Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 313 It Was No Effort

Xu Hongcai was undoubtedly one of the most interesting monks Wang Chen had ever seen.

When he knocked on the door to beg for shelter, he looked extremely down and out, but at Wang Chen's invitation, he came in and drank two cups of spiritual wine, ate a few pieces of animal meat, and immediately became energetic.

In fact, this middle-aged monk's appearance is quite good, with fair skin and elegant temperament, without the greasy smell of being in the world, and he has a good conversation and excellent ability to mobilize the atmosphere.

A proper middle-aged and elderly female cultivator killer, a patient with severe social cow disease!

From him, Wang Chen heard a lot of anecdotes about the world of cultivating immortals, as well as various news circulating in Baihu City recently.

It's not a loss to share this New Year's Eve dinner with the other party.

After drinking for three rounds, Xu Hongcai became a little drunk, and suddenly stared at Wang Chen and asked, "Fellow Daoist Wang, do you plan to go to the West Sea Spiritual Realm after the beginning of spring?"

Wang Chen nodded: "Yes."

This is not something shameful. Many monks came to Feixian City and used it as a springboard to cross the Yulong Mountain Range and enter the West Sea Spiritual Realm.

It's just that many monks never came out after entering the mountain, and some stayed in Feixian City to take root.

"This road is not easy to walk."

Xu Hongcai was slightly absent-minded, as if some unpleasant memories had been brought back.

He put down his wine glass, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Daoist Wang, it is very dangerous to cross Yulong Mountain. You can't say that you are close to death, at most two or three out of ten can get out alive."

"Have you really thought it through?"

The Yulong Mountain Range stretches for millions of miles from west to east, and its width is also thousands of miles. Even giant ships cannot fly over it.

There are countless monsters living in the depths of the mountains, and the journey from south to north is really extremely dangerous!

Wang Chen: "I know very well."

Xu Hongcai asked again: "Then do you know about the Fanshan Society?"

"Mountain-climbing meeting?"

Wang Chen really didn't know, he had never heard of it.

Xu Hongcai said: "If you want to climb Yulong Mountain, joining the Mountain Trek Club is the best choice."

The Mountain Crossing Society is not a sect or a gang, but a monk organization founded by a group of monks who intend to cross the Jade Dragon Mountain.

It can also be said to be a mutual aid alliance.

Fanshanhui has a long history in Feixian City, and it is no longer possible to know who the original founder was.

However, the Fanshan Society organizes a group of monks to enter the mountain every year to break through the barriers and open up the passage to the West Sea Spiritual Realm.

In fact, this channel has always existed, but it often changes, so it needs to be led by an experienced ferryman to deal with various unexpected situations.

The ferrymen in the Fanshan Club are the best guides. They are not only familiar with the environment in the mountains, but also have some communication with the big monsters and even the monster kings in Yulong Mountain.

It's just that the Fanshan Society has always been hidden very deeply. Ordinary monks neither understand nor have channels to join.

"I know a ferryman from the Fanshan Club."

Xu Hongcai said: "I can recommend you to join the team to climb the mountain next year."

Wang Chen was overjoyed immediately: "Thank you fellow daoist!"

If you have broken through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!

He has been here for a while, Feixian City has become White Tiger City, but he still can't find the way.

Wang Chen even thought about going into the mountains alone to explore the way if it really didn't work.

But this is a choice of last resort, and it is not worth taking such a risk unless you have no other choice.

Now that Xu Hongcai took the initiative to provide such a channel, what a surprise!

"Don't thank me first."

Xu Hongcai said sternly: "Fanshan Club will charge people to go to the mountain, three thousand for Zifu, ten thousand for Qi training, 100% safety is not guaranteed, you have to think carefully."

If it was free, then Wang Chen still wouldn't believe it!

He happily replied, "Three thousand is not expensive."

"Three thousand?"

Xu Hongcai was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Practicing Qi is 10,000 spirit stones."

Wang Chen smiled without saying a word.

Xu Hongcai was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized: "You, you, you are the master of Zifu!"

The middle-aged monk was stuttering, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

Wang Chen silently dissipated the hidden spirit technique that blessed him, and the aura belonging to the cultivator of the Zifu appeared instantly!

Usually, whether he is going out or opening a shop to sell, he hides his true cultivation.

On the one hand, it is to avoid attracting attention and causing unnecessary trouble.

In addition, it is also to brush up the skill experience value of Hidden God Art.

And now is not the time to hide!

Xu Hongcai wiped the sweat from his forehead, saluted respectfully and said, "I have offended you."

He was very disturbed.

Although Wang Chen looks easy to speak, who can guarantee that he won't turn his face?

Xu Hongcai couldn't help but sweat profusely when he thought of his unrestrained behavior in front of Wang Chen before!

"Fellow Daoist speaks too seriously."

Wang Chen picked up the wine jar and poured a glass of spiritual wine for Xu Hongcai: "Friends, regardless of cultivation level, come and drink this glass!"

Xu Hongcai settled down, holding up the wine glass with both hands: "Thank you fellow daoist, I'll drink this glass to the brim!"

After drinking a glass of spiritual wine, the atmosphere between the two regained harmony and harmony.

Xu Hongcai sighed in his heart.

Wang Chen broke through and opened a family at such a young age. With such a talent, he is also a generation of arrogance in the sect.

He had the intention of making friends and flattering him in his heart, so he had a drink with Wang Chen and exchanged witty remarks from time to time.

This New Year's Eve dinner lasted until midnight.

That night, Xu Hongcai stayed in Wang Chen's talisman shop.

He didn't dare to stay longer, so he left on the first morning of the next New Year's Day, and made an agreement with Wang Chen that once he contacted the ferryman of the Fanshan Club, he would immediately arrange a meeting between the two parties.

Wang Chen was not in a hurry, and continued his practice after the new year.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xu Hongcai appeared at the door of the store again.

He told Wang Chen that he had already negotiated with the ferryman of the Fanshanhui, and agreed to meet in the Star Picking Pavilion tonight.

Fanshan Club has requirements for "customers", and it is not enough to give spirit stones to join the team. They also need to assess the cultivation and strength of "newcomers" and understand the latter's personality and temper.

After the team entered the mountain, they faced unpredictable dangers all the time. If there was a pig teammate in it, it might kill the whole team.

This kind of situation has happened many times in the past, so Fanshan will uphold the purpose of Ning Que Wu Lan.

If Wang Chen can't meet their requirements, it's useless to pay several times more spirit stones!

Xu Hongcai made this point clear to Wang Chen.

Of course Wang Chen wouldn't mind.

So under the recommendation of Xu Hongcai, he came to the biggest restaurant in Baihu City at night.

I saw the ferryman Xu Hongcai was talking about.

The meeting between the two parties went smoothly, and Wang Chen revealed his cultivation and his second-order Fenglei sword.

Prove that you won't be a drag on the team.

In the end, he got a mountain-climbing order!


The first one is sent.

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