The battle situation in Feixian City has reached a fever pitch.

The monks in the city obviously did not expect that this beast tide erupted so violently, as if all the monsters in the entire Yulong Mountain Range had come here.

Under the crazy attack of the army of monsters, a large area outside Feixian City fell quickly.

Immediately afterwards, many monks who were hiding in the stone house were caught out, and were torn to pieces in an instant.

Their flesh and blood became the food of monsters!

For monks, the flesh and blood of monsters is a great tonic, and vice versa.

Some monks hid in the underground chamber.

It's no use.

Because among the monsters, there are many existences similar to Chidi Beasts. They destroy the houses and scrape the ground, wait until the tunnel is exposed, and then dig down along it.

It was almost exactly the same as Wang Chen's previous experience.

But these monks have neither Wang Chen's strength nor his luck.

It was like gophers being pulled out of their dens by greedy and ferocious big cats.

Swallow it down to the bone!

The herd kept moving forward, and more and more monks became their blood food.

The city has become a hell on earth!

Wang Chen watched from a distance on the mountain, but he couldn't do anything at all.

Now he is just a monk who has just entered the Zifu, and he can deal with ordinary monsters one by one, but there are thousands of monsters besieging Feixian City, including many second-level spirit monsters.

Wang Chen also died in the past.

He also has no great sentiment of self-sacrifice.

Seeing that most of the city had fallen, Wang Chen shook his head, ready to leave here.

Feixian City is over.

He was somewhat at a loss in his heart.

Originally, Wang Chen planned to wait until the winter passed and search for a reliable team in the city to cross the Yulong Mountains.

In fact, there are many Zifu monks in the city who want to go to the West Sea Spiritual Realm just like him.

As a result, the sudden outbreak of beast tide will destroy everything.

Feixian City no longer exists, where can Wang Chen find a suitable team?

Without being familiar with the mountains at all, rushing into Yulong Mountain alone is no different from sending one to death!

At this moment, a thunderous explosion sound suddenly reached his ears.

One after another!

Wang Chen stopped involuntarily, and turned to look at Feixian City.

He was surprised to find that spaceships came from the east and were rapidly approaching Feixian City.

Among the airships rushing forward, the animal heads inlaid on the bow of the ship continuously spewed out huge fireballs, bombarding the monsters on the ground.

These fireballs hit the ground and immediately exploded violently.

The scorching flames engulfed the monsters that couldn't dodge, and the violent force tore them into pieces!

The monsters were suddenly in chaos.

At the same time, the heavy crossbows arranged on both sides of the spaceship's ship also shot crossbow arrows shining with pale golden light at the monster birds in the air.

These crossbows were more than three feet long, and they were extremely fast and powerful, easily piercing through the bodies of giant eagles and phoenixes.

The latter fell into the air one after another.

This fleet that suddenly appeared, like an extremely sharp dagger, pierced fiercely into the back of the herd.

The monsters were caught off guard!

In Feixian City, earth-shattering cheers suddenly resounded.

A moment ago, the monks who were holding on to the city were almost desperate, and their resistance became weaker and weaker.

Including quite a few people from the Zifu, everyone thought that the explanation would be here today.

Who would have thought that the reinforcements would suddenly turn the tide of the battle!

Only those who have experienced death truly understand the value of life. No monk is willing to die under the claws of monsters.

Everyone's morale was boosted, and they mustered up their spare energy to launch a counterattack against the monsters that invaded the city.

Many cultivators had exhausted their mana, they swallowed Qi-invigorating pills, or used the trump card at the bottom of the box.

Cooperate with the airships in the air to counterattack the herd!

Although the monster army was caught off guard, their reaction was also very fast.

A large number of monster birds occupying the sky immediately changed their attack targets and rushed towards the spaceship one after another.

These monstrous birds spit wind blades or fireballs at the spaceship, and some rushed over to try to tear apart the heavy crossbow on the ship with their sharp claws.

The surface of the spaceship's hull immediately lit up with light.

An invisible barrier emerged, tightly protecting the entire ship.

The monster bird's attack landed on it, causing ripples immediately.

But it couldn't hurt the spaceship at all.

And the spaceship's counterattack was even more fierce. The self-winding heavy crossbow took five breaths and one arrow, and shot the approaching monster birds with heavy casualties.

Blood rained quickly in the sky, and the raindrops fluttered along with the broken feathers.

In just half a cup of tea, hundreds of monster birds were shot down by the airship.

Judging ~

The second-order spirit demon among the demon birds had a bad sense, and immediately uttered a sharp cry.

A large number of birds quickly gathered together, trying to start a head-on confrontation with the approaching airship.

However, their formation had not yet formed, and sword lights spewed out from the hulls of several spaceships, shooting at these monster birds with lightning speed.

The lethality of the flying sword is more than twice that of the crossbow, and hundreds of monster birds were cut in half in an instant!

And these flying swords didn't stop fighting because of this, they drew a series of brilliant sword light in the air like a dragon, flying back and forth, sweeping away the monster birds in the surrounding airspace.

With the addition of new spaceships, the number of flying swords increased sharply, and the offensive became more ferocious.

There was also a second-tier monster bird trying to attack the airship, but was besieged by dozens of airships. Even if it had a steel and iron frame, it couldn't bear such a sharp attrition.

When the second-order monster birds fell one after another, the "air force" team in the monster beasts collapsed!

Many ostriches uttered heart-piercing screams and fled in all directions.

Soon other demon birds joined the ranks of fleeing for their lives!

But the commander of the spaceship was very clear-headed and did not hunt down these little shrimps.

Relying on the superiority in the air, they launched a second wave of attacks on the herd of beasts on the ground.

This wave was at least several times more violent than the previous wave!

In this situation without the participation of Jindan rank forces, more than a dozen powerful airships have undoubtedly become the savior of the residents of Feixian City.

Not only was the ground attack of the monster army stopped, but they became living targets for the airships.

The casualties are getting bigger and bigger, and even the first-order monsters without much wisdom realize that the situation is seriously bad.

The situation of the war has turned around!

Monsters are not machines, they also have the fear of death.

When the leader of the monster beasts felt that if he continued to fight, it would be impossible to win.

They began to retreat, and they no longer had the crazy momentum they had before.

As a result, Wang Chen discovered that the retreating direction of a large number of monsters coincided with his current position!


The second one is delivered.

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