Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 302 Tunnel Warfare (Part 2)

Wang Chen, who was hiding in the tunnel, grabbed the Fenglei sword that had just flown back.

Although the Chidi Beast who invaded the secret room was severely injured, the lingering sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

Intuition told Wang Chen that this ferocious Tier 2 monster could never fall down so easily.

Therefore, he decisively withdrew the flying sword and did not attempt to further expand the results of the battle.

The Zifu monks who broke through and opened the mansion were able to condense their spiritual consciousness in the upper dantian.

Spiritual consciousness is actually sublimated spiritual power, which is fundamentally different from the spiritual consciousness of Qi-training monks.

Correspondingly, the higher the attribute of the soul, the stronger the derived consciousness will be!

Wang Chen's spirit points are as high as 20 points, which is the strongest among the four major attributes, leaving out the three streets of root bone and comprehension.

It is under the control of such a powerful spiritual consciousness that Wang Chen can also perform the fire crow technique while hiding in the tunnel, and control the flying sword to attack the red beast in the secret room.

It was also because of the keen intuition brought by the powerful spiritual sense that Wang Chen made the most correct choice.


The Chidi Beast roared again, its body suddenly inflated like a balloon, and the stone shell solidified on the surface of the body suddenly shattered, and it could no longer cause trouble for this second-level monster.

This layer of stone shell several feet thick was created by Wang Chen who ventured out of the tunnel to perform the mudstone technique after successfully attacking the Chidi Beast with the fire crow technique just now.

Although Wang Chen's mudstone technique has already been cultivated to the level of Dzogchen, he didn't expect to trap a second-level monster to death with this technique, just to give himself a chance to make a move.

In fact, Wang Chen's tactics were very successful.

But he was not dazzled by the victory in front of him, and his body flew down the long tunnel.

Pulled away the distance from Chidi Beast!

The next moment, there was a violent vibration outside the tunnel, like a magnitude 7 earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible shock wave penetrated the thick soil layer and the hard stone wall, and slapped on Wang Chen's body.

He couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, and the aura of his body protection was distorted and fluctuated by this terrifying force.

The light dimmed a bit.

There is no doubt that this powerful force comes from the counterattack of the Chidi Beast.

Wang Chen's perception was not wrong. This second-order monster still retained the power to fight back even though it was severely injured by the wind and thunder sword.

If he thought that the other party had no chance of making a comeback just now, he would suffer a big loss in all likelihood!

The Chidi Beast is an earth monster, and the underground is its home field!

When Wang Chen landed in the secret room on the second floor, Chidi Beast dug down along the tunnel.

It has been completely enraged, its eyes are red and ferocious, and its two front paws are like whirling wind wheels, digging up the mud and rocks below, expanding the size of the tunnel.

The speed of Chidi Beast's digging was no slower than Wang Chen's.

The secret room on the second floor, located forty feet underground, is no longer safe in the blink of an eye!

Wang Chen landed on both feet and looked up at the entrance of the tunnel connecting the top wall.

Countless mud and dust are falling down, the vibration from above is getting more and more intense, and the Chidi Beast is close at hand!


With the creepy cracking sound, a beast claw broke through the rock and entered the secret room.

It's now!

There was a flash of light in Wang Chen's eyes, and the whole person jumped up suddenly, and both fists blasted out at the same time.

Overlord raises the tripod!

This is a martial arts technique derived from ordinary martial arts, but the power of Dzogchen-level Vajra Fist is condensed on the fist, and it is inspired by the Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa that is close to the fifth level.

The moment he punched out, a heavenly dragon figure suddenly appeared behind Wang Chen.


His fist hit the Chidi Beast's left forefoot heavily.

The two forelimbs and sharp claws are the tools used by this second-order monster to dig mountains and soil, and they are also their important weapons.

The soles of its feet are completely keratinized, harder than refined iron!

However, Wang Chen's punch instantly shattered the scales covering the soles of his feet. The fist was deeply embedded in the instep, and the violent force shattered all the muscles and bones inside.


Where did Chidi Beast think that a "two-legged beast" could crush its own sole, even though it didn't feel much pain, it still instinctively retracted its left foreleg.

At the same time, it stopped digging down!

In fact, this second-order monster has already regretted it at this time. If it had known that its prey was so difficult, it shouldn't have gotten down and fought Wang Chen to the death.

If you want to eat "two-legged beasts", there are many in Feixian City!

It's just that regrets are regrets, Chidi Beast is already riding a tiger, and has to continue fighting.

This second-order monster shrank upwards, and opened its mouth to spray out a dark yellow liquid.

It is the gastric juice of the Chidi Beast, which is extremely corrosive and can digest rocks and even metals.

If the monk is sprayed, the aura shield is 100% unstoppable!

Moreover, the position of the Chidi Beast's spray is very particular, and it just aimed at the hole that was torn open with its claws just now.

It wants to use its own gastric juice to submerge Wang Chen in the second secret room!

It has to be said that this spirit monster is extremely cruel and cunning.

But Wang Chen fell back to the ground after smashing the soles of Chidi Beast's feet, and decisively drilled into the tunnel leading to the third secret room.

So the acid that the Chidi Beast spat out desperately basically vomited loneliness.

A few overflowed into the tunnel, but they couldn't do harm to Wang Chen.

Because he is rapidly falling towards the third secret room!

Facts have proved that Wang Chen dug so many secret rooms and tunnels, not wasting time and energy.

It came in handy at the critical moment.

The Chidi Beast sensed that the distance between Wang Chen and itself had widened again, and it could only roar angrily.

This earth-moving monster, not only didn't get any advantage in its own home court, but instead suffered internal and external injuries.

With the loss of one foot and injuries to internal organs, it has no strength to continue digging.

Chidi Beast started to retreat.

So it turned around in the narrow tunnel and began digging its way to the surface.

It was originally a simpler and easier task, but the speed of this second-order monster was much slower.

It took a whole stick of incense before returning to the ground.

However, when the Chidi Beast got out of the cave, a radiant sword light descended from the sky with the sound of thunder, piercing through its head in an instant, giving it the most fatal blow!

It was Wang Chen who drew the sword.

With the help of the escape tunnel dug in the past, he came out before the red beast returned to the ground.

Then lie in ambush above the entrance of the cave.

The Chidi Beast leapt forward, flicked its tail frantically left and right, and smashed the cave wall inside with its tail hammer.

But this is its last struggle.

The next moment, the Fenglei Sword broke through the ground and shot straight into the sky, reaching a height of one hundred feet before swooping down.

Chidi Beast watched the flying sword pierced through his head again.

But also powerless to resist and dodge.

It let out a low growl, and fell into a pool of blood.


Wang Chen slowly landed on the ground, and put the Fenglei sword into the sleeve of his robe with his hands.


The second one is delivered.

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