Wang Chen rented a cave in Beishan.

After being promoted to the Purple Mansion, his spirit power became stronger, and at the same time he felt more clearly the suppression of him by the Wanxiu City formation.

This kind of suppression is invisible and qualityless, but it is ubiquitous. As long as you are in the city, you will definitely be affected.

So moving is a must.

Wang Chen speculated that the people in the Zifu in Wanxiu City must have a way to deal with it.

When Qiu Haoran recruited him earlier, he revealed a little bit cryptically.

But there is no explanation.

The Purple Mansion of the Qiu family obviously intended to let Wang Chen suffer a little bit, and understood that if he wanted to live comfortably in Wanxiu City, he could not do it by himself alone.

But Qiu Haoran still underestimated Wang Chen's belief.

Will not be easily shaken by external forces!

Aiming at this problem, Wang Chen's solution is very simple, which is to rent Beishan Cave Mansion.

These caves are not affected by the big formation, and they are full of aura. They have no disadvantages except for the high rent.

Wang Chen planned to stay for a day or a day until he left.

He didn't want to stay in Wanxiu City for a long time, let alone now that he has broken through and opened his house.

Qiu Haoran's wishful thinking is doomed to fail!

It's just that the Dongfu at the Zifu rank is too expensive, and Wang Chen rented a high-level Dongfu for Qi training.

Although the concentration of aura in the high-level qi training cave is not enough to support his normal cultivation.

But it can also be done.

After settling down, Wang Chen entered the retreat mode again.

In addition to comprehending the innate five-element skills, the experience points of Zifu-level skills such as the real art of brushing holes, the art of concealing the gods, and the shield armor of heavy light, he spent most of his time refining talismans.

And the first-order magic talisman refined by Wang Chen with the cultivation base of Zifu, even if the quality is deliberately controlled, it is still better than the previous ones.

After making a thousand talismans in this way, Wang Chen left Dongfu and went to Fangshi.

But this time he is not here to set up a stall.

"Chen Daoyou..."

When he came to a stall, Wang Chen asked the stall owner, "How is the business recently?"

The stall owner had gray temples and wrinkled face, with a weather-beaten and distressed look. He shook his head with a wry smile and asked, "Fellow Daoist Wang, why haven't I seen you come to set up a stall for a while?"

"A lot of people are asking me about it!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "I've been retreating recently."

He used to come here often to set up stalls, so he met some people, and he was quite familiar with them.

The stall owner's surname is Chen, and everyone calls him Lao Chen. He usually makes a living by setting up a stall to support a family of seven, and his life is quite difficult.

A monk in his forties looks older than a monk in his fifties or sixties!

Everyone in Fangshi knew that Lao Chen was an honest man.

He is timid and fair in business, but he earns much less spirit stones than his quick-witted counterparts.

Now the business is very difficult to do, but the rental expenses of the stalls in Fangshi are fixed, and Lao Chen's frown is not fake.


Old Chen was stunned, and asked cautiously: "Then what can you do with me?"

Because Wang Chen blessed himself with the hidden spirit technique, he didn't see Wang Chen's true cultivation, but he vaguely felt that Wang Chen was very different from before, and he had an instinctive awe.

"I want to work with you."

Wang Chen took out a stack of talismans and threw them on his booth, and said, "You sell these talismans for me, and I'll give you half of the spirit stones you get. What do you think?"


Old Chen was stunned.

The magic talisman refined by Wang Chen is well-known in the market, and everyone knows it.

Because of its excellent quality, it is very popular and can be sold out in no time.

Now that Wang Chen actually wants to entrust the talisman to himself for sale, Lao Chen feels like being hit by a pie falling from the sky.

This spirit stone is really easy to earn.

Even if it's only half of it!

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I'll sell it for you!"

At this moment, another stall owner who had been listening to the conversation with his ears pricked up held back, and leaned over with a shy face and said, "I don't want a commission!"

Wang Chen's talismans are very popular in the market. If he takes over the job of consignment, he will sell them at a higher price.

It's a lucrative deal!

However, he was so pleased with himself that Wang Chen's eyes came over unexpectedly, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his head was cold to the soles of his feet, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

Almost knocked over my own booth!

Wang Chen looked at Lao Chen again, and his eyes were no longer as sharp as a blade: "Is it okay?"

He doesn't miss half of this. The important thing is that he can't trust others.

Wang Chen also knew this guy who was trying to cut off his beard, and he was more familiar with it than Lao Chen.

But Wang Chen has long seen that the other party's motive for approaching him is not pure.

Especially after his talismans became famous.

"Ok, Ok!"

As if waking up from a dream, Lao Chen nodded his head, "It doesn't have to be half done..."

"That's it."

Wang Chen interrupted the other party: "I leave it to you."

His talismans are very easy to sell, but now he really doesn't have much leisure to spend time on it.

Wang Chen made an agreement with Lao Chen that he would go directly to Beishan Cave Mansion to get the talisman from him in the future.

Save him running around.

Of course, Lao Chen was very willing, and he almost regarded Wang Chen as a lifesaver!

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a lifesaver.

Because his own business is about to die.

At that time, the family will lose their source of income, how can they continue to stay in Wanxiu City?

"Friend Daoist Wang!"

Just when Wang Chen was about to leave, the stall owner came over again with a grim look on his face: "Buying and selling can't be done with righteousness. Everyone is just eating for nothing. Don't go too far!"

Just now he was so scared by Wang Chen that he showed his ugly face, and everyone around him saw it, so it can be said that he was humiliated.

As a local snake who has been in Fangshi for a long time, how can he not become angry from embarrassment?

Stopping Wang Chen just wanted to save some face.

Moreover, there were two more people behind this stall owner, staring at Wang Chen covetously.


Wang Chen stopped drinking in a deep voice, and dissipated the hidden spirit magic that was blessed on his body.

The powerful aura belonging to the monks of the Zifu instantly enveloped the other party and others!

Purple Mansion!

As if struck by lightning, the stall owner staggered back involuntarily, but stumbled and fell heavily to the ground.

He let out a cry of surprise, and fled away with two friends.

He didn't even care about his own stall!

The people nearby were all dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Wang Chen, who has always kept a low profile, turned out to be a master of Zifu!

The majestic Zifu actually set up a street stall with them.

No one will believe it!

Old Chen was even more dumbfounded, his hands were shaking non-stop—mainly because of excitement.

With a Zifu under his wing, who would dare to bully him in the future?

In fact, Wang Chen's revelation of his cultivation also had the purpose of intimidating, lest Lao Chen sell talismans on behalf of others and attract other people's covetousness and calculations.

After finishing the matter in Fangshi, he returned to Beishan Cave Mansion.

Continue to practice hard.


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