Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 322 Mountain Oni (Part 1)

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the night is as cool as water.

The Tiger Temple was quiet, and many monks camped in the main hall had fallen asleep.

In the past few days, their mental pressure was very high.

I haven't had a good rest all the way.

Although monks can stay awake for a long time, their souls will also be exhausted and need to relax and recover.

This tiger temple gave them a long-lost sense of security.

Therefore, many monks slept very soundly.

"Tan Lang~"

The faint call made Tan Zhiwen suddenly wake up from his sleep.

He subconsciously turned over and sat up, holding a talisman in his hand.

"Tan Lang ~"

The next moment, Tan Zhiwen heard the same voice again.

This time he was able to confirm that he was awake and did not experience auditory hallucinations.

Tan Zhiwen was in a trance for a while.

Because the voice was so familiar, it easily awakened the memory buried deep in his heart.


Tan Zhiwen murmured, his eyes showing a dull look.

Xiaojuan was his childhood sweetheart, who died in an accident many years ago.

Over the years, Tan Zhiwen has never forgotten the other party, and even rejected several female cultivators who favored him.

"Where are you?"

"Tan Lang, I'm here."

Xiaojuan's voice whispered like weeping, floating and piercing through her heart, making Tan Zhiwen unable to contain the flood of longing in his heart.

He opened the curtain of the tent, and his figure flew out of the main hall like an arrow from the string.

Appeared in the courtyard outside.

The watery moonlight fell on Tan Zhiwen's body, as if covering him with a silver gauze.

The monk who had perfected his Qi training opened his eyes wide, showing an expression of disbelief.

He saw his long-gone lover, standing pretty and alive ten steps away, smiling gently.

"Xiao Juan!"

Tan Zhiwen couldn't help but burst into tears, his feet seemed to be poured with ten thousand catties of mercury, and he moved forward with great difficulty.

At this moment, in the monk's mind, there is nothing but the lover in front of him.

Therefore, Tan Zhiwen couldn't find that a "little ghost" was lying on his back.

This "little devil" is about the size of a two or three-year-old child, with a large head and a thin body. His skin is leaden gray and wrinkled like an old orange peel.

It hugged Tan Zhiwen's neck tightly with its slender hands, and sniffed the back of Tan Zhiwen's head with its upturned pig nose, sucking out traces of pure white breath.

After inhaling a few times, the expression of the "little ghost" became intoxicated, and dark red blood vessels protruded from under the gray skin.

Around Tan Zhiwen, there are four or five monks in the same situation.

They voluntarily left the main hall where the defensive circle was arranged, and all of them carried imps who sucked energy on their backs.

This scene is so strange, if ordinary people saw it, they would be scared out of their wits!

And just as Tan Zhiwen ran out, Wang Chen broke away from his cultivation state.

There is a situation!

His incomparably keen intuition was sounding a warning, warning of the imminent danger.

Wang Chen noticed that the surrounding space was filled with an evil aura. Although he couldn't penetrate his vajra body, the chill stimulated his skin, causing goosebumps to appear!

At the same time, he heard an inexplicable whisper in his ears.


A divine light flashed in Wang Chen's eyes, and he raised his hand and shot four evil spirit talismans in the southeast, northwest and four directions.

Four clusters of white aura burst out suddenly, and the pure and upright aura instantly covered the entire tent, and at the same time dispelled the invading evil chill.

The murmur disappeared.

"What happened?"

Li Yi'an, who was sleeping next to him, woke up with a start, holding a magic weapon in his hand.

Wang Chen replied in a deep voice, "There is something evil."

He jumped up suddenly, raised his hand and put the tent into the storage bag.

And Wang Chen wasn't the only one who found out that something was wrong.


Accompanied by a sharp shout, the defensive array arranged in the hall suddenly emitted thousands of rays of light, and the magic power surged, covering everyone.

The leader of the ferrymen, the monk surnamed Xu, had all his beard and hair, and there was a frightening look in his eyes.

He suddenly crushed a jade talisman.

A group of clear and bright spiritual light unfolded silently, flooding every inch of space in the hall in an instant.


A teeth-piercing hiss suddenly sounded, and several groups of distorted black shadows appeared.

Then it was wiped out and annihilated by the aura!

At this time, everyone found that there were fewer people in the hall.

The cultivator surnamed Xu grabbed a magic sword and rushed out of the hall: "Everyone, come with me to kill evil and demons!"

Some monks followed without thinking, while others hesitated and did not move.

"I'll go out and have a look."

Wang Chen held Li Yi'an's hand and said in a low voice, "Stay here and protect yourself."

Although they are half-way couples who each get what they need, in Wang Chen's subconscious, Li Yi'an is his woman.

It is also the object of his protection.

Even if the cultivation level of this female cultivator is actually one level higher than Wang Chen's!

Li Yi'an's eyes sparkled, and there was an indescribable tenderness in his eyes.

Wang Chen let go of his hand, and flied ten feet away.

When he came outside, he immediately saw a dozen monks standing in the courtyard.

These monks were stiff and unable to move, all of them seemed to have lost their souls, and there was a twisted and rolling black air sticking to their backs, which looked extraordinarily weird.


Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen played out twelve evil-suppressing charms without thinking.

At the same time, he inspired the real hole technique.

Hole True Art is an upgraded spell of Spiritual Eye Art, a skill at the Zifu level, and Wang Chen has already mastered the realm of Xiaocheng.

This spell, combined with one's own spiritual consciousness, can see through emptiness, detect demons, and gain insight into reality. When cultivated to the highest level, all ghosts and monsters can show their true colors!

As soon as the real hole technique was activated, the scene Wang Chen "seeed" suddenly changed.

Attached to the backs of these monks were ugly and ferocious evil spirits.

Each head is at least Heiyou level, which is equivalent to high-level Qi training!

Some monks even have two ends hanging on their bodies.

They are desperately absorbing something.

The twelve Suppressing Evil Talismans played by Wang Chen flew onto the backs of the four monks respectively.

One person got three tickets.

Suppressing evil talismans are more powerful exorcism talismans than evil warding talismans. Before these talismans get close, they suddenly turned into balls of aura and bombarded the possessed evil spirits.


There was a tooth-piercing scream, and the four evil spirits were blown away by the evil-suppressing talisman and almost collapsed, and the evil power melted away like snow under the sun's rays.

These evil spirits immediately shifted their targets and rushed towards Wang Chen one after another!

Hatred is full.

Wang Chenyi was not afraid, he concentrated his mana in his right palm, and the character "Zhen" suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.


The first one is sent.

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