Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 239: Loose Cultivators

In autumn, Dongwu Village is more lively than usual.

This large city with a population of tens of thousands is located at the eastern foot of the Tianyun Mountains, occupying a large valley, named for the many plane trees growing in the valley.

Although it was drizzling in the sky, there were still many people coming and going in the walled city.

Along the long street paved with bluestone slabs, Wang Chen, holding an oil-paper umbrella, walked forward slowly among the bustling crowd.

Half a month ago, he came to this Sanxiu village far away from Yunyang's hometown, and settled down in Dongwu Village by virtue of his seven-level qi training and three hundred spirits.

With their own new home.

Dongwu Village was established very early, and the owner of the village has changed many times.

At present, the master of Zifu named Xin Han is in charge of the power. There are more than half of the monks in the village, and the other part includes ordinary people, quasi-monks who are transforming into mortals, and some innate warriors.

Residents in the village are a mixed bag, but under Xin Han's strong control, it is quite stable inside.

There are countless scattered villages in the outer domain, but there are very few village owners who have the cultivation level of Zifu.

Because the importance of cultivators in the Zifu is not light, most sects will welcome them with open arms and give them corresponding treatment.

Even if you are a newcomer and cannot enter the core of the inner sect, it is still no problem to be an elder in the outer sect.

The cultivation environment and cultivation resources of the sect are incomparable to those of the Sanxiu City Walled City.

It’s just that there are always exceptions. Some purple mansions are loose cultivators themselves, relying on their own strength to break through and open the mansion, but they don’t want to go to the fairy gate to be restrained by others, so they would rather be a "king of the mountain" at ease.

Wang Chen also chose Dongwu Village as his hidden cultivation site after careful selection.

The small hermit is in the mountains and the big hermit is in the city. For a qi cultivator, the Linquan wilderness is really not suitable for hidden cultivation, because there is no one in the land or the aura is weak, or there are monsters or even evil spirits entrenched.

Although Wang Chen has a lot of cultivation resources, even if he goes to a remote place to practice alone, there is no problem.

But after careful consideration, he still chose Dongwu Village.

The spiritual tide has risen, the catastrophe is approaching, and no man's land is dangerous and unpredictable. The most important thing is that the news is completely blocked. I don't know what happened to the outside world at all, and I am too passive.

There are a lot of casual cultivators in Dongwu Village, and the owner of the village is a Zifu monk, and he has also set up a protective circle in the city.

It is said that after the magic circle is opened, no amount of Zifu can be broken!

Walking, Wang Chen stopped in front of a familiar teahouse, put away his umbrella and went in.

"In the fairy master, please..."

The chubby shopkeeper came to receive him in person, and graciously invited Wang Chen to sit down at the seat by the window.

He wiped the tea table with a hemp towel and asked, "Is it the same as before?"


Wang Chen nodded, and discharged ten broken spirits on the table.

The rules of the restaurants and teahouses here are to pay first and then serve the meal, so as to prevent people from maliciously escaping orders by relying on their own behavior.

Some casual cultivators would really drive out such shameless things.

During this period of time, he would come to this teahouse every afternoon to order a pot of spiritual tea and a plate of pastries.

While practicing the Five Elements Kungfu, he listened to the gossip of the tea drinkers.

The more times I come, the better I get to know the shopkeeper.


The fat shopkeeper turned his head and shouted: "A pot of spiritual tea, a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake!"

His voice is very particular, the higher the tone of the word "spiritual tea", the higher the grade required.

What Wang Chen ordered was ordinary spiritual tea, but the one delivered by the fat shopkeeper was slightly better.

Also an interesting character.

It is said that the shopkeeper was once a well-known figure in the Dagan Jianghu. Because of a major incident, he risked his life to cultivate the world of immortals, and finally settled down and opened a teahouse in Dongwu Village.

As for what happened, no one can say clearly.

In fact, many people who live in the outer domain, no matter monks or mortals, have their own wonderful stories.

The fat shopkeeper is just one of many beings.

Wang Chen poured himself a pot of hot tea, reached out for a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and tasted it.

The taste is quite good.

The sweet-scented osmanthus is brewed with honey last year, and the raw material of the white cake is the new rice harvested in late summer. The combination of the two has a special taste.

His eyes looked out of the window, as if wandering into the sky.

In fact, every word spoken by the tea drinkers in the teahouse, even the whispers between each other, could not escape the listening of Wang Chen, who was distracted and dual-purpose.

Wang Chen can filter out some useful information from it.

But there is nothing new in the news today.

It has been nearly half a year since the Yunyang faction went to the world, and it is still the focus of everyone's discussion.

It's just that many rumors are absurd and make people laugh.

As for Guiyuanmen, which annexed the territory of Yunyang School, not many people have good things to say.

It was probably an argument such as "No matter how bad Yunyang is, it is better than Guiyuanmen", Wang Chen did not expect that the prestige of Yunyang School is so high, and people still think about it after so long.

The tea drinkers even mentioned the big case of human hunting, and firmly believed that it was done by Guiyuanmen!

The reputation of the Yunyang faction outside the domain name is obviously very good.

Wang Chen can only say that "it all depends on the background of his peers".

Recalling the things he experienced in Yunyang School, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Suddenly, a young girl of thirteen or fourteen was hugging a baby girl, and hurried to the eaves of the teahouse in order to avoid the increasingly heavy rain outside.

He happened to be standing outside Wang Chen's window.

The little girl lying on the girl's shoulder was only four or five years old, with a pair of big black eyes.

There are also two twist braids.

She glanced at Wang Chen who was close at hand, then her eyes fell on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and she swallowed involuntarily.

You can see that the little guy is very hungry.

But she didn't ask for it either, but the saliva from the corner of her mouth almost flowed out.

Wang Chen looked interesting, so he picked up the dessert plate on the table and handed it to her.

This little guy easily touched Wang Chen's heart and reminded him of Yuanyuan.

After the Yunyang faction took Taihao Peak to the upper realm, the soul bond between Wang Chen and Yuanyuan was broken.

Can no longer sense its presence.

Based on what he learned, Wang Chen deduced that Yuanyuan should have followed Bai Susu and hitched a ride to the upper realm.

If this is the case, I don't know when we will meet again!

Looking at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake delivered to her, the little girl endured and endured, and then, encouraged by Wang Chen's eyes, she couldn't bear the temptation, so she carefully stretched out her little hand and grabbed a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

The little girl was very polite, she felt something wrong after grabbing the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and whispered, "Thank you."

The girl holding the little girl immediately turned her head when she heard this sentence.

But Wang Chen, who was sitting by the window, disappeared at this time.

He left the teahouse.

Re-support the oil-paper umbrella.

Stepping on the rainwater flowing all over the ground.

Go step by step towards your home.


The first one is sent.

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