cultivating immortals, if the foundation is not solid, even if he succeeds in forcibly opening the mansion, it will leave endless troubles, so the decision cannot be rushed.

This point, Wang Chen has a deep understanding in the process of practicing Tianlong King Kong Dharma!

Just as he was speeding up, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes behind him.

Wang Chen couldn't help but glanced back, only to see five or six riders chasing quickly.

The knights were sturdy with red scarves on their heads, and the leading man shouted, "Believe in Maitreya, you will have peace!"

The other knights shouted in unison: "Bless Maitreya, the world is peaceful!"

Is this sick, or is it sick?

Wang Chen didn't intend to pay attention at first, but he didn't expect the other party to come very quickly. After chasing after him, he shouted: "Prince Daoist, stay a step, my saint is here!"

Wang Chen really didn't expect that these people came to chase him, so he immediately shook his head and said, "No time."

"Xi Lv Lv~"

The leading burly man grabbed the reins, and the horse under his crotch stood up immediately, barely blocking Wang Chen's front.

He and several knights surrounded Wang Chen, and said solemnly: "Little Taoist priest, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

On the surface, he seems to be a Maitreya believer, but after a few words, he reveals his true colors in the world.

A bandit accent!

Wang Chen's eyes flashed: "Get out!"

With the help of Dzogchen-level spiritual eyesight, he could see that these knights were covered with a red and black bloody aura.

None of these people is a good person, and they have a lot of human lives in their hands.

There must be innocents among them.

"court death!"

The burly man was furious, and jumped up suddenly, with his right hand clenched into an eagle's claw, he grabbed Wang Chen's neck fiercely.

All of a sudden, he had already rushed in front of Wang Chen!


Before the burly man's claws approached Wang Chen's neck, a flash of sword light passed his throat in an instant.

A head rises from the sky!

But the flying sword light didn't stop because of this, it walked around several other knights like a dragon, and took their heads away with lightning speed.

In just one breath, the bodies and heads of six first-class warriors were separated.

With the Fire Crow Sword back in its sheath, Wang Chen patted the big green donkey on the head.

The latter sneezed, and galloped forward with four hooves, as fast as a horse.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Chen's figure disappeared at the end of the road.

There was blood all over the ground, six corpses and six helpless mounts.

Before the sun set, Wang Chen returned to Nanshao City.

Because there are many eyeliners staring at the Tianshi Mansion, in order to avoid trouble, he changes his appearance when he comes and goes. With the help of the Dzogchen-level breath-suppressing technique, even innate warriors cannot detect it.

Returning to the Heavenly Master's Mansion, Wang Chen summoned Xiao Wan over: "When will you be able to break through the innate?"

Now Xiaowan has become the most powerful assistant by his side.

This beautiful woman took care of all internal and external affairs in an orderly manner, allowing Wang Chen to focus on cultivation and killing monsters.

Considering Xiaowan's importance, he wanted to let her go to a higher level before retreating.

As for Wang Chen's question, Xiaowan pursed her lips and replied, "Anytime!"

In the past month, she has also been preparing for the impact of innate.

It's just that Xiantian is too difficult to break through. Even if Xiaowan has great confidence in herself and the Xiantian pill bestowed by Wang Chen, she is still not 100% sure.

"Then try it now."

Wang Chen said decisively: "Just break through here, and I will protect the law for you!"

He saw Xiaowan's hesitation and hesitation, so he simply didn't give the other party a choice.

Xiaowan really made up her mind because of this: "Thank you, Master Xian!"

Two days later, when she left Guanxing Pavilion, she had already entered the innate level!

At the same time, Wang Chen turned on the power of the magic circle to the maximum, and then retreated and leveled up in the underground secret room.

For Qi training monks, the eighth stage and ninth stage are extremely important levels.

Although this hurdle is not very difficult to break through, it is related to the future breakthrough, so there should be no negligence, otherwise it is easy to leave unpredictable hidden dangers.

And just when Wang Chen began to retreat, the Tianyun Mountains, tens of thousands of miles away, suddenly had a sudden change!

Deep in the mountain, in a mine belonging to Guiyuanmen, a cultivator from Zifu looked up at the three spaceships in the sky, his eyes were full of horror and anger.

He glared and shouted: "Yunyang faction, what do you intend to do?"

These five airships flying the battle flag of the Yunyang faction appeared suddenly, without any warning at all.

The Guiyuan Sect master who was in charge of guarding the mine didn't get any news from the sect either.

Although he had activated the defensive circle, he didn't have the slightest confidence in his heart.

It feels like something is wrong.

The premonition of this Zifu cultivator was completely correct. As soon as his words fell, beams of destructive light fell from the sky, blasting the defensive circle into pieces in an instant.

Put him, together with hundreds of Guiyuanmen disciples, into the strike range!

The salvo of five magic weapon-class airships, even Jindan Daoist can't resist, their fate has already been doomed.

After clearing out the resisters, the hatches of the two spaceships opened, and hundreds of disciples of the Yunyang Sect swarmed out.

They rushed into the mine like wolves and tigers, and frantically exploited the spirit stone mine inside in a destructive manner.

The mining of spirit stone mines is very technical. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to peel off the rock skin a little bit, take out large pieces of spirit stone raw ore, and then cut, polish and refine them.

A whole set of procedures is very time-consuming.

However, the disciples of the Yunyang School are like wild boars breaking into the rice fields, directly bombarding the ore veins with weapons, forcibly stripping the raw ore and putting them in storage bags to take away.

This kind of mining method consumes a lot of energy, but the speed is very fast.

The same situation also happened in the other two Lingshi mines in Guiyuan Gate, as well as other mines.

Not only that, dozens of Yunyang airships surrounded the outer gate of Guiyuan, and issued an ultimatum to the old enemy!

All of a sudden, the Tianyun Mountains were filled with flames.

The major sects of cultivating immortals who got the news were all stunned. No one expected that the Yunyang faction would fight without declaration, and the number of spaceships dispatched far exceeded everyone's cognition!

The turmoil caused by the big human hunting case has long passed.

Everyone thought that under the mediation of Shangzong, Yunyang faction and Guiyuan sect had already shaken hands to make peace.

They never expected that the Yunyang faction would go against the grain and attack the Guiyuan sect brazenly.

It's clear that they don't take the two Shangzong seriously!

Wufeng Mountain, Yaowang Valley, Qingyun Sect, Tianjiange, etc. are all in the Tianyun Mountain Range, as well as the surrounding Xiuxian sects, all of them put on a posture of watching the show.

They wanted to see what would happen to the Yunyang sect, known as the number one sect in Tianyun, in the end! ——

The second one is delivered.

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