Wang Chen drank a large bowl of hot medicinal soup in one go.

He smacked his lips, somewhat depressed.

What Wang Chen just drank was the Dragon and Tiger Soup made with the essence of black snake and striped tiger flesh and blood.

It is used to assist the cultivation of Tianlong King Kong Dharma.

However, to this day, the dragon and tiger strong soul soup of this recipe has very weak effect on his improvement.

If you continue to drink it, it will be a waste of spirit stones.

If you want to go further, you can only change the main ingredients of the soup recipe.

Replace the black snake with gold-threaded silver snake, and the striped tiger with a red-eyed tiger, and then increase the year of the accessories.

The decoction brewed in this way should be able to greatly improve the current situation.

It's just that it is undoubtedly quite difficult to collect all the medicinal materials in Dongwu Village, no matter whether it is a golden threaded silver snake, a red eyed tiger, or a medicinal material of a higher age.

Originally, if the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce and Wanbao Pavilion were still there, as long as there were enough spirit stones, let alone these things, even higher-level materials could be easily bought or ordered.

It's a pity that the semicolons of the Universal Chamber of Commerce and Wanbao Pavilion have all evacuated from the old place of Yunyang.

If you want to find them for business, you need to go to other fairy cities thousands of miles away.

Guiyuan Gate or the site of Wufeng Mountain!

Wang Chen shook his head, put on a robe and left the underground chamber.

As soon as he sat down at the breakfast shop, three young monks in blue and black costumes came to the next table.

A monk patted the table and yelled impatiently: "Boss, bring us fifteen pieces of animal meat to burn, which must be stuffed with refined meat, and then three bowls of tofu nao and ten sticks of fried evil spirits!"

The boss, who was busy in front of the frying pan, hurriedly agreed, "Wait a minute, I'll be here right away!"

"hurry up!"

The young monk snorted: "It's too late, I'll overthrow your stall!"

The boss smiled obediently, and immediately ordered his wife to send tofu nao and fried dough sticks.

In fact, these fritters that have been fried should be given to the diners waiting in front.

However, the behavior of the boss did not arouse any protest or opposition from those diners.

Everyone buried their heads in eating their own breakfast, and no one went to see the three monks in Tsing Yi.

It seems that if you look at it one more time, you will bring yourself an unexpected disaster!

What's the matter?

Wang Chen wondered secretly.

For the past five days, he has been practicing in seclusion in the underground secret room, keeping his ears closed to external affairs.

Dongwuzhai has obviously undergone some changes during this period.

At least these three arrogant young monks, Wang Chen had never seen before.

He noticed that on the left chest of the other party and the others, a golden hook emblem was all embroidered!

Wang Chen calmly ordered the third dish he often eats.

The three monks at the next table devoured all the food served on the table with a flurry of wind.

Then pat your ass and leave.

Not only did the shop owner not charge for the meal, but he also nodded and bowed to their backs: "You three, go slowly."

It's really humbled to the extreme.

Before the fire and fried dough sticks that Wang Chen wanted came up, he heard a diner next to him say in surprise: "Five broken spirits? Isn't the animal meat fire fried with three broken spirits? How come it has risen so much!"

The proprietress replied with a bitter face: "There is no way, the prices of monster meat and white corn have been rising recently, and starting this month, the fees paid to the City Lord's Mansion will be doubled."

"Small profits for a small shop, all rely on the help of you old customers, if it's not really nothing to do..."

As she spoke, her eye circles were red.

The diner was silent, and after a while he said: "Then give me three fat meats to burn."

The fires sold in this breakfast shop are divided into two types: animal meat and fat meat. The former is real monster meat, which has the effect of strengthening qi and blood and nourishing the body, and the price is relatively expensive.

The fatty pork used in the fire is the fat pork raised by the farmers, which can only be regarded as a food with oil and water.

Just like Gomi.

In fact, the flour used for fat burning is made from tribute rice mixed with gray wheat!

I used to eat animal meat on fire, but now I order fatty meat on fire, which is obviously a consumption downgrade.

Has the price of animal meat and Lingmi increased?

Double the fees paid to the City Lord's Mansion?

Although these two things have nothing to do with Wang Chen.

He had captured quite a lot in the past, and the Lingmi and monster meat in the storage bag could last ten years.

No outsourcing is required at all.

Wang Chen also did not open a shop to do business.

Except for the need to dig out spirit stones for renting booths in the market, there is no obligation to pay fees.

But these two things, together with the three domineering young monks before, made him feel a sense of chaos!

Wang Chen couldn't help feeling a little restless in his heart.

He chose carefully, and chose to settle in this remote Dongwu village, thinking about silently practicing Qi training to the great perfection and even opening the house, and then looking for the way to the upper realm.

In the past six months, Wang Chen not only took root in Dongwu Village, but also his cultivation went smoothly.

Five Elements Skills, Heavenly Dragon Vajra Correction, Benlei Swordsmanship, and even Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue have been greatly improved.

The Great Consummation of Qi training is just around the corner!

Wang Chen sincerely hoped that the city of casual cultivators he was sheltering in would be stable and stable forever.

But reality always seems to be against him!

There are no eggs under the nest. Once something happens in Dongwu Village, how can Wang Chen continue to hide?

I am afraid that the ground nest he dug out so hard will have to be abandoned again.

To your mother!

What made Wang Chen feel uncomfortable the most was that he didn't know who to scold if he wanted to scold someone!

In order to find the answer, Wang Chen settled his own breakfast, and then rushed to the teahouse to "listen to the radio".

What's interesting is that the owner of the breakfast shop didn't overcharge Wang Chen's spirit stones.

Said that next time it will be calculated according to the new price.

But Wang Chen still gave ten more broken spirits, not wanting to take advantage of this little advantage.

It's really not easy for other people's bosses.

When he arrived at the teahouse, Wang Chen only sat for half an hour before he pieced together the truth of the matter from the gossip of a group of tea guests.

Five days ago, on the day of his retreat, Master Xin Hanxin, the master of Dongwu Village, accepted a female cultivator as a disciple.

Then the next day, the Zifu announced the establishment of the Dongwu Guard Hall, and recruited a group of retainers and guest ministers to join.

And it is the younger brother of Xin Han's new Taoist companion who holds the position of head of the guard.

The King of the Golden Snake, Jin Liancheng!

In the blink of an eye, a powerful force appeared in this Sanxiu city.

The monks of Dongwuweitang began to patrol the streets, charging double fees from shops and merchants.

No spirit stones are given to restaurants!

In just a few days, Dongwu Village was filled with smog.

When it comes to the newly established Dongwu Weitang, everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak, and speaks in a low voice and cautiously.

Make the atmosphere in the teahouse very depressing!

Wang Chen also heard a rumor that Xin Han's Taoist partner was a nun from the Hehuan School.

The master of Zifu has been stunned!

Wang Chen finally knew who he was going to scold.


The first one is sent.

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